
tǎ ěr
  • Thar;tal fibre
塔尔[tǎ ěr]
  1. 尚塔尔能保住她的事业算是走了运。

    Chantal was lucky to be able to salvage her career .

  2. 十几岁时,他上了塔尔斯山高中。

    As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School .

  3. 埃塔尔的修道士把修道院维护得很好。

    The monks of Ettal keep the abbey in good repair

  4. 她和尚塔尔肯定已经充分讨论过宝宝和衣服的问题。

    She and Chantal must have exhausted the subject of babies and clothes .

  5. 你知道通向塔尔萨的公路吗?去机场的路和它交会。

    Do you know the highway to Tulsa ? The airport road joins it .

  6. 尚塔尔跟马丁内谈起她短暂的婚姻。

    Chantal told Martine about her short-lived marriage .

  7. 尚塔尔让一堆火日夜不熄地一直燃着。

    Chantal kept a fire burning night and day

  8. 米塔尔辩称,HikeDirect非常适合此类用户。

    Mr Mittal argues Hike Direct is ideal for such users .

  9. 福斯塔尔是OSX操作系统的原始设计者之一,该操作系统在本世纪初拯救了苹果公司。

    Forstall was one of the original architects of OS X , the operating system that saved the company earlier this decade .

  10. 落叶松KP法制浆皂化物及塔尔油的加工

    Processing of Kraft Soap and Tall Oil from Chinese Larch Pulping

  11. 市场变化能释放之前难以获得的资源,例如作为米塔尔钢铁(mittalsteel)创建根基的私有钢铁厂。

    Market shifts can liberate previously unobtainable resources , such as the privatised steel mills that formed the foundation of Mittal Steel .

  12. 近年来,英国研究人员安迪•扬(AndyYoung)及其同事提出,科塔尔综合症患者的第二个要素出现了故障。

    In recent years , the UK researcher Andy Young and his colleagues have suggested that people with Cotard delusion have some kind of malfunction in the second of those elements .

  13. 东北湖区,莱茵斯贝格市附近,克莱因泽朗,MarinaWolfsbruch酒店外的游艇。巴伐利亚山区的韦特斯特恩山脉,在楚格峰上眺望霍伦塔尔富纳冰川。

    Overhead of houseboats at Marina Wolfsbruch , Kleinzerlang , near Rheinsberg , North Brandenburg Lake District .

  14. 同年,应卡塔尔贵族的要求,与英国人谈判终止了AlKhalifa对塔尔的要求。

    That year , at the request of Qatari nobles , the British negotiated the termination of the Al Khalifa claim to Qatar .

  15. 然而,通过像力拓(riotinto)那样与中国达成交易来融资是否也是其中一种可取的选择,值得阿塞洛-米塔尔三思。

    Yet should one of those options to raise money be via a Rio tinto-style deal with China , ArcelorMittal should think again .

  16. RabbiAbrahamCooper是西蒙·维森塔尔中心副主任,他说仇恨网站越来越多地针对宗教少数派。

    Rabbi Abraham Cooper is associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center . He says hate websites increasingly target religious minorities .

  17. 卡琳·威兰(KarinWieland)和谢莉·弗里施(ShellyFrisch),《迪特里希和里芬施塔尔:好莱坞、柏林和两种生活的一个世纪》(DietrichandRiefenstahl:Hollywood,Berlin,andaCenturyinTwoLives,Liveright出版社)评论书籍

    Karin Wieland and Shelly Frisch , " Dietrich and Riefenstahl : Hollywood , Berlin , and a Century in Two Lives " ( Liveright )

  18. 环己酮生产中皂化废碱液的中和处理与综合利用落叶松KP法制浆皂化物及塔尔油的加工

    Neutralization and Comprehensive Utilization of Waste Saponification Lye from Cyclohexanone Production Processing of Kraft Soap and Tall Oil from Chinese Larch Pulping

  19. 按收入计算为全球最大钢铁集团的安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)两年前放弃在印度兴建一座大型工厂。

    ArcelorMittal , the world 's largest steel group by revenue , scrapped a big plant two years back .

  20. 她本人就体现了Chloé的精神,维塔尔女士说。

    She embodies that Chlo é spirit herself , Ms. Vitale said .

  21. 但在这个行业,安赛乐米塔尔在中国正面临其他顶级车用钢材生产商的激烈竞争,比如宝钢(baosteel)等中国钢铁企业和日本新日铁(nipponsteel)。

    However in this industry in China , ArcelorMittal is facing tough competition from other top producers of automotive steel such as Chinese steelmakers including Baosteel and Nippon Steel of Japan .

  22. 去年10月,OrbitalATK制造的安塔尔(Antares)火箭在弗吉尼亚州的发射台上爆炸。

    In October , an Antares rocket , built by Orbital ATK , exploded on the launching pad in Virginia .

  23. 此外,它还对大型矿业集团和安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)、宝钢集团(Baosteel)等钢企的盈利能力有着重要影响。

    It is also key to the profitability of large mining groups as well as steelmakers , including ArcelorMittal and Baosteel of China .

  24. 钢铁公司恢复了交叉持股模式,这样才能避免被印度阿赛洛•米塔尔钢铁公司(ArcelorMittal)或者中国企业一口吞掉。

    Steel companies are renewing cross-shareholdings so that Arcelor Mittal of India or Chinese firms don 't gobble them up .

  25. 二月,当饱受争议的董事长弗拉维奥·布里亚托利(FlavioBriatore)辞职后,米塔尔进一步追加了投资。

    Mittal upped his stake in February just as its controversial chairman Flavio Briatore quit .

  26. 阿塞洛-米塔尔28%的股权系从中国钢铁公主陈宁宁(DianaChen)手中购得,后者在今夏一次恶意收购努力受挫后,脱售其所持股份。

    ArcelorMittal bought its 28 per cent stake from Diana Chen , China 's Iron Princess , who is disposing of her holding in the company after a failed hostile take - over attempt this summer .

  27. 全球最大的钢铁公司安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)此前已经与淡水河谷敲定了涨价65%-71%的长期协议。

    ArcelorMittal , the world 's largest steelmaker , settled early with Vale on long-term contracts at the65 % - to-71 % price rise .

  28. 里克·伊顿是西蒙·维森塔尔中心仇恨团体研究的一位研究员,他所在的这个中心监视如推特和Facebook等的社交网站,并为执法机构发布一个在线研究的应用程序。

    Rick Eaton is a researcher on hate groups with the Simon Wiesenthal Center , which monitors social sites such as Twitter and Facebook , and distributes an online research app - or application - to law enforcement agencies .

  29. 当米塔尔今年开始在Clever上班时,公司在把他介绍给其他同事的邮件中说,他对Soylent非常着迷。

    When Mr. Mittal started working at Clever this year , the company declared in an email introducing him to colleagues that he was an avid Soylent user .

  30. 全球最大的钢铁生产商安赛乐米塔尔(ArcelorMittal)今年2月宣布去年亏损近80亿美元,并将其归咎于来自中国的竞争。

    ArcelorMittal , the world 's largest steel maker , announced an annual loss of nearly $ 8 billion in February , blaming Chinese competition .