
  • 网络COPYS;copy number;gene copy number
  1. 利用实时荧光定量PCR方法分析转基因水稻外源基因拷贝数

    Estimating copy number of transgenes in transformed rice by real time quantitative PCR

  2. 实时荧光定量PCR检测毕赤酵母基因组中外源基因拷贝数

    Determination of Copy Number of Foreign Gene in Genome of Pichia pastoris by Real-time Fluorescent Quantitative PCR

  3. 从病毒悬液中提取DNA,采用实时荧光定量PCR检测病毒基因拷贝数。

    Extracted DNA from virion suspension and quantified viral genomes copies by fluorescence quantitated real-time PCR ;

  4. 荧光定量PCR检测细菌染色体上基因拷贝数

    The copy number of the gene in chromosome of strain detected by the real time quantitative PCR

  5. HBV-DNA基因拷贝数与HBeAg水平呈正相关。

    The genes copies of HBV DNA were positively correlated with the level of HBeAg .

  6. 于感染后第4、8天处死102个速殖子感染的小鼠,PCR荧光定量方法检测肝、肺弓形虫DNA基因拷贝数。

    The parasite loads of livers and lungs of the mice infected with 10 2 tachyzoites were determined by fluorescence PCR methods at 4 day-post-infection ( dpi ) and 8 dpi .

  7. 基因拷贝数变异(CNV)是近来新发现的又一种染色体结构变异。

    Copy number variant ( CNV ) is a novel structural variation in human chromosomes .

  8. 巧合的是,银屑病论文提到近期一项研究将SLE与补体蛋白C4基因拷贝数低联系起来。

    Coincidentally , the psoriasis paper mentioned a recent study that linked SLE to low copy number of complement C4 genes .

  9. 人类胃粘膜上皮永生细胞株中APC、Rb、c-met基因拷贝数研究

    Study of APC , Rb , c - met gene copy numbers of human gastric mucosa epithelial cell line GES 1

  10. 11G工程细胞株人尿激酶原(pro-UK)基因拷贝数的测定

    Detection of copy numbers of Pro-UK gene in 11g cell line

  11. 核型分析和CGH杂交技术建立单倍体干细胞系能很好的保持基因组稳定性,染色体条数呈单倍性,基因拷贝数稳定。

    Karyotype analysis and CGH hybrid technology was used to verify the haploid stem cell lines ' genome and gene copy number stability respectively .

  12. 对定量资料的统计学分析显示:CAH组检测的基因拷贝数较CPH组基因拷贝数明显增高,两者具有统计学差异(P<0.05)。

    Quantitatively , the copies of CAH group are significantly higher than those in CPH group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  13. 对诱导分化前后c-myc基因拷贝数的比较分析表明,c-myc基因表达下降可能主要发生在基因的转录或/和转录后调节水平。

    Our data also indicated that the decrease in c-myc gene expression after induced differentiation was not due to the decrease of number of c-myc gene copy , but mainly a transcriptional regulation pf c-myc .

  14. 2.3个森林群落OL和MS的细菌和真菌rDNA基因拷贝数也随土壤冻结-融化过程表现出先降低后升高的变化趋势,以土壤冻结后最低。

    As the soil freezing and thawing processes , the bacterial and fungal rDNA copy numbers showed a decrease and then increase trend in the OL and MS , and the lowest values were observed in the soil freezing stage .

  15. 采用DNA印迹和狭线印迹(SlotBlot)的方法,对高效表达人尿激酶原(Pro-UK)的工程细胞11G含有的pro-UK基因拷贝数进行了测定。

    Southern blot and Slot blot hybridization methods were used in this research to detect the copy numbers of pro-urokinase ( pro-UK ) gene in pro-UK - expression engineering cell line ( 11G cell line ) .

  16. 基因拷贝数与染色体位置对酵母表达乙肝病毒融合表面抗原SA-28基因的影响

    Effects of Gene Copy Number and Chromosomal Position on the Expression of a Modified HBsAg Gene SA-28 in Yeast

  17. 利用定量PCR检测CREB在三例胶质瘤组织和四株胶质瘤细胞系中的基因拷贝数,发现在一例Ⅳ级胶质瘤组织和四例胶质瘤细胞系中CREB基因出现扩增现象。

    Utilizing real-time PCR method we detected the gene copy number of CREB in three glioma tissues and the four glioma cell lines and found that the CREB gene copy number is amplified in one case grade IV glioma tissue and the four glioma cell lines .

  18. 基因拷贝数分析的研究

    A Modified Procedure for the Determination of the Gene Copy Number

  19. 真菌ITS基因拷贝数总体呈增加趋势。

    The number of fungi ITS gene copies overall trend has increased .

  20. 胰腺导管腺癌基因拷贝数改变的研究

    Detection of DNA Copy Number Alterations in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

  21. 转基因猪中外源基因拷贝数和整合位点的研究

    Copy Number and Integration Site of Transgene in Transgenic Pig

  22. 测定工程细胞株基因拷贝数是细胞生物学特性鉴定的一个方面。

    We determine the copy number of t - PA gene for the cell line .

  23. 并通过体外克隆技术建立病毒基因拷贝数进行定量分析。

    In addition , colone technology was used to develop a quantitative PCR format with virus copies amount .

  24. 运动神经元生存基因拷贝数定量分析在Ⅲ型脊髓性肌萎缩症基因诊断中的应用

    Application of quantitative analysis of survival motor neuron copy number in gene diagnosis for type ⅲ spinal muscular atrophy

  25. 结论本方法可以准确检测菌株染色体上的基因拷贝数。

    Conclusion The quantitative PCR can be applied to accurately detect copy numbers of genes in chromosome DNA of bacteria strains .

  26. 理论上一次循环可使新生成的目标基因拷贝数增加1倍,20个循环之后目标基因拷贝数是原来的220倍。

    In theory , one circulation can make the new gene copies rising about one time , so there would be 220 times gene copies of original after 20 circulations .

  27. “这表明我们必须因为遗传变异相关性疾病而在我们的研究中涵盖变异基因拷贝数这方面,否则我们将错过许多重要的遗传效应”。

    This suggests that we must include CNV studies in our searches for genetic variation associated with disease or we will be missing a lot of the important genetic effects .

  28. 基因组不稳定是肺癌发生发展过程中的早期事件,因此而引起的基因拷贝数的扩增和丢失常常可能成为细胞恶性转化的重要分子机理。

    Genomic instability is an early event in the development of lung cancer , Gene amplifications and deletions frequently may be the important molecular mechanism contributing to malignant transformation of bronchial epithelial cells .

  29. 在侵袭性脑胶质瘤中,表皮生长因子受体基因拷贝数更高,而且一半的侵袭性脑胶质瘤伴有一个GEFR突变。这个突变增加了肿瘤的生长,伴随一个糟糕的预后效果。

    In aggressive gliomas , extra copies of the EGFR gene are produced , and half of such tumors also carry an EGFR mutation , which ramps up tumor growth and portends a poor prognosis .

  30. 用荧光定量PCR方法检测转染细胞中外源基因的拷贝数

    Detection of the Copy Numbers of Exogenous Gene of Transfected Cells by Fluorescent Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction