
  • 网络wall decoration
  1. 在目前的建筑装饰装修中,墙面装饰装修越来越重要。

    In the current architectural decoration , wall decoration becomes more and more important .

  2. 室内墙面装饰材料是建筑装饰的重要组成部分,是目前新型建材的发展热点和重要的发展领域。

    Interior wall decoration materials , one of the important parts of construction , is of great importance for social development .

  3. 1.indoora.户内的,室内的这家工厂制造室内布质墙面装饰。

    This factory manufactures indoor textile wallcovering .

  4. 广州地铁车站采用了搪瓷板墙板系统作为墙面装饰板。

    Guangzhou Metro station has used enamelware steel cladding panel systems decoration panel for it wall .

  5. 铝合金穿孔条板是现代建筑中一种新型的吊顶及墙面装饰材料。

    Perforate aluminum ceiling strips is a new decorative material of ceiling and wall in modem buildings .

  6. 家具、家居摆设、创意灯饰、装饰画、墙面装饰、园林艺术、藤铁工艺品、软装饰品等;

    Furniture , household decoration , creative lighting , ornament photos , metope adornment , garden art , cane & iron handicraft , soft decoration .

  7. 外墙滚花弹性涂料配套是一种适合于用在旧面砖、锦砖外墙维护翻新和一般新旧水泥墙面装饰的水性涂料。

    The matching product of exterior wall beading elastic emulsion paint is a decorative water paint which is suitable for retrofit of old glazed tile and mosaic tile and for new or old cement wall .

  8. 对铁路大站内墙面装饰改造的施工方案进行了探讨,介绍了干粉砂浆胶结剂的性能特点和使用方法,取得了理想的装饰效果。

    This article discussed the construction plan of inner wall decoration reconstruction of railway station and introduces the characteristics and method of application of dry mortar grouting agent , which results in ideal effect of decoration .

  9. 墓内的四个房间,只有墓室的墙面有装饰。

    Of the tomb 's four rooms , only the walls of the burial chamber are decorated .

  10. 装修材料的质感、线条图案及色彩设计三方面因素对墙面的装饰装修效果有重要影响。

    Decoration materials , texture , line pattern and color have major impact on the wall decoration effect .

  11. 两种吸音板常用于墙面或天花装饰。

    Two sound-absorbing panels commonly used in the walls or ceilings decoration .

  12. 同时苯也是一种主要的室内空气污染物,室内空气中的苯主要来源于油漆、墙面涂料、装饰材料等。

    BZ is also an indoor environmental toxicant which comes from furniture painting , wall painting and decoration materials .

  13. 会议厅主席台背景墙、会议厅装饰壁画;酒店内宴会厅、中西餐厅、酒吧、休闲会所等场所的墙面及天花装饰。

    Conference hall , a conference hall rostrum setting wall mural , Hotel ballroom , Chinese and western restaurants , bars , leisure clubs of the place such as metope and smallpox decoration .

  14. 墙面由人造大理石装饰。

    where walls are decorated in faux marble patterns .

  15. 两个主卧的布置都别具匠心,其中一个主卧的墙面以镜砖装饰。

    The two master bedrooms are striking , one covered in mirrored tiles .

  16. 您瞧,这墙面的刻花和装饰,一般都是花草图案的。

    Look , the carved patterns on the walls mostly take the shape of flowers and plants .