
  1. 探讨了基于遥感影像图进行城市地震灾害模拟的可行性,提出了一套利用GIS栅格分析功能进行城市地震灾害模拟的方法。

    This paper discussed the possibility of city earthquake disaster simulation based on RS image and GIS grid analysis .

  2. 城市地震灾害及对策的初步探讨

    Preliminary Study on the Earthquake Disaster in City and Countermeasures

  3. 城市地震灾害风险评价的数学模型

    Mathematical model of risk assessment of earthquake disaster in City

  4. 城市地震灾害经济损失预测方法探析

    Review on Forecast Methods of Earthquake Economic Loss in City

  5. 日本防震与大地震城市地震灾害特点及防御、减灾对策

    The characteristics of urban earthquake disasters and the Countermeasures of preparedness and reduction

  6. 城市地震灾害特点与抗震防灾基本对策

    The Characteristic of Earthquake in City And the Basic Countermeasure for Disaster Mitigation

  7. 生命线系统对城市地震灾害损失评价研究

    Study on estimation of earthquake disaster losses caused by disruption of lifeline service

  8. 城市地震灾害紧急救助的时序特性分析

    Analysis on time sequence of the emergency response to earthquake disaster in city

  9. 非工程因素对城市地震灾害损失影响评价方法

    Method for Evaluating Effect of Non-engineering Factors on City 's Earthquake Disaster Loss

  10. 城市地震灾害及防御对策浅析

    Preliminary discussion on Urban Seismic disaters and the Countermeasures

  11. 中国城市地震灾害危险度评价

    Hazard degree assessment of urban earthquake disaster in China

  12. 现代城市地震灾害预防控制对策研究

    Research on Modern Urban Seismic Disaster-proof Manipulative Countermeasures

  13. 我国城市地震灾害风险评估及其在城市规划与管理中的应用

    Urban Seismic Risk Assessment and Their Application to Urban Planning and Management of China

  14. 城市地震灾害综合易损性分析方法探讨

    Discussion on the Methods Analyzing Urban Earthquake Vulnerability

  15. 建筑结构减震控制新体系&减轻城市地震灾害的有效途径

    New systems of seismic control for building structure

  16. 城市地震灾害预测及其信息管理通用程序研究

    Research on the general program of urban earthquake disaster evaluation and its information management

  17. 城市地震灾害应急管理区划构想

    Conception on regionalization of urban earthquake emergency management

  18. 本文根据历史地震记载、现代地震台网记录资料和近年来的地震活动、工程地震和地震地质方面的研究成果,简述了城市地震灾害的特点;

    Based on the recorded seismic history .

  19. 城市地震灾害管理系统

    Earthquake Disaster Management System for Cities

  20. 大城市地震灾害评估&从包头市地震灾害评估中得到的启示

    Earthquake damages evaluation of large city

  21. 城市地震灾害

    Earthquake Disasters of the Cities

  22. 论述了在城市地震灾害中如何考虑诸方面因素来评价城市的灾害轻重分布情况。

    How to estimate the distribution of urban earthquake disaster with various elements is introduced in the paper .

  23. 1976年7月28日唐山7.8级地震是一次罕见的城市地震灾害。

    The Tangshan earthquake of M7.8 which occurred on July 28,1976 was an exceptional instance of urban earthquake disaster .

  24. 运用模糊数学方法进行城市地震灾害的预测是这次会议的新动向,这是对震害预测新途径的一种探索。

    At the meeting , papers on the methods for earthquake damage forecasts were given by the participants from five research units .

  25. 历史震害表明,建筑物的破坏是城市地震灾害中最主要的形式。

    The historical earthquake damage indicated that the destruction of buildings is the main destruction form in the earthquake in a city .

  26. 近年来,快速发展的空间分析技术为研究城市地震灾害提供了新的工具和手段。

    The fast developing SIT ( Spatial Information Technologies ) has provided new tools for the research on urban earthquake disasters in recent years .

  27. 在分析城市地震灾害及典型震例的基础上,探讨了城市地震应急救援的问题。

    On the basis of earthquake disaster and typical case of earthquake , the strategy of earthquake emergency response and disaster relief in city is discussed .

  28. 石油企业抗震防灾规划信息管理系统的设计21世纪减轻城市地震灾害研究需求&纪念《工程抗震》创刊20周年

    A DESIGN OF OIL ENTERPRISES EARTHQUAKE RESIST AND DISASTER REDUCTION INFORMATION SYSTEM Research Needs on Mitigation of earthquake Risk in Urban Region towards the 21st Century

  29. 面向21世纪减轻城市地震灾害研究的需求,建筑结构的标准与规范的研究显得十分重要。

    In order to fulfill the demands of reducing the seismic disaster in urban area , the research of standard and code about structure is very important .

  30. 加强防御城市地震灾害,减少人员伤亡,增强城市综合减灾能力已成为当今国内外减灾工作的重点。

    Strengthening the defense of urban earthquake disaster , reducing casualties and enhancing the urban capacity of disaster reduction , have become the focus of domestic and international disaster reduction work .