
  • 网络Plastic Working;plastic processing;plastic forming
  1. 塑性加工对C(sf)/Al复合材料组织与性能的影响

    The Effect of Plastic Working on Micro-structure and Properties of Csf / Al Composite

  2. 开展了塑性加工对SiCp/Al复合材料微观组织影响的试验研究。

    The influence of plastic working on the microstructure of SiCp / Al composite was investigated .

  3. 功能块式智能化塑性加工CAD系统的研究

    Research on plastic forming CAD system intellectualized with functional blocks

  4. 因此在上引连铸铜坯时,控制残余P含量是改善连铸坯力学性能和塑性加工性能的主要工艺措施。

    So , proper P addition can better deoxidize the Cu materials and improve mechanical properties and machining performance .

  5. 塑性加工载荷和位移微机数据采集与处理系统C语言开发

    Development of a system of computer data collecting and processing for the load and displacement in plastic working area by the C programming language

  6. DEFORM~(TM)有限元分析系统及其在塑性加工中的应用

    DEFORM ~ ( MT ) FEM Analysis System and Its Application in Plastic Forming

  7. 基于Marc的金属塑性加工有限元模拟

    Finite Element Simulation for Metal Plasticity Processing Based on Marc

  8. 该方法适用于其它塑性加工ES的建立以及相应CAD与ES的集成。

    This method can be applied to other expert systems of plastic working and integration of CAD and ES .

  9. 基于PowerBuilder的塑性加工企业管理信息系统的研究

    Management information system of plastic manufacture enterprises based on PowerBuilder

  10. 汽车覆盖件成形过程的数值模拟技术是金属塑性加工理论和工艺、计算力学、CAD技术、计算机图形学等多个学科相互交叉渗透的研究方向。

    The numerical simulation of automotive body panel forming is the research area of interdiscipline including metal plastic forming theory and process , computational mechanics , CAD technology , computer graphics , etc.

  11. 然而对这种亚微米晶Cu-Cr块体材料在塑性加工中的变形机制尚缺乏深入系统的研究。

    However , little research has been done on the deformation mechanism in the process of plasticity working .

  12. 采用塑性加工方法,本文初步探索了预变形对PREP高温合金粉末及热等静压后合金显微组织的影响。

    By plastic processing method , the effects of pre-deformation on the microstructures of PREP powders and the HIPed alloys were studied .

  13. 但是,TiAl基合金的热塑性加工性能极差,有必要针对TiAl基合金的热塑性变形行为展开系统的研究,以寻求合理的解决方法。

    However , the thermoplastic processing performance of TiAl based alloys is very poor . It is necessary to carry out detailed study on thermoplastic deformation behavior .

  14. 搅拌摩擦加工(FSP)是基于搅拌摩擦焊提出的一种塑性加工技术。

    Friction stir processing ( FSP ) which put forward basing on friction stir welding is aplastic processing technology .

  15. 依据实验结果,可对LD10塑性加工时的微观组织及性能进行预测及控制,同时为实现铝合金组织控制变形提供了依据。

    It can provide theoretical basis for achievement structure control deformation of aluminium alloy .

  16. 通过分析合金取向分布函数(ODF)及其反极图,研究了塑性加工率与时效处理过程对Cu-Cr-Zr合金线材织构组分及其择优程度的影响;

    Texture variation of Cu-Cr-Zr alloy during the drawing and aging process was studied by analyzing the orientation distributing function ( ODF ) and the inverse pole figure of the Cu-Cr-Zr wire .

  17. 试验数据表明,加工率对时效Cu-Cr-Zr合金电导率有一定影响,75%左右的塑性加工率,会使Cu-Cr-Zr合金电导率下降3% ̄5%IACS,因此要合理安排时效处理前后的塑性变形量。

    Experimental data indicates that 75 % working rate reduces the conductivity about 3 % ~ 5 % IACS , the scheduled working rate before and after aging treatment should be arranged rationally .

  18. 研究了PVAL牌号、成型工艺、用量及水分对共混体系热塑性加工性能和拉伸性能的影响。

    The effects of PVAL type , processing technology , PVAL content and water content on the thermoplastic process-ability and the tensile property were studied .

  19. 回弹制约冲压件的尺寸精度、模具设计、成本和生产效率,是金属塑性加工研究的热点和难点,普遍存在于板料成形中,同样存在于L截面型负的压弯过程中。

    Springback constraints the dimensional accuracy , die design , the cost and the production efficiency , and it was one of the hot spots and difficulties in metal and plastic processing research . Springback is a universal phenomenon in sheet metal forming process as well as profile .

  20. 金属塑性加工学多媒体教学软件的开发

    Development of CAI Software for " Metal Plastic Forming Process "

  21. 先进塑性加工技术发展中的非均匀变形效应

    Effect of unequal deformation in development of advanced plastic processing technologies

  22. 塑性加工方法在粉末高温合金中的探索研究

    Application study of plastic processing method in P / M superalloys

  23. 圆环坐标轴对称问题及其在塑性加工中的应用

    The toroidal coordinate system and its use in metal forming processes

  24. 粉末冶金材料典型塑性加工工艺力学分析

    Mechanical Calculation of Several Plastic Forming Processes for Powder Metallurgical Materials

  25. 应力-应变状态对应图在塑性加工中的应用

    Application of Metal Plastics Forming the Corresponding Diagram on Stress-strain State

  26. 阐述了剪切塑性加工过程中急需开展的研究工作。

    The studies on plastic shearing working processes are also discussed .

  27. 第五届全国塑性加工理论及新技术开发学术会议

    The 5th Symposium on plastic deformation theory and new technology development

  28. 振动塑性加工及其在轻合金成形中的应用

    Vibratory plastic forming process and its application in light alloy forming

  29. 因此,开展镁合金塑性加工技术的研究具有重要的意义。

    So , it is very important to develop plastic formation technology .

  30. 超声塑性加工系统的非线性动力学模型

    The Nonlinear Dynamic Models for the Ultrasonic Plastic Working System