
jī lì lèi nánɡ tǐ
  • Grana thylakoid;granum-thylakoid
  1. 结果表明:水稻的稃片具有发育良好的叶绿体,在高产品种中,稃片和旗叶叶绿体的发育程度比对照品种好,而且基粒类囊体的垛叠更规则。

    The results showed that the lemma possessed well developed chloroplasts and regularly stacked grana thylakoids .

  2. 而转基因植株叶片中的叶绿体结构变化不大,嗜锇体相对有所增加,但体积较小,大部分基粒类囊体片层结构仍然排列整齐,少数类囊体垛叠化丧失。

    Whereas in transgenic rice , only the number of osmiophilic granules increased and most grana-thylakoid lamellae arranged in order .

  3. 突变体叶绿素含量为野生型58%的黄绿植株与其突变亲本叶绿体超微结构无明显差异,基质类囊体与基粒类囊体高度分化,基粒数目以及基粒片层数目较多;

    Yellowish-green plants whose chlorophyll content was 58 % of the wild type did not obviously differed in chloroplast ultra-structure from the parent , but their stroma-thylakoids and granum-thylakoids were highly differentiated and their granum and grana lamellae were relatively plentiful ;

  4. 具体反映在:(1)小麦叶绿体中除了比对照积累有较多的淀粉粒外,其基粒和基质类囊体膜发育较好;

    The results were briefly summarized as follows : ( 1 ) The wheat leaves possessed normally developed chloroplasts with intact grana and stroma thylakoid membranes ;

  5. 早期绿色果实的特点是叶绿体具典型的基粒-基粒间类囊体结构。

    The early green fruit was characterized by chloroplasts with a typical grana intergranal thylakoid structure .

  6. 幼叶细胞的叶绿体发育分化减慢、基质类囊体形成滞后、基粒数及基粒类囊体片层减少;

    The deceleration of differentiation and growth of the chloroplast in young leaf cells , the retardation in forming thylakoid , the decrease of the grana numbers and thylakoid lamella ;

  7. 正常绿色叶鞘细胞中叶绿体数量较多,有明显的类囊体基粒片层结构,类囊体垛叠整齐规则,排列紧凑,而且可以观察到完整的叶绿体双层膜结构,以及内部相互连接的基粒类囊体。

    Normal green leaf cells have more chloroplast , apparent thylakoid grana slice layer structure , tidy and compact thylakoids , as well as complete chloroplasts double membrane and grana thylakoids with internal mutual connection which could be observed . 5 .

  8. 弱光处理后耐弱光生态型黄瓜功能叶片叶绿素(主要是Chl.b)含量明显增加,PSII光化学活性提高,叶绿体内基粒数增多,基粒的类囊体排列紧密;

    For low light resistance ecotype cucumber , the chlorophyll contents in leaves were improved ( mainly Chl . b content ), the PSII activity was increased , grana were increased and grana lamellae were arranged compactly in chloroplast after treatment by low light intensity .