- 名gene copy

Study of APC , Rb , c - met gene copy numbers of human gastric mucosa epithelial cell line GES 1
Karyotype analysis and CGH hybrid technology was used to verify the haploid stem cell lines ' genome and gene copy number stability respectively .
Estimating copy number of transgenes in transformed rice by real time quantitative PCR
Extracted DNA from virion suspension and quantified viral genomes copies by fluorescence quantitated real-time PCR ;
Determination of Copy Number of Foreign Gene in Genome of Pichia pastoris by Real-time Fluorescent Quantitative PCR
The copy number of the gene in chromosome of strain detected by the real time quantitative PCR
But as they evolved to bigger sizes , they steadily evolved extra copies of p53 .
To see whether these extra copies of p53 made a difference in fighting cancer , both teams ran experiments on elephant cells .
The genes copies of HBV DNA were positively correlated with the level of HBeAg .
The parasite loads of livers and lungs of the mice infected with 10 2 tachyzoites were determined by fluorescence PCR methods at 4 day-post-infection ( dpi ) and 8 dpi .
Copy number variant ( CNV ) is a novel structural variation in human chromosomes .
Coincidentally , the psoriasis paper mentioned a recent study that linked SLE to low copy number of complement C4 genes .
Study on DAZ Gene Copy Deletion in Severe Oligozoospermia Sperm Donor for ICSI
Detection of copy numbers of Pro-UK gene in 11g cell line
Effects of Sini Powdered Effective Composition on Hippocampus Neurogenesis and CREB Copy Number in Rats Following Lesions of Olfactory Bulb
And elephants are the only animals yet found that fight cancer with extra p53 genes . So Dr. Schiffman speculates that parrots , tortoises and whales may all have special longevity tactics of their own .
Quantitatively , the copies of CAH group are significantly higher than those in CPH group ( P < 0.05 ) .
Our data also indicated that the decrease in c-myc gene expression after induced differentiation was not due to the decrease of number of c-myc gene copy , but mainly a transcriptional regulation pf c-myc .
Patients with breast cancer may have more copies of this HER2 gene , prompting them to overproduce HER2 protein so that more signals are sent to breast cells .
RESULTS Chronic Sini powdered effective composition treatment significantly increased the number of BrdU-labeled cells in the dentate gyrus and hilus of the hippocampus and CREB copy number .
As the soil freezing and thawing processes , the bacterial and fungal rDNA copy numbers showed a decrease and then increase trend in the OL and MS , and the lowest values were observed in the soil freezing stage .
Southern blot and Slot blot hybridization methods were used in this research to detect the copy numbers of pro-urokinase ( pro-UK ) gene in pro-UK - expression engineering cell line ( 11G cell line ) .
Effects of Gene Copy Number and Chromosomal Position on the Expression of a Modified HBsAg Gene SA-28 in Yeast
People who carry defective copies of CCR5 are highly immune to HIV , because the virus uses a protein made by this gene to gain entry into an infected person 's cells .
Utilizing real-time PCR method we detected the gene copy number of CREB in three glioma tissues and the four glioma cell lines and found that the CREB gene copy number is amplified in one case grade IV glioma tissue and the four glioma cell lines .
The relative analysis between serpins and segmental duplications and transposable elements indicated that there are six out of eleven serpins have significant correlation to the TEs , and two pairs of serpins were produced by segmental duplication .
A Modified Procedure for the Determination of the Gene Copy Number
The number of fungi ITS gene copies overall trend has increased .
Detection of DNA Copy Number Alterations in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Copy Number and Integration Site of Transgene in Transgenic Pig