
  • 网络urban atmosphere
  1. 广州城市大气HOx化学过程初步研究

    Preliminary Study on HO_x Photochemical Processes in Urban Atmosphere of Guangzhou City

  2. 城市大气中SO2、TSP、NO2的时空变化特性

    Spatial and Seasonal Variation of SO_2 , NO_2 and TSP in Urban Atmosphere

  3. Air(初三适用)城市大气污染治理规划方法

    Method of planning for air pollution control in urban area

  4. 基于GIS的城市大气环境污染与人体健康信息系统研究&以广西南宁市为例

    Information System of Nanning Atmospheric Environment Pollution and Human Health

  5. 应用GIS模拟城市大气污染物浓度分布

    Using GIS to Simulate Distribution of Ground Concentration of Urban Air Pollution

  6. 山东省城市大气降水pH值观测结果及其初步分析

    The City 's Atmospheric Precipitation pH Observation of Shandong and Initial Analysis

  7. 城市大气中NOX和CO对质子交换膜燃料电池性能的影响研究

    Effects of NO_X and CO on the performance of PEM fuel cell

  8. GIS系统在城市大气污染控制与能源结构优化中的应用

    Application Study on GIS in Urban Air Pollution Control and Optimization of Energy Structure

  9. 城市大气颗粒物中硝基多环芳烃HPLC分析

    Determination of Nitro-PAHs in air particulate matter of city by HPLC

  10. 以承德市为例,探讨了基于地理信息系统GIS技术进行城市大气环境质量评价的分析方法。

    This paper explores the methods of the GIS-aided air quality evaluation in Chengde City .

  11. 北京城市大气CO2浓度变化特征及影响因素

    Characteristics of Atmospheric CO_2 Variations and Some Affecting Factors in Urban Area of Beijing

  12. 污染城市大气PM(10)单颗粒形态特征&以石家庄市为例

    Single Particulate Morphology of PM_ ( 10 ) in Polluted City

  13. 对湖南省城市大气湿沉降化学及降水pH值的时空特征分布规律进行了论述和研究;

    The precipitation chemistry and the seasonal and spatial characteristics of pH value of rainwater in Hunan province are discussed .

  14. 城市大气环境中NOX和HC的主要污染源是机动车排放。

    In urban atmospheric environment , the main sources of NO_x and HC are vehicle exhausts .

  15. 汽车尾气排放的NOx(主要是NO)是城市大气的主要污染源之一。

    Automobile exhaust NOX ( mainly NO ) is a major atmospheric pollutant .

  16. 上海城市大气PAHs排放特征与多介质归趋模拟

    The Emission Characterization of PAHs in Urban Atmosphere and Multimedia Fate Simulation in Shanghai

  17. 城市大气污染扩散GIS模拟分析&以福州市为例这部分研究了突发事故时影响大气污染扩散的因素,包括气象因素和地形因素两方面。

    GIS-based Urban Atmospheric Dispersion Model - A Case Study in Fuzhou This part analyzed the conditions influencing the dispersion , including meteorological and geographical factors .

  18. 研究证明使用GIS空间分析技术可以很好的揭示出西北高原典型盆地地貌型城市大气污染物空间扩散与分布的特征。

    The study proved that spatial analyzing technology can be nice to display dispersed and distributed characteristic of pollutants in the city located in plateau of typical basin landform .

  19. SnO2由于城市大气中氮氧化物(NOx)的含量急剧增加,对人们的健康带来很大危害。

    The Sharply increase of NOx content in city atmosphere is extremely harmful to human health .

  20. FLUENT软件对街道峡谷大气环境的模拟结果基本合理,可用于研究城市大气环境问题。

    The simulated result of FLUENT is reasonable , and the prospect of applying FLUENT to study atmospheric environment is very well .

  21. 中国城市大气中Pb含量平均值为0.12μg/m~3,约为北太平洋大气中Pb的460倍。

    The mean atmospheric lead over these Chinese cities was 0.12 ng / m3 that is about 460 times higher than that over Northern Pacific Ocean .

  22. 超细颗粒物(PM2.5)是目前我国城市大气环境的首要污染物。

    Submicrometer particles ( PM2.5 ) are main pollutants to atmosphere in current China .

  23. 近年来,可吸入颗粒物(PM10)已经成为我国城市大气污染的首要问题。

    Atmosphere particles have been the primary air pollutants of the cities in recent years .

  24. 利用PUF大气被动采样技术监测中国城市大气中的多环芳烃

    Monitoring of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in the Atmosphere of China Cities Using PUF-Passive Air Sampler

  25. 本论文利用MODIS资料遥感北京及其周边地区气溶胶光学厚度是为了提供监测城市大气污染新的、经济而便捷的观测手段。

    Retrieval aerosols optical thickness over Beijing and its surrounding area from MODIS data aims at providing a new , economical and convenient measurement for urban air pollution monitoring .

  26. 国家标准GB/T3840-91中城市大气污染物总量控制A-P值法的应用

    Application of A-P value method for control of total quantity emission of urban atmospheric pollution in gb / t 3840-91

  27. 苯系物(BTEX)是人类活动排放的一类重要污染物,对区域特别是城市大气环境具有重要影响。

    BTEX is important pollutant from anthropogenic emissions , BTEX in the urban atmosphere has the serious influence to the region and local distant .

  28. 分析了2002年玉溪市各县区县城环境空气质量状况和污染特征提出应采取措施,减轻SO2,对城市大气的污染。

    The paper analyzes the pollution characteristics and air quality situations of every districts of Yuxi City in 2002 . It points out that countermeasures should be applied to reduce the pollution from SO2 .

  29. 我国城市大气环境中总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)污染严重,全国有三分之二的城市总悬浮颗粒物污染超标。

    The pollution of TSP ( total suspended particulate ) in municipal atmospheric environment is very heavy in China , and concentrations of TSP in 2 / 3 cities are above the national standard .

  30. 报告了柴油发动机车辆在不同工况下排放废气中多环芳烃(PAHs)变化的规律及其对城市大气质量的影响。

    He changes in the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in exhaust gas emitted from diesel vehicles under different working conditions and their effects on urban air quality were reported in this paper .