- 网络basic meaning

The body and mind had abundant connotation . The body has the basic meaning of the human body and life , in addition , it was often used instead ofI , which was accordant with the idea of self-esteems in Wei-jin period .
Literal pronunciation is pronunciation of the basic meaning of Chinese characters .
There is a detailed analysis of the seven basic meanings of SET to form a number of polysemous networks .
Many connotations are developed on the basis of this denotation in the mediaeval times .
In the long process of evolution language , by the original basic righteousness , evolution out several meanings .
The uncertain characteristics of Dao , as well as the generated feature of Dao , together constitute the basic implications are of possibility .
The sentence meaning is theoretical state while given speech field is not considered , and it includes the basic sentence meaning and additional sentence meaning .
The basic sentence meaning is one of componential or the combination of componential , while entailment meaning and presupposition meaning are both hypogyny conception of the basic sentence meaning .
This paper begins with the basic meaning of the word " amphibian " commonly found in newspapers and magazines , and tries to explain its new meaning through people 's metaphorical cognitive mechanisms .
We hold that the basic sense of a construction or constructional meaning comes from the core lexical items which are frequently used by the constructions or the related constructions at different schematic levels .
Firstly , on semantics , we analyze conceptual meaning of the think-category verbs in Chinese and Korean by the model of Lexical components-lexical structure analysis which is brought forward by Fu Huai Qing .
An interpretation of the meaning from three aspects is made in this part , which involves the basic and colorful meaning , the superficial and deep meaning , the central and the set-off meaning .
Although the methodology for the determination of primary sense and other senses is borrowed from Tyler and Evans ( 2001 ), analyses of all senses of in and the internal structure of network they construct do reflect the prototypical effect .
Semantic Fuzziness and Translation of Color Words in Russian and Chinese
In this paper we discuss the semantic fuzziness and translation of basic color words in Russian and Chinese .
But Harju says the fundamental experience of boreout is meaninglessness – “ the experience that the work doesn 't really have any purpose , that there 's no point ” .
To modem people , individuality is basically of atomic type in nature as defined in the west .
Furthermore , after this evolution , people make new characters with the semantic components which imply the basic categories of human perception and their related sense actively and conscientiously .