
  • 网络Base date;Record Date;fixing date
  1. 本项目资产评估基准日是:2011年8月2日。

    The base date of assets evaluation : August2nd , 2011 .

  2. 本评估一切取价标准均为评估基准日有效的价格标准。

    All the price selection standards of this evaluation are the valid price standards on the base date of assets evaluation .

  3. 应按转让者与受让者的全部投资比例分配超额利润余额。并对评估基准日、折现系数的计算进行修改。

    And the circulation for evaluation base day and coefficient should be revised .

  4. 股份所有权的过户日为目标公司利润记入收购方损益的基准日,这一规定应当明确体现在公司购并法律规定中。

    The ownership-transferring day should be the datum day .

  5. 谈谈破产企业资产评估基准日的确定

    How to Determine Valuation Date of Bankruptcy Company Date

  6. 那么,什么是前营销?上市公司非公开发行的定价基准日问题探讨

    What is an ex - marketing ? On Pricing Ex - date of Corporate Private Placement

  7. 本评估结论系对评估基准日资产公允价值的反映。

    This conclusion of assets evaluation is the reflection to the fair value of assets on the base date of assets evaluation .

  8. 本文还对抵押评估情况的分类及评估基准日的选定,抵押价格的作用提出了见解。

    Some opinions on classification of mortgage valuation , selection of the date of valuation and purpose of mortgage price are also mentioned here .

  9. 有些出售方和评估机构还在评估基准日和评估有效期上做文章。

    Some of the sale and the rating agencies also assess and evaluate the baseline date is valid up to make a fuss . 3 .

  10. 资产评估是为特定的经济行为服务的,选择评估基准日应有利于评估结果有效地服务于评估目的。

    The choice of valuation date should be the one producing results that help to meet valuation purposes due to valuation itself serves specific economic behaviors .

  11. 第四,进一步严格定价基准日的确定,并考虑延长定价的参考时间区间,保证定向增发价格制定的公允性。

    Fourth , further tighten the determination of the pricing reference date and to consider extending the pricing reference time intervals to ensure that private placement pricing of fairness .

  12. 第三章是抵押资产价值评估基本理论问题分析,对抵押资产价值评估的评估原则、评估目的、价值类型、评估假设及评估基准日等基本问题展开讨论。

    Chapter III is the basic theoretical analysis of the value of mortgaged assets . It discusses the principle , purpose , the value type , the appraisal date and the hypothesis of the mortgaged assets .

  13. 时间维是地价动态监测的结果体现,是在基期、基准日和监测周期的基础上监测所得的监测点及市场交易样点地价、地价指数和基准地价的时间序列。

    The time dimensionality is results representation of monitoring system , is a temporal series of monitoring point land price , land price index and datum land price , that all base on land price dynamic monitoring .

  14. 包括证券虚假陈述案件中基准日、揭露日等关键时间点的确定,损害赔偿范围的界定及损害数额的具体计算方法。

    Including securities cases of false statements in the base date , the date of disclosure , the determination of the critical point in time , the determination of damages , and the amount of damage specific calculation methods to determine .

  15. 海洋磁力测量多站日变改正中,为了使整个测区磁场水平统一,必须以主站为基准对分站日变基值进行归算。

    To unify the magnetic field level of the whole area in marine geomagnetism surveying , the base value of the secondary base station must be reduced to the main base value .

  16. 由于定价基准日前25日左右股价市场表现以及发行价格折价组间差异显著、增发后关联交易增加等情况的存在,使得国内的定向增发呈现出财富转移的特征。

    Because of nearly 25 days before the pricing benchmark stock price performance being poor , the issue price discount being inter-group significant difference , related party transactions increasing , and the domestic orientation showed a massive transfer of wealth .

  17. 普氏能源(Platts)调查显示,含铁量为62%的澳大利亚基准铁矿石价格日前上涨到每吨139.25美元,达到5月初以来的最高水平,过去两周的涨幅达到4.7%。

    Benchmark Australian iron ore with 62 per cent iron content rose to $ 139.25 a tonne yesterday , according to Platts . That is the highest since early May and up 4.7 per cent in the past fortnight .

  18. 超级油轮在从中东到日本的基准航线上的日收入在12月中旬创下6年来的新高,部分原因是中国借油价较低之机构建战略储备。

    The daily earnings of supertankers on the benchmark Middle East to Japan route hit a six-year high in mid-December , in part due to China building up its strategic reserves on the back of low oil prices .