
  • 网络basic account
  1. 将完全守法户和有小问题的基本守法户分开,又将基本守法户中偷漏税较少的和偷漏税稍多的分别对待,这样做,可能发生很大的教育作用。

    To distinguish between the strictly law-abiding ones and the basically law-abiding ones with minor offences and , furthermore , to treat the basically law-abiding units guilty of small-scale tax evasion differently from those guilty on a larger scale may prove to have important educational value .

  2. 文章从设计基本原则、户负荷实际需求、统的优化设计、目可行性评估、态运行评估及调度优化等方面进行分析,提出了小型热电联产系统方案优化的设想。

    The author suggestes for optimizing Micro-CHP project in accordance with analysis not only on basic designing principles , actual load need of customer , design of system , but also on feasibility study , dynamic evaluation and dispatch optimization .

  3. 研究表明,深圳目前户籍人口人均小汽车拥有率为18.74%,当家庭年收入达到20万元以上时,小汽车拥有率基本达到一户一车,并且处于稳定状态。

    Study shows that the per capita car ownership rate of resident population is 18.74 % at present . When a family 's annual income reached more than 200,000 Yuan , a family car ownership rate reached a basic car , and is in stable condition .