
jī diào
  • keynote;mood;fundamental key;main key
基调 [jī diào]
  • (1) [main key]∶作品中主要的音调,一般用它开始或结束

  • (2) [keynote]∶主要观点;基本思想

  • 定下了会议的基调

基调[jī diào]
  1. 两家公司都没有提供什么细节,但电商专家表示,进军O2O服务(如餐厅点评网站、食品递送和打车应用)的举措,突显了该行业的基调转变。

    The two companies gave few specifics , but ecommerce experts said that the move into online-to-offline ( O2O ) services such as restaurant reviews sites , food delivery and car-hailing apps highlighted a fundamental key shift in the industry .

  2. 基调是一片蔚蓝,蓝色的马赛克、灰蓝色的地砖。

    Fundamental key is one azure , the floor tile of blue mosaic , bice .

  3. 这篇文章的基调是温和的,对争论双方的意见都予以表达。

    The article was moderate in tone and presented both sides of the case .

  4. 这个乐队的第三张专辑似乎表现更为节制、基调更为清晰。

    The band 's third album seems more disciplined and focussed

  5. 这座楼完全是现代主义风格:采用玻璃和铝质材料,以灰色作为基调。

    The building is impeccably modernist : glass , aluminium and grey .

  6. 她在梦中焦虑不安,反映了她白天生活的基调。

    Her dreams were troubled , reflecting the tenor of her waking hours .

  7. 这个故事的基调和内容打动了我。

    I was blown away by the tone and the quality of the story

  8. 从那时起,整个活动的基调开始变质。

    From then on the whole tone of the campaign began to degenerate .

  9. 苏哈托总统演讲的整个基调是强调连续性与稳定性。

    The whole tone of President Suharto 's speech was one of continuity and stability .

  10. 他的书基调一贯是负面消极的,有时还有点儿傲慢自大,且常常流于肤浅。

    The tone of his book is consistently negative , occasionally arrogant , and often superficial .

  11. 一幅漂亮的褪色仿旧粉色窗帘是房间色彩搭配的基调。

    A pair of pretty , faded pink antique curtains was the starting point for the room 's colour scheme .

  12. 她首先用一段流行音乐定下基调。

    She first set the mood with a piece of pop music .

  13. 装饰物与设计的基调不协调。

    The adornments do not cohere with the basic design .

  14. 如今结婚礼服的基调是素雅。

    Today the keynote of the wedding gown is simplicity .

  15. 他讲话的基调是团结。

    The keynote of his speech was unity .

  16. 争取联大通过的决议基调不低于去年。

    Ensure that the General Assembly adopt a resolution not less strong than those passed at the previous sessions .

  17. 近期公布的美国经济数据基调好转,以及美联储(federalreserve)的进一步宽松举措,也起到了提振标普指数的作用。

    A better tone in US economic data recently and further easing from the Federal Reserve have also bolstered the S & P.

  18. 加入WTO后,税收优惠对于吸引外资的作用已经相当有限,应当以产业政策为基调来制定外资税收优惠措施。

    And after we entered WTO , the tax preferences have less impact on attracting capital . Therefore we should determine the preference policy for foreign capital based on industry policy .

  19. 维加斯·罗瓦伊纳·唐·亚历杭德罗雪茄(VegasRobainaDonAlejandro),中等浓郁型,带有甜味及木质基调。

    Vegas Robaina Don Alejandro Medium bodied with sweet and woody undertones .

  20. 接下来Eckel又以同样的基调谈到了另一种编程语言:Java,他也揪出了Java的一些设计错误

    Talking about a different language but on the same tone , Eckel reiterates some of the design mistakes done with Java

  21. 刚刚连任德国总理的安哥拉默克尔(angelamerkel)表示,奥巴马使国际外交的基调向着对话的方向迅速改变。

    Angela Merkel , the newly re-elected German Chancellor , said Mr Obama had rapidly changed the tone of international diplomacy towards dialogue .

  22. 此番评论给财政大臣GeorgeOsborne先生将于11月29号发表的关于经济和公共财政问题的秋季演说奠定了基调。

    His comments laid the ground for the chancellor , George Osborne , who makes his autumn statement on the economy and public finances on November29th .

  23. 第二,国际协调与合作是国际关系的基调,G20能否成为全球治理中心还有待观察。

    Secondly , the international coordination and cooperation is the keynote of international relations , It will remain to be seen whether G20 will become the center of global governance or not .

  24. 但实践经验表明,最初选择有限的mpf计划设定了正确的基调,而且现在已经准备好接受更多投资选择了。

    However , experience suggests that the MPF , with its limited choice at the outset , set the right tone and is now ready to embrace greater choice .

  25. 3天获得了总值逾30亿美元的3份合同:对于已经习惯了爱立信(Ericsson)阴暗基调的投资者来说,这无疑是个好消息。

    Three new contracts in three days totalling more than $ 3bn : good news for Ericsson investors , used to a gloomy tone from the world 's biggest telecoms equipment maker .

  26. 年初的“阿拉伯之春(arabspring)”为全年定下了基调:在突尼斯和埃及政权垮台后,如今,利比亚的穆阿迈尔卡扎菲(muammergaddafi)被赶下了台,而叙利亚也爆发了动乱。

    The Arab Spring at the beginning of the year set the tone with the fall of the Tunisian and Egyptian regimes , now followed by the ousting of muammer Gaddafi in Libya and the insurrection in Syria .

  27. 他们合作的10本《警探马丁·贝克》系列小说是在1965到1975年之间完成的。1975年Wahl??逝世。这个系列为后来者奠定了基调。

    Their 10-book Martin Beck series , written between 1965 and 1975 , year of Wahl ? ? " s death , set the standard .

  28. 马克宾格利定下了供应过量的基调,他带来了两瓶冰镇的1983年louisroederer,其中一瓶可能已没有气体,或者二氧化碳。

    Mark Bingley set the tone of over-supply by bringing two chilled bottles of Louis Roederer 1983 on the basis that one of them might have run out of steam , or rather carbon dioxide .

  29. 3周前,苹果未能给出乔布斯不会在macworld博览会的会议上发表年度基调演讲的原因,该会议定于今日在旧金山开幕。

    Three weeks ago , Apple had failed to give a reason why Mr Jobs would not deliver his annual keynote speech to the Macworld conference , scheduled for today in San Francisco .

  30. 12月21号,英国首相大为卡梅伦告诉场下的各位商界领袖:缩减赤字的难度非常大。在11月29号,财政部长GeorgeOsborne会发表经济和公共财政的演说,卡梅伦的言论为此次演说定下了基调。

    The prime minister , David Cameron , told an audience of business leaders on November 21st that shrinking the budget deficit was " proving harder than anyone envisaged . " His comments laid the ground for the chancellor , George Osborne , who makes his autumn statement on the economy and public finances on November 29th .