
  • 网络primary goods;basic commodity
  1. 在这种分析上,基本品的价格有两个组成部分。

    In this type of analysis , prices of basic goods have two components .

  2. 毫无疑问,很多人依然无法获得我们认为理所当然的基本品,比如淡水。

    Of course huge numbers still do not have basics we take for granted , such as fresh water .

  3. 1951&1954年,美国向台湾提供的经济援助主要是基本消费品,1955年以后才开始转向提供资本货物援助。

    America 's economic aid to Taiwan was basic consumer goods in 1951-1954.After 1955 , turning to capital commodities .

  4. 调查结果表明,该镇已经建立起农村基本公共品供给制度,在提供基本公共品方面是基本有效的。

    All the above surveys show that the rural basic public goods provision system was built and it has provided basic public goods effectively .

  5. 国际机构认为,他们是在打一场艰难的仗,设法向成千上万的人提供粮食、水、庇护所和其它基本需求品。

    International agencies agree they are fighting an uphill battle trying to provide food , water , shelter and other basic needs to these thousands of destitute people .

  6. 连锁店销售数据也值得监测,这些数据可能先于汽车销售数据得到改善,因为消费者在有勇气购买大件商品之前,会购买更多的基本消费品。

    It is also worth monitoring chain-store sales figures , which can improve before vehicle sales as consumers purchase more basic consumer goods before they have the courage to buy bigger ticket items .

  7. 把低价大米作为基本生活品的假定使大米在很多国家变成了难以替代品。但在这些国家中,有很多却更加适合生产其他曾经作为主要食品的作物。

    The assumption that cheap rice is a necessity everywhere has led to rice becoming the norm in areas , like eastern Indonesia , where other crops more suited to the conditions were once the staple .

  8. 电是现代工业文明的标志,是生产的基本投入品和人民生活的必需品,随着经济的发展,电力行业在国民经济中扮演着越来越重要的角色。

    Electric power is the symbol of modern industrial civilization , the basic goods of production and the necessity of life . Along with economic development , the electric power industry is playing an increasingly important role in the national economy .

  9. 上周五,官方数据显示3月份食品价格同比上涨11.7%,之后政府公布了一系列基本消费品的价格管制新举措,突显出广东省试验举措的重要性。

    On Friday , fresh price controls on basic consumer items were revealed after official data showed that food prices had risen by 11.7 per cent in March compared with the same time last year , underlining the importance of the Guangdong experiment .

  10. 不过亚洲、东欧和南美的许多经济体仍在增长,新兴中产阶级消费者的生活更好了,能够买得起牙膏、电视和洗发水等基本消费品的人比历史上任何时候都多。

    But in Asia , eastern Europe and South America , where many economies are still growing , life has been getting better for emerging middle-class consumers , as more people than ever can afford to buy basic consumer products such as toothpaste , televisions and shampoo .

  11. 通过差热分析测定,结果表明该物质已经基本为纯品。

    It was showed that the antimicrobial substance was pure through differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) analysis .

  12. 应当做合适的测试来全面制订该基本参考标准品的鉴别和纯度。

    Appropriate testing should be performed to establish fully the identity and purity of the primary reference standard .

  13. 从官方认可的货源处无法得到基本参考标准品时,应该制备一个“内部基本标准品”。

    Where a primary reference standard is not available from an officially recognized source , an in-house primary standard should be established .

  14. 赫尔曼说,正因如此,人们都在急切寻找基本生活必须品,甚至在福岛这样的内陆地区情况也是一样。

    Herman says that because of this , people are scrambling to find basic necessities , even in inland areas such as Fukushima .

  15. 树木很珍贵,纸张也很珍贵,大家应该通力合作好好使用这项基本的消费品。

    As valuable as trees are , and as valuable as paper is , everyone should co-operate to use this essential commodity wisely .

  16. 通过对一种基本工业消费品的包装和安装,以其优质的顾客服务和定制化的安装,公司获得了很高的利润。

    The company generates high margins by packaging the delivery and installation of a basic industrial consumable with superior customer service and customized installation .

  17. 前者使居民能够得到基本生活消费品,后者则使财政有能力承担相当一部分改革成本。

    The first one made it possible for the consumer to get the basic consumption goods . The last one made it possible for the government to finance part of the reform cost .

  18. 如果你liveoutofasuitcase,你的手提箱内通常只装有最基本的生活必备品和衣物。例句詹姆斯在接下来的几个月里要参加很多会议,到时候他真的得提着行李箱四处奔波了。

    With all the conferences to attend , James will literally1 be living out of a suitcase over the next few months .

  19. 本文研究了危险品船的综合安全评估,首先概述了危险品船的基本情况以及危险品的危害,通过东京备忘录年度报告中的统计数据,分析了危险品船在PSC检查中的情况。

    First , it outlined the basic situation of dangerous goods carrier and the harm of dangerous goods , analyzed the situation of dangerous goods carrier in the PSC examination through the statistic data on annul report at Tokyo MOU .

  20. 现在所需要的就是不断提供最基本的生活必须品。

    All is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life .

  21. 一些基本的生活消费品、食品保持了稳定增长,糖、乳制品、啤酒、软饮料、布、丝织品增长百分之十到百分之十九点二。

    Some basic consumer goods and food kept steady growth , among which candy , dairy products , beer , soft drink , cloth , and silk grew by10 % to19.2 % .

  22. 以政府组织内制度变迁看作一种公共品为基本观点,公共品的外部性为逻辑基础,探讨在搭便车问题的干扰下,制度能不能有效而充分变迁的问题。

    Governmental organizations within the system to change as a basic point of view of public goods , external to the logic of public infrastructure . Discussion interference in the free-rider problem , the system can be effectively and fully change issues .