
  • 网络semele
  1. 他的女儿塞墨勒和伊诺,他的孙儿阿克特翁和彭透斯都死于非命。

    Semele and ino , his daughters , and Actaeon and pentheus , his grandchildren , all perished unhappily .

  2. 《塞墨勒》是为其广泛的受众而精心挑选的:欲望,野心和嫉妒的主题是永恒而且普遍适用的。

    Semele was carefully selected for its broad appeal : the themes of lust , ambition and jealousy are timelessly and universally pertinent .

  3. 于是,塞墨勒说明她的要求的具体内容。侵权行为造成巨额(未说明具体数额)经济损失。

    Then she made known her request . It is seeking significant ( though unspecified ) financial damages .

  4. 朱诺对夺走丈夫的恩爱的新情敌恨之入骨,想出一个计谋,打算置塞墨勒于死地。

    But juno , to gratify her resentment against this new rival for her lord 's affections , contrived a plan for her destruction .