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chéng huáng
  • town god;wall and moat;tutelary genie of the cities
城隍 [chéng huáng]
  • (1) [wall and moat]∶护城河

  • (2) [town god]∶道教指城池的守护神

城隍[chéng huáng]
  1. 城隍信仰的演变经历了漫长的过程,每个时期都很有特点。

    These evolutions have experienced a long period with their own characteristics .

  2. 第一部分,论述城隍信仰的起源。

    The first part illustrates the origin of it .

  3. 城隍信仰是自然崇拜而非鬼神崇拜。

    It is worship towards nature not ghosts .

  4. 第二部分,论述城隍信仰的内容。

    The second part deals with its contents .

  5. 本文分四个部分对城隍信仰进行研究。

    This paper consists of four major parts to probe into the worship of the City God .

  6. 现在,他还被人们视为教育家,更被尊为北京城城隍。

    He is remembered now also as an educator as well as a city god of Beijing .

  7. 城隍信仰曾经在社会生活中产生过重要影响,具有权威、警醒、调节等作用。

    And with its functions of authority , alerting and regulating , it has impacted social life significantly .

  8. 第四部分,总结城隍信仰的性质、作用和地位。

    The last part summarizes the property , function , and status of the worship towards the City God .

  9. 在人们心目中,当年的城隍庙不可等闲视之,以至连山名也因此庙而顺口叫做城隍山了。

    In that city , and lightly laid name is also therefore called Cheng Huang temple and hitting the mountains .

  10. 中国志怪小说中反映的城隍信仰起源于远古的土地神崇拜。

    The Town-god worship encountered often in the mystery chinese stories ( ancient Chinese fantastic fiction ), originated in a primitive worship of gnomes .

  11. 于是全村的人都蜂涌到寺庙里,向佛祖如来、太上老君、城隍土地爷叩头求雨。

    Whole villages marched in concert to the temples and knelt down before Buddhas , Taoist images and local gods and prayed for rain .

  12. 认识此类城隍庙在空间上的分布状况及其形成原因,有助于深化城隍信仰研究。

    So researching such city god temple 's scatter in districts and it 's forming reason could deepen the study of city god behef .

  13. 但是,过去的研究多侧重于考证城隍原型及城隍信仰的历史流变;

    However , the majority of the past research focused on exploring the antitype of the City God and historical evolution of the belief of the City God .

  14. 根据以上情况介绍了崇遵公路凉风垭、青岗哨、城隍寺等隧道选用微表处作为隧道的抗滑表层。并用此技术在隧道路面养护方面进行了探讨。

    This article introduced the micro table place technology , one method of effective tunnel surface maintenance , and may promote the application in the first-class highway tunnel .

  15. 越南人的城隍信仰源自中国,但城隍的职能却由最初的城市保护神演变为村庄的保护神。

    The Vietnamese worship of the Town Guardian Deity originated in China , but the Deity has evolved from a guardian of the town into that of the countryside .

  16. 唐代地方祠祀的分层与运作&以生祠与城隍神为中心老城隍五香豆“西施”

    Levels and Operation of the Local Cults in the Tang China : With a Focus on Sheng-ci and Cheng Huang Miao Cinque Savory Beans " Xi Shi " of Old Temple of the City Gods

  17. 从民俗史的角度研究城隍信仰,对城隍信仰的起源、内容、性质、作用、地位等问题进行探讨,以期对城隍信仰有一个科学的、完整的认识。

    From the perspective of Folk history , this study intends to probe into the origin , contents , property , function , and status of the worship of the City God , and expects a scientific and complete understanding of it .