
  • 网络Basic state;base state;basis state
  1. 应用多普勒超声心动图分别在基础状态及注射心得安后心功能减退状态下记录三尖瓣环组织多普勒图像,测量三尖瓣环收缩期运动速度(Vs)。

    Tricuspid annulus systolic velocities ( V_s ) were measured by quantitative tissue velocity imaging .

  2. 方法胰酶消化法分离、培养新生SD大鼠CFs,采用硝酸还原酶法和分光光度法分别测定基础状态和AVP干预下CFs的NOS活性和NO含量。

    METHODS CFs were isolated by trypsin digestion method .

  3. 正常成人基础状态下TSH、PRL和GH对TRH的反应

    Responses of TSH , PRL and GH to TRH Under Basal Status of Normal Subjects

  4. 结果:PF4.0mg/kg静注可使基础状态时的MAP、HR及MPAP降低。

    Results : MAP , HR , and MPAP in basal condition bolus decreased after intravenous injection of 4.0 mg / kg propofol .

  5. 目的:研究游离脂肪酸(油酸和软脂酸)对基础状态大鼠β细胞胰岛素分泌和前胰岛素原mRNA表达的影响。

    Objective : To investigate the effects of free fatty acids ( palmitate and oleate ) on insulin release and expression of preproinsulin mRNA in rat pancreatic β cells in basal condition .

  6. 结果:(1)与WKY比,基础状态下SHR肾皮质内ACE和AT1受体mRNA表达均显著升高(两组P<0.05);

    Results : ( 1 ) Compared with WKY , both ACE and AT 1 mRNA expressions in SHR were significantly higher ( P < 0.05 );

  7. 结果:基础状态下,HMC胞膜PKC比活性高于胞浆PKC比活性;

    Results : Under basal states , PKC activity in the particulate fraction of HMC was higher than that in the cytosolic fraction .

  8. 结果:十二指肠溃疡病人基础状态胃电主频率、正常胃慢波百分比明显低于健康人(P0.05);

    Results In the basic state of the patients with active duodenal ulcer , dominant frequency and percentage of normal gastric slow wave were lower than in the healthy subjects ( P 0.05 );

  9. 基础状态下,大脑各导联D2、PD2、Cx和ApEn波动在一个较低的水平。

    Under rest states , the averages of D_2 , PD_2 , Cx and ApEn at a lower level in different areas .

  10. 基础状态和充血状态的平均冠脉阻抗和一次谐波冠脉阻抗的决定系数(r2)均大于0.97(P<0.001)。

    Coefficient of determination of average CR and the first harmonic CR in baseline and hyperemia conditions were greater than 0.97 ( P < 0.001 ) .

  11. 结果基础状态下,HUVECs的eNOS有部分激活,组胺刺激后eNOS活性明显增加(P<0.001)。

    Results The activity of eNOS in HUVECs was partially activated under basic condition , and it was markedly increased by histamine ( P < 0.001 ) .

  12. 身体的主时钟基础状态下激活另外一种激素刺激由脑垂体释放ACTH。

    The release of ACTH by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain is driven by a third hormone that is activated by the body 's master clock .

  13. 结论处于基础状态的PC12细胞存在蛋白质的氧化修饰,可以为病理条件下的氧化损伤研究提供可靠的参照系统。

    Conclusion There are specifically oxidized proteins in PC12 cells , which can be used as reliable frames of reference under oxidative damage conditions .

  14. 年龄、腰围、TG、TC和SBP是IGR发生的独立危险因素。I-IFG主要是肝脏胰岛素抵抗(IR)和基础状态的胰岛β细胞功能受损。

    Age , waist circumference , TG , TC , and SBP were the independent risk factors of IGR.I-IFG had severe hepatic insulin resistance and basal islet beta cell dysfunction .

  15. 运用多普勒组织显像技术,分别于基础状态下、快速心房起搏、起搏间歇、起搏预适应结束、持续缺血和再灌注时刻,测量左室前壁心肌收缩期及舒张期峰值运动速度(S、E)。

    Myocardial motion spectrum of left ventricular anterior wall was recorded by Doppler tissue imaging to measure systolic and diastolic peak velocity ( S and E ) at baseline , during rapid atrial pacing , pacing interval , post preconditioning , persistent ischemia and reperfusion .

  16. 结果:1)基础状态下,LVH、CHF和同龄假手术对照大鼠的相对Ca~(2+)激活张力不存在显著差异(P>0.05);

    RESULTS : 1 ) There was no significant difference in relative Ca2 + activated tensions among CHF , LVH , and Sham-operated group in basic situation ( P > 0.05 ) .

  17. Wortmannin预处理,增加基础状态及胰岛素刺激下rhIL-6对SW872脂肪细胞葡萄糖转运的抑制作用。

    Wortmannin can increased the inhibit effect of rhIL-6 on glucose transport , under basal states and insulin stimulation .

  18. 在基础状态下,胰岛素可引起血管局部HO活性增强,在生理范围内呈浓度依赖关系,过高浓度的胰岛素对HO活性作用反而减弱;但在诱导状态下,胰岛素对HO活性并无明显影响。

    Conclusion This study suggests that insulin can increase aorta HO activity in the basal state but not in the induced state , and the effect of insulin on HO-CO system is related to the state of HO .

  19. 方法对16例心电图呈左束支阻滞的晚期心肌病患者行左室游离壁和双心室起搏,记录左室、双心室和基础状态下的左室腔内dP/dtmax、主动脉根部压力和心电图QRS波宽度。

    Methods Sixteen cardiomyopathy patients with LBBB were studied . Left ventricular dP / dtmax , aortic root pressure and QRS duration were measured under the condition of left free-wall pacing , biventricular pacing and baseline .

  20. 在基础状态和快速心房起博后2、4、6h,分别测定各组基础起搏周长为200ms、150ms、130ms时的心房有效不应期(AERP)。

    Baseline AERP and AERPs after pacing 2,4,6 h were determined in all groups at driver cycle length ( DCL ) of 200 ms , 150 ms and 130 ms.

  21. 基础状态和负荷状态下总室壁运动积分指数(GWMSI)和梗死区室壁运动积分指数(IWMSI)A组均明显小于B组。

    Global wall motion score index ( GWMSI ) and infarct zone wall motion score index ( IWMSI ) in group A were smaller than those in group B at baseline and stress .

  22. 先记录狗空腹基础状态体表胃电30min,然后胃内灌注水使胃扩张,并静脉注射阿托品阻断胃收缩或红霉素激发胃收缩,分别记录体表胃电活动30min。

    The cutaneous electrogastrogram ( EGG ) was recorded for 30 min as baseline , and during gastric water distention with iv atropine to inhibit gastric contractions or with erythromycin to induce gastric contractions .

  23. 同一水平,VS、Ds游离壁大于室间隔。②急性心梗状态下:与基础状态相比,梗死心肌速度曲线形态异常,VS、DS有显著减低(P<0.01);

    However , the myocardium speed curve is unusual in the acute infarction compared with the basic state and the peak of displacement curve is backward . The Vs and Ds of the left ventricle demonstrated reduction in various degrees in the acute myocardial infraction ( p < 0.01 ) .

  24. 将RAA处AERP与相应PCL进行曲线拟合,对照组基础状态下斜率为0.058、给盐水后斜率为0.068和心房快速激动后斜率为0.015。地尔硫卓组则分别为0.030,0.07和0.060。

    Curve estimation showed that the pre tachycardia slope value was 0.058 in baseline , post saline 0.068 and post tachycardia 0.015 in control group , and which was 0.030, 0.07 and 0.06 respectively in diltiazem group .

  25. 结果结扎LAD和快速右室起搏后CO较基础状态均稳定地下降25%和50%,CO降低25%和50%时,mRAP、mPCWP、SVR均显著升高,AP、SaO2均显著降低;

    Results CO was decreased by 25 % and 50 % steadily from the basal level after right ventricular pacing following ligation of the LAD . AP and SaO2 decreased while mRAP , mPCWP , and SVR increased significantly following CO reduction .

  26. 钙调蛋白阻滞剂W-7对EGF的促肝癌细胞生长具有极显著抑制作用(P<0.001),而对基础状态细胞的H-TdR掺入值无显著影响(P>0.05)。

    Calmodulin inhibitor W-7 had no effect on the basic phase of cultured hepatoma cells ( P > 0.05 ), but it had significant depressing effect on the proliferation of hepatoma cells induced by EGF ( P < 0.001 ) .

  27. 结果提示,压力超负荷心肌肥大并不影响PIPVR的非线性特征,基础状态下,RHR肥大左室的收缩能力增强,但对异丙肾上腺素的反应性降低。

    It is suggested that LV hypertrophy induced by pressure overload may not affect the curvilinearity of end-systolic pressure-volume relation and the LV contractility in basal state is enhanced while its responsiveness to iso is reduced in RHR .

  28. LAD节段:与基础状态比较,LAD狭窄50%时收缩期峰值速度(Vs)略有减少,但无统计学意义(P>0.05),而心尖段收缩期峰值应变率(SRpeak)显著减少或矛盾运动(P<0.05)。

    LAD segment : the peak systolic velocities ( Vs ) was slightly decreased , but have no significant difference in 50 % stenosis of LAD ( P > 0.05 ), the peak strain rate ( SRpeak ) in apical segment was significantly decreased ( P < 0.05 ) .

  29. 分别测定基础状态下、脂肪垫消融后的心房有效不应期(AERP)、不应期离散度(dAERP)及肺静脉有效不应期(PVERP)。

    The atrial effective refractory period ( AERP ), dispersion of AERP ( dAERP ), and pulmonary vein effective refractory period ( PVERP ) were measured under baseline and after ablation of the 3 fat pads .

  30. 测定基础状态(BS1)各参数后,RPC组动物经历3次左侧股动脉阻断5min及再灌注5min,第三次再灌注后10min测RPC后(BS2)各参数。

    After the measurement of the baseline parameters ( BS_1 ) in the two groups , RPC was achieved by 3 episodes of 5 min occlusion and 5 min reperfusion of the left iliac artery . Animals in control group did not receive iliac artery occlusion .