
sù xìnɡ zhǐ shù
  • plasticity index
  1. 通过对黄土湿陷性影响因素的综合分析,认为湿陷性影响因素可以用宏观物理指标含水量(w)、孔隙比(e0)和塑性指数(IP)表示。

    On the basis of general analysis of the factors affecting loess collapsibility , it is believed that the physical factors mainly are water content , void ratio and plasticity index .

  2. 试验与理论计算结果表明,用塑性指数的降低来表征ISS减小红色黏土结合水膜是可行的、有效的。

    The experimental and theoretical calculations show that the reduction of plasticity index to determine ISS reducing adsorbed water of red clay is feasible and effective .

  3. 试验测定了A,B,C三种不同配比的缓凝砂浆静态塑性指数,分析了温度、龄期、复合缓凝剂的掺量及不同水泥品种对缓凝砂浆的缓凝时间的影响。

    The static plasticity coefficient of retarding mortar of three different proportions ( A , B , C ) are tested in this paper , and the effect of temperature , age , addition of compound retardant and different cement type on retarding setting time of retarding mortar .

  4. 结果表明,中膨胀土经CMA改性后,其自由膨胀率由改性前的71%下降到20%左右,液限和塑性指数也显著降低,亲水能力大幅度下降;

    Compared with unmodified sample , the free swelling ratio of the modified samples lowers from 71 % to about 20 % ; its liquid limit and plastic index also decrease obviously ;

  5. 在不同的塑性指数和载荷条件下,该模型与GW弹性模型和CEB弹塑性模型就实际接触面积和法向距离的预测结果进行了对比。

    The model developed is compared with the GW elastic model and CEB elastic-plastic model on their predicted real contact area and mean separation for a wide range of contact load and plasticity index .

  6. 试验结果表明,CMA改性土的工程特性与石灰改性土具有相似的规律性:改性后自由膨胀率、液限、塑性指数和胶粒含量显著降低;

    The test result indicates that the engineering property of CMA-treated soil possesses the similar regularity with the soil modified with lime . Compared with unmodified soils , the free swelling ratio , liquid limit , plastic index and clay fraction decrease obviously .

  7. 饱和软粘土的塑性指数对其压缩变形参数的影响

    Effect of plasticity index of saturated soft clay on its deformation parameters

  8. 成型条件的探索:包括不同尾矿掺量的混合料的塑性指数、成型压力以及成型水分。

    Exploration of forming conditions : Plasticity of different tailings content ; Forming pressure ; Forming water .

  9. 水泥搅拌桩对高含水量和高塑性指数软土的加固效果研究及其应用

    Investigation and Application of Cement-mixed Piles for Reinforcement of High Water Content and High Plastic Index Soft Clay

  10. 由于膨胀土的粘粒含量高、塑性指数大,其流变特征非常明显。

    And the rheological characteristics of expansive soil are quite obvious with high clay content and plasticity index .

  11. 试验结果表明:细集料中泥土质量分数与泥土塑性指数对沥青混合料水稳定性影响显著;

    The test results indicate that clay dosage and plasticity index influence the water stability of asphalt mixture significantly .

  12. 指出了地基承载力与塑性指数的关系,探讨了黄土地基工程分类。

    The relationship between foundation bearing capacity and plasticity indexes is pointed out , and discusses loess foundations engineering classification .

  13. 考虑表面膜及热效应时粗糙表面的塑性指数和接触性能

    On the expression of plastic index and the analysis of contact characteristics of rough surfaces considering the surface film and thermal effect

  14. 起始基质吸力与液限、塑性指数及粘粒含量呈线性规律变化;

    The first matrix suction is changed along with liquid limit , plasticity index and clay pellet content in a manner of linear regularity .

  15. 这种影响将随椭圆比的增加而增加,在研究摩擦表面变形特征时必须考虑这一影响。本文提供的修正塑性指数表达式为进行滑动接触时的接触性能分析提供了有力的工具。

    The revised plastic index proposed in the paper will be the helpful foundations to analyze the deformation behaviour of rough surface at sliding contact .

  16. 以粉砂质页岩为主要原材料,经塑化剂作用下的陈化处理,可显著改善粉砂质页岩烧结砖混合料的塑性指数。

    After aging , the plasticity index of the plasticized mixed row material , most of which is silty shale , can be greatly improved .

  17. 研究结果:滑带土的峰值强度和残余强度比较接近,成线性关系;塑性指数能较好的用来估算残余强度。

    Research results : Residual strength of slip soil has linear regression with peak strength ; plastic index can be better used to estimate residual strength .

  18. 化学改良是工程中常用的处治方法,评价改良效果通常也采用土体的强度、胀缩性及塑性指数等指标。

    Chemical improvement is a common treatment method in engineering , and the strength , swell-shrinking property and plasticity index etc. of soil body are usually adopted to evaluate improvement effect .

  19. 研究表明:皖中地区膨胀土自由膨胀率与反映膨胀本质的指标蒙脱石含量,以及液限、塑性指数等间接性判别指标具有较好的相关性,可将其用作膨胀土判别与分类的指标;

    Its relationship with smectite content is preferable . Its relationship with liquid limit and plastic index are good too . These indices can be integrated for classification and identification of expansive soils .

  20. 该文在前人对土性研究的基础上,分析了粘粒在砂土抗液化中的作用,提出用塑性指数判断砂土液化更具有合理性的建议;

    Based on previous study of soil characters this paper analysed effect on sandy soil liquefaction by clay particle and suggested using plastic index to identify sandy soil liquefaction in a more reasonable sense .

  21. 土冻融后,密度、干密度及塑性指数略有降低,孔隙比、液性指数略有增大,而其它物理指标基本一致。

    When soil has suffered thawing , its density , dry density and plastic index decrease slightly , porosity ratio , liquid index increase slightly , and other physical index is constant on the whole .

  22. 试验研究发现,砂质粉土和塑性指数IP<7的粘质粉土,击实曲线呈多峰型或112峰型,压实性能较差。压实后的干密度和压实系数很难达到设计要求。

    The compaction curves of sandy silt and clayey silt that IP plasticity index less than seven will be of more than one peak values , dry density and compaction factor of compacted fill cannot satisfy the engineering .

  23. 结果表明:(1)三种缓凝砂浆各温度下的静态塑性指数都随龄期的增长而增大,说明缓凝砂浆在缓凝早期塑性指数小,触变性能好;

    The result shows : ( 1 ) the static plasticity of all the three kinds of retarding mortar increased with the age , it indicated that in the early set age , the plasticity coefficient of retarding mortar was low and the rheopexy was good ;

  24. 基于数据挖掘技术,利用因子分析法确定了黄土湿陷性的四个主因子,依次为干密度、含水率、孔隙比以及塑性指数,并对每个影响因子的影响程度做出评价。

    Based on data mining technology , identified four main factors of the collapsibility of loess by using factor analysis method , the factors is dry density , moisture content , void ratio and plasticity index , and then evaluated the impact degree of each impact factor .

  25. 次固结变形通常用次固结系数来表示,通过本文试验主要研究了影响次固结系数的因素,得出次固结系数与超固结比、压力和塑性指数的关系,并拟合得出其经验公式;

    Systematic test dates are achieved . 2 . Secondary consolidation deformation is usually expressed by coefficient of secondary consolidation . This paper mainly study the influencing factors of secondary consolidation coefficient and get the relationship between secondary consolidation coefficient and OCR , pressure and plasticity index .

  26. 为解决煤矸石在制作墙地砖中硬度较高、塑性指数较低、干燥线收缩较大和含碳量高等问题,将微波辐照技术应用于煤矸石建筑墙地砖预破碎和干燥工艺中。

    In order to solve such problems as high hardness , poor plasticity , large drying linear shrinkage and high carbon content of gangue in wall bricks and floor tiles , a microwave radiation techique is applied in the precrushing and drying process for manufacturing wall bricks and floor tiles .

  27. 结合屈服接近度(YAI)和塑性荷载指数(PLI)的概念,提出了破坏接近度(FAI)的新定义。

    On the basis of the YAI ( yield approach index ) and PLI ( plastic load index ), the new concept , FAI , is introduced .

  28. 裂尖应力场的奇异性与塑性硬化指数无关,不仅高于经典塑性理论中HRR场的应力奇异性,而且超过或等于平方根奇异性。

    The crack tip stress singularity in TNT plasticity is not only larger than that in HRR field in classical plasticity theory , but also exceeds or equals to the square-root singularity . Moreover , the stress singularity is independent of the plastic hardening exponent .

  29. 有限变形塑性的指数算法

    Exponential algorithm of Finite Deformation Elasto Plasticity at Large Strains

  30. 本文还在汇率塑性幂指数模型的自回归模型基础上,分别从塑性系数与自回归项系数的变动规律出发,研究其经济意义。

    In addition , based on the Auto Regression Model of the Exchange Rate Plasticity Power Exponent Model , this paper studies the economic significance of the exchange rate separately from the fluctuation rules of the plasticity coefficient and the auto regression coefficient .