
  • 网络VAT;VAT rate
  1. 随着经济增长放缓和失业率上升,提高增值税税率可能对消费这一法国长期以来的增长引擎造成毁灭性打击。

    As the economy slows and unemployment rises , higher VAT could deal a damaging blow to consumption , long the motor of French growth .

  2. 主要货币区唯一遭遇通胀问题的国家是英国,而这主要是英国自己造成的增值税税率上调以及2008-09年英镑大幅而低调贬值的被低估的效应。

    The only entity in the main currency areas with an inflation problem is the UK and that is largely self-inflicted , reflecting VAT increases and the under-estimated effects of the large but silent 2008-09 depreciation of sterling .

  3. 增值税税率的经济学分析

    Economic analysis of the tax rate for the added value tax

  4. 交通运输业适用的增值税税率为11%。

    The VAT rate applicable to the transportation sector is11 percent .

  5. 萨科齐可能认为,他可以把提高增值税税率宣扬为一项支持法国工业的爱国举措。

    Mr Sarkozy may believe he can sell higher VAT as a patriotic move to bolster French industry .

  6. 您好!坚果的税号是08029049,关税税率为24%,增值税税率为13%。

    Hello . the customs code of nut is : 08029049 , customs duty rate is 24 % , value added rate is 13 % .

  7. 长期以来,这种方法一直受到欧盟委员会的青睐,却遭到成员国的抵制,它们担心这会要求统一增值税税率。

    This approach has long been favoured by the Commission but rejected by member states , which fear it would require harmonisation of VAT rates .

  8. 其它不利因素包括:中东政局不稳,欧元区利率走高,以及从明年1月起德国增值税税率劲增3个百分点等。

    Other adverse factors include political instability in the Middle East , rising eurozone interest rates and a hefty three-point rise in German value-added tax from next January .

  9. 例如,英国和芬兰(程度较英国轻一些)降低了增值税税率,而匈牙利和爱尔兰等国则提高了增值税税率。

    The UK and , to a lesser extent Finland , cut value-added tax rates , for example , while other countries , such as Hungary and Ireland , raised their VAT rates .

  10. 希腊财政部正面临加快财政和结构改革的压力,包括进一步提高增值税税率,以满足2011年和2012年减少预算赤字的目标。

    The Greek finance ministry is under pressure to accelerate fiscal and structural reforms , including a further increase in value added tax , in order to meet the budget deficit reduction targets for 2011 and 2012 .

  11. 增税措施包括,针对200万欧元以上企业年利润的企业所得税税率提高2.5个百分点,至27.5%,上调增值税税率1个百分点,至21%,上调个人所得税税率至多1.5个百分点。

    The tax rises include a 2.5 percentage point increase in corporate tax to 27.5 per cent on annual profits above € 2m , a 1 percentage point increase in value-added tax to 21 per cent and increases of up to 1.5 percentage points in income tax .

  12. 应该是收入所得额乘以增值税的税率17%。

    Should be income gains specified amount takes the tax rate with value added tax 17 % .

  13. 从而以高收率得到带各种取代基的环丙烷。应该是收入所得额乘以增值税的税率17%。

    A variety of cyclopropanes are thus produced in good yield . Should be income gains specified amount takes the tax rate with value added tax 17 % .

  14. 本文主要结论:一是增值税低税率税负起着反向的调节作用,增值税基本税率税负影响较小,而营业税、消费税则起着正向的调节作用。

    Main conclusions of this paper : First , it can be found that for the distribution of income , low value-added tax rate plays a reverse role in regulating . The influence of the general rate of value-added tax is less than the business tax .

  15. 建筑业实施增值税制度设计中税率的设计应使得该行业总体税负水平保持与现行营业税3%的税负基本不变。

    The implementation of value-added tax in the tax system in construction industry should be designed to keep the industry overall tax burden level as much as the current business tax which is 3 % .

  16. 在对交通运输业改征增值税的具体税制设计过程中,首先明确了几项原则:不增加企业的税收负担;不增加增值税税率档次;不造成财政收入的大幅减少。

    In the specific tax design process , we must make clear several principals : not to increase the tax burden ; not to increase the VAT rate grade ; not to cause a significant reduction in revenue .