
jī běn jiàn shè xiànɡ mù
  • capital project;capital construction project
  1. 公路工程基本建设项目实施状态评价方法研究

    The Method for Appraising Implementation State of Highway Capital Construction Project

  2. 试论基本建设项目土建施工合同中的价格调整

    Price Adjustment of Civil Engineering Contract for a Capital Construction Project

  3. 基于AHP模型的水利院校基本建设项目后评估

    Post evaluation of capital construction projects in hydraulic universities and colleges based on AHP model

  4. 国际通行的FIDIC条款,具有严密、公平、效率的特点,对经济全球化背景下的我国基本建设项目管理,具有非常重要的指导意义。

    The international article , FIDIC , has the characteristics of rigorousness , fairness , and efficiency . It is of great significance to the project management of capital construction of China , which is now under the situation of economic globalization .

  5. 浅议全国水文基本建设项目库的建设

    Brief Introduction to the Project Storehouse of National Hydrological Capital Construction

  6. 电网基本建设项目档案质量控制的探讨

    Discussion on Quality Control of Power Grid Capital Construction Projects Files

  7. 铁路基本建设项目招投标刍议

    Preliminary discussion on calling for tenders and tenders for railway capital construction

  8. 火电基本建设项目开工排序决策探讨

    Discussion on Decision of Base Building Project Plan in thermal Power Plant

  9. 基本建设项目寻租理论博弈分析

    Game analysis of construction project on the basis of rent seeking theory

  10. 安排好1997年的基本建设项目;

    Arranging the capital construction projects for 1997 ;

  11. 加强高等院校基本建设项目财务管理的探讨

    Discussion of Strengthening the Institutions of Higher Learning Items of Basic Construction Financial Control

  12. 浅谈如何搞好水电站基本建设项目竣工档案资料的管理工作

    Analysis of How to Do Better for Hydropower Plant Basic Construction Item Completion Files

  13. 总结了当前医院基本建设项目的总体发展趋势和特点;

    Summarizes the current hospital infrastructure projects in the overall development trends and characteristics ;

  14. 广电总局无线局基本建设项目造价控制研究

    Study on Capital Construction Project Cost Control of Administrative Bureau of Radio Stations SARFT

  15. 规范油田基本建设项目立项管理

    Project Management for Regulating Oilfield Capital Construction Projects

  16. 高校基本建设项目后评估层次分析模型

    The Analytic Hierarchy Process Model of Post Evaluation of Capital Construction Project in Universities and Colleges

  17. 基本建设项目可行性研究

    Feasibility study for capital construction project

  18. 水利工程基本建设项目投资控制

    Investment Control to Water Conservancy Project

  19. 电网建设工程作为大型基本建设项目对国民经济发展有着重要的影响,因此对电网建设工程进行后评价有着十分现实的必要性。

    As the macro-scale fundamental construction , power grid project has important impact on national economy .

  20. 农业基本建设项目的实施已经成为科研单位的一项非常重要的工作。

    It has become a very important work for institutes of scientific research to implement agricultural infrastructure project .

  21. 高校基本建设项目的成本控制,是高校基本建设管理工作中十分重要的工作。

    The project cost control is of great importance in the management of capital construction in colleges and universities .

  22. 从道路功能看我国公路基本建设项目的可行性研究挪用公款罪构成的修正思路&修改挪用公款罪构成的可行性研究

    Analysis of Feasibility Study of Our Road Capital Construction Projects from Road Function ; Crime of Misappropriating Public Funds : Thinking of Amendment

  23. 同时本文在无线局现行的基本建设项目工程造价管理模式中,引入全过程造价管理模式的理念。

    The dissertation also introduces the Whole Process Cost Management to the current construction project cost management mode of Administrative Bureau of Radio Station .

  24. 近年来,国家对基本建设项目的投资规模日益扩大,建设项目审计得以飞速发展。

    In recent years , the state investment in capital construction projects increasing size of the audit to the rapid development of construction projects .

  25. 在实际工作中,中等职业学校少有项目管理团队,由于专业领域的差异,大多数学校主要是以后勤总务团队组成基本建设项目管理小组。

    Because of different major fields , rear service and general affairs ' office are made up to be project management group in most schools .

  26. 随着我国基本建设项目管理体制改革的不断深入,目前越来越多的建设项目均已实现了国际、国内的竞争性招标。

    With the continue development of the reformation of Infrastructure project management system , more and more construction projects have realized competitive bidding at home and abroad .

  27. 基本建设项目由于自身和建设特点,风险贯穿于工程建设全过程,工程保险是转移工程风险的重要途径。

    Because of the characteristic of project construction , project risk exsits in the course of the project construction , project insurance is the way to change project risk .

  28. 投资工业企业的,基本建设项目免收规划谘询费,小城镇建设配套费减半徵收。

    For industrial enterprise investment , the fee of capital construction project planning consultant shall be exempted and a 50 % reduction of auxiliary cost of construction of small towns should be granted .

  29. 随着信息社会即将到来,交通行业正在大力推动信息化建设的发展,计算机技术在交通基本建设项目领域也得到了广泛应用。

    With the coming of the information society , development of the informatization construction is being strongly pushed ahead in the communications trades , and the computer techniques are widely applied in the field of the communications fundamental construction projects .

  30. 工程建设试验室管理概括介绍学校近十年所完成的教学大楼、实验大楼、职工宿舍、学生宿舍、实习工厂、校区道路等基本建设项目的情况。

    The paper briefly introduced the capital construction in the past ten years : class-room building , laboratory building , staff and workers dorms , students dorms , factory attached to the school , and road construction on the compus .