
  • 网络Tomb architecture;Cemeteries
  1. 以典型的贵族墓葬建筑、皇陵建筑为研究对象。

    A typical Tombs building , Mausoleum construction for the study .

  2. 各个时代的皇陵墓葬建筑,按地域、按等级差别加以论述故而条理分明。

    Mausoleum burial buildings of every age , by region , by class differences to be discussed in Guer coherent .

  3. 明清时期是封建社会的中晚期,在中华文明的形成和发展中扮演了重要的角色,这一时期墓葬建筑达到最为辉煌鼎盛的时期。

    Ming and Qing period in the late feudal society , in the formation and development of Chinese civilization played an important role in this period the most splendid tomb architecture reached its peak period .

  4. 文章结合古代文献资料、近现代相关课题研究成果、古建筑断代史和中国墓葬建筑断代史的研究成果,尝试对中国明清时期皇家墓葬建筑文化进行全面而直观的探讨。

    In combination with the ancient literature , modern and contemporary topics related to research , ancient buildings dating history and the Chinese tombs dating architectural history research , try the Royal Tombs of Ming and Qing Dynasties of China architectural culture of a comprehensive and intuitive .

  5. 酒店里面有一个类似古埃及斯芬克斯的巨大雕像,和一个类似图坦卡门国王墓葬的建筑。

    There is a huge statue like an ancient Egyptian sphinx , and a burial place like that of King Tutankhamen .

  6. 画像砖是指模印有画像或花纹并经过烧制的建筑构件,它主要:是作为墓葬的建筑材料使用的,也有少量的用于宫殿建筑。

    Portrayal bricks refer to the bricks which were of portrait or decorative pattern and were used in tombs as the constructive materials .

  7. 内与外虚与实&五代、宋墓葬中仿木建筑的空间表达

    Inner and Outer , Empty and Tangible : The Expression of Space in Imitation Timber Architecture in Five Dynasty and Song Tombs