
  1. Sirens(塞壬),人面鸟身的海妖,会用她们天籁般的歌喉诱惑过路的航海者而使航船触礁沉没。

    Sirens were bird-women who lived by the sea and would use their magical voices to lure sailors to their deaths .

  2. 当塞壬遭遇奥德修斯&论阿多诺的音乐美学

    When Siren Encountered Odysseus : on Adorno 's Aesthetics of Music

  3. 克瑞托斯发现并且消灭了第三个也是最后一个塞壬。

    Kratos finds and destroys the third and final siren .

  4. 奥德修斯和他的水手逃离了塞壬。

    Odysseus and his sailors managed to escape the sirens .

  5. 当我听到这样的塞壬歌唱,

    for when I hear such Sirens sing ,

  6. 雅典娜:你必须发现并且消灭最后的一个塞壬,在你的通道打开之前。

    Athena : You must find and destroy the final Siren before you may pass .

  7. 也听到塞壬的笛音。

    And heard the song of siren .

  8. 无弦琴与塞壬之歌

    Lira Without Cord and Song of Seins

  9. (希腊神话中的)塞壬(半鸟半女人的怪物,常用美妙的歌声引诱航海者触礁毁灭)。

    ( in Greek mythology ) siren ( one of a number of winged women whose songs lured sailors to their destruction )

  10. 她唱着最甜蜜最坚持不懈的歌曲,正如塞壬试图令奥德修斯和他的手下迷惑,让航船触礁沉没。

    It sings its sweetest , most insistent song , like the Sirens trying to draw Odysseus and his crew onto the rocks .

  11. 镜子中像塞壬一样的妖娆女人是女人为了提醒他们,女人令人无法抗拒的美丽与力量来自于她们的声音,她们的语言以及她们的美貌。

    The sirens are also found on mirror stands for women to remind them that their beauty and powers of irresistibility are of voice and words as well as appearance .

  12. 古希腊海神波塞冬和古罗马海神尼普顿常常被描述成半人半鱼的形象。荷马在讲述奥德修斯的海上征程时提到了塞壬,只可惜他并没有对其外形作具体描述。

    Poseidon and Neptune were often depicted as half-man and half-fish , and Homer mentions the Sirens during the voyage of Odysseu although he fails to give a physical description .

  13. 然而,奥德修斯为了聆听塞壬的歌声而让手下将自己绑缚在桅杆上,但不会驾驶航船至危险状况。

    However , Odysseus first had his men tie him to the mast , so he could hear the Sirens but would be unable to steer the ship in to danger .