
  • 网络urban ecological planning;urban ecological plan
  1. 现代生态理论及技术在城市生态规划中的应用途径

    Application of Modern Ecological Theories and Techniques to Urban Ecological Planning

  2. 浅议城市生态规划及其在中国的发展方向

    The Urban Ecological Planning and its Developing Direction in China

  3. 基于GIS的可操作的城市生态规划方法探索

    Research on Methods of Urban Ecological Estimating and Planning Based on GIS

  4. 生态系统健康效果&费用分析方法在广州城市生态规划中的应用

    Application of Cost-Ecosystem Health Effect Analysis in Eco-planning in Guangzhou City

  5. 生态足迹的修正及其在城市生态规划中的应用&以上海市为例

    Modification of Ecological Footprint and Its Application to Eco-planning-the Case of Shanghai

  6. 城市生态规划中生态适宜度分析的灰色关联投影模型研究

    Grey Relation Projection Model for the Ecological Suitability of Regional Ecological Planning

  7. 热力景观在城市生态规划中的应用

    The application of thermo-dynamics landscape on urban ecological planning

  8. 基于可拓学的城市生态规划的目标和条件界定研究

    Study on Defining Goal and Limit of Urban Ecological Planning Based on Extenics

  9. 城市生态规划方法的智能化探讨

    Discussion on the intelligence of city ecological planning

  10. 城市生态规划与绿色生态住区

    Ecological planning of city and green ecological settlement

  11. 基于自然经济社会复合系统的城市生态规划

    The City Ecological Planning Based on the Nature - economy - society Complex System

  12. 城市生态规划中的不确定性分析

    Analysis of the Uncertainties in Urban Ecological Planning

  13. 生态思维与城市生态规划

    Ecological Mode of thinking and Urban Eco-logical Planning

  14. 城市生态规划设计理论探讨

    On theory of urban ecological planning and design

  15. 谈城市生态规划与建设

    Planning and construction of urban ecology

  16. 回顾了城市生态规划的发展情况,对其发展前景进行了展望。

    The paper outlined the course of urban eco-planning evolution and its prospect in the future .

  17. 边缘效应与城市生态规划

    Edge effect and urban eco-planning

  18. 城市生态规划是生态学有关理论和方法在城市地域和城市规划学科范围内的综合应用。

    Urban Ecological Planning is the coordinate application of theories and practices of ecology and urban planning .

  19. 然后概要性的介绍了城市生态规划的发展以及国内外研究动态。

    And then the author introduced the development of city ecological planning in our country and abroad .

  20. 城市生态规划计算机模拟系统是在对城市生态规划进行深入研究的基础上,对计算机辅助城市生态规划及建设进行的探讨。

    This system bases on the deep research of city ecological planning and inquires into computer city ecological planning and construction .

  21. 将城市生态规划程序划分了四个阶段:前期准备阶段、生态调研阶段,分析变换阶段与规划成果阶段。

    Its ' program has divided 4 stages : preparative stage and ecological investigation stage , analysis transformation stage and program production stage .

  22. 在广州城市生态规划研究中,尝试将生态系统健康评价方法应用到生态规划方案的评估与决策中。

    In the urban eco-planning of Guangzhou city , eco-system health assessment method is used to make eco-planning scheme evaluation and support decision making .

  23. 就城市生态规划在城市生态建设中的重点和注意事项,提出个人看法。

    The article consists of personal opinions about the focal points and the attentive items of the city ecological planning in the process of the constructions of the city ecology .

  24. 以莆田城市生态规划为例,利用景观生态学理论,分析如何确定城市生态规划中的景观尺度,并从景观尺度的形成及影响因素出发,重点讨论莆田市的绿心的规模控制问题。

    This article takes the City of PuTian as An Instance and uses the theory of landscape and ecology to analyze how to ensure the dimension of landscape in the planning of urban ecology .

  25. 本文从城市生态规划的基本概念出发,通过对城市生态规划与城市规划、城市环境规划的比较分析,尝试提出并界定城市生态规划在地域和学科两方面的研究范围。

    Based on the concept of Urban Ecological Planning , this paper analyzes the differences among Urban Ecological Planning , Urban Planning and Urban Environmental Planning , and eventually puts forward the research area of Urban Ecological Planning .

  26. 城市生态规划理论研究是城市规划重要的研究领域,代表着城市规划未来的发展方向,也是城市规划领域的一个新的理论与方法平台。

    Theoretical research of city ecological planning is not only an important research field of urban planning , representing the future direction of development , but also in the field of urban planning a new theory and method of the platform .

  27. 城市景观生态规划中的廊道效应研究&以北京市区为例

    The corridor effects in urban ecological landscape planning a case study

  28. 城市生态环境规划的原理与模拟探析

    A Study of the Principle and Simulations on Urban Eco-environmental Planning

  29. 西北干旱区城市生态环境规划研究&以内蒙古巴彦浩特为例

    Research on urban ecological environment planning in arid area of Northwest China

  30. 包头市城市生态景观规划研究

    A Study of Baotou City 's Urban Ecosystem Landscape Planning