
  1. 大力培养少数民族干部和各类人才。

    Great efforts will be made to train cadres and talented personnel from among ethnic minority groups .

  2. 培养少数民族干部,既要有计划地扩大数量,更要提高素质、改善结构;

    To enlarge the number according to plan , moreover , to enhance quality , to improve structure ;

  3. 要加强学习、转变观念、用世界眼光、战略思维教育和培养少数民族干部。

    We must strengthen study , change concept , educate and train ethnic cadres with wordly-minded foresight and strategic thinking .

  4. 另一方面主要论述了培养少数民族干部对民族工作的重要性。

    The other perspective is going to discuss the importance of developing minority cadres to the management of national affairs .

  5. 散杂居地区的民族工作是我国民族工作的重要组成部分,培养少数民族干部是散杂居民族工作的重要方面。

    A major part of Chinese Ethnic work is the work of in interracial neighborhood , an important aspect of which is to train minority cadres .

  6. 在领导民族地区的革命和建设事业中,为培养少数民族干部和民族地区人才做出了突出贡献。

    In the course of leading the work for the revolution and construction , he made great contribution for the fostering cadres and talents in ethnic minority regions .

  7. 国家积极培养少数民族干部。到1999年底,全国有少数民族干部282.4万人。

    The state always pays close attention to training cadres from among people of minority nationalities . By the end of 1999 , there were altogether 2.824 million ethnic minority cadres .

  8. 本文主要论述了关于少数民族地区经济发展和改革开放的理论、关于培养少数民族干部和民族工作理论、关于少数民族地区社会事业发展理论等方面的继承和发展。

    This paper discusses the theory of the reform and open policy in ethnic regions , the theory of cultivating cadre of ethnic minorities , and also the theory of the social development in ethnic regions .

  9. “我很欣赏党对待少数民族的方式,”王宏表示,“党真的很关心少数民族的生计和发展,并悉心培养少数民族干部。”

    " I cherish the way minorities are treated by the party , " Wang says . " The party really cares about the livelihoods and development of minorities and minority officials are carefully fostered . "

  10. 大力培养少数民族干部。继续推进兴边富民行动,加大对人口较少的民族扶持力度,促进各民族共同繁荣进步。

    While training more cadres of ethnic minority backgrounds , we should continue our programs of action to bring prosperity to border areas , increase support to less populous ethnic groups and promote common prosperity and progress of all ethnic groups .

  11. 大力培养少数民族干部是马克思主义的一贯政策,是坚持民族平等、实行民族区域自治、促进各民族共同繁荣及彻底解决中国民族问题的关键。

    To training ethnic minorities ' cadres is one of the consistent policies of Marxism and is key to uphold national equality , practicing minority regional autonomy , to promote the common prosperity of each minority and thoroughly solve the minority problem in China .

  12. 黑龙江省培养选拔少数民族干部情况的调研报告

    Investigation Report on Training and Selecting Minorities Cadres in Heilongjiang Province

  13. 苏联初期对远东各国及本国亚洲地区世居民族干部的培训实践是成功的,这对第三世界各国培养少数民族的干部有一定的借鉴作用。

    The practice of training ethnic minority cadres by the Soviet Union , from which lessons could be drawn in the training of ethnic minority cadres by the third word countries .

  14. 国家大力培养使用少数民族干部,全国现有少数民族干部270多万人。对少数民族实行宽于汉族的生育政策。

    The state has made great efforts to train ethnic minority cadres and enlist their service . To date , there are well over 2,700,000 minority cadres throughout the country . Implementing a more liberal childbirth policy for ethnic minorities than for the Han people .

  15. 加强民族干部队伍建设,重视培养和选拔少数民族干部;

    Strengthening the race staff construction , value the development and selection national minority staff ;

  16. 国家重视培养和选拔少数民族干部参加各级政府工作。

    The state pays much attention to training and selecting cadres of ethnic minorities to work in governments at various levels .

  17. 摘要本文介绍了黑龙江省少数民族干部的基本情况及培养、选拔少数民族干部的对策和建议。

    The article introduces the basic information of minority cadres in Heilongjiang Province and the strategies and advice of training and selecting minority cadres .

  18. 必须做到:坚持民族区域自治制度、切实帮助民族地区加快经济社会发展、大力培养和使用少数民族干部、充分信任和依靠少数民族干部群众、大力弘扬少数民族优秀传统文化。

    So we must insist on the National Regional Autonomous System , help national areas to accelerate the economic and social development , train and adopt minority nationality cadres and develop excellent traditional culture of minority nationality .