
  • 网络city bus;urban public transport;transit
  1. 应用蒙特卡洛法(MonteCarlo)计算城市公交线路的覆盖率

    Calculating the covering rate of city bus lines by Monte Carlo method

  2. 城市公交AMT离合器系统分析及应用

    Analysis and Application of AMT Clutch System of City Bus

  3. 基于WebGIS的城市公交问路系统

    An Inquiring System for Urban Public Traffic Based on Web GIS

  4. 基于GIS的城市公交出行时间链研究

    Research on Transit Trip Time Chain Based on GIS Technology

  5. 基于GIS的城市公交网络服务水平聚类分析

    Based-GIS Clustering Analysis of Urban Public Traffic Network Service Level

  6. 基于GIS的城市公交规划技术研究

    GIS-based Planning of Urban Public Transport Technology Research

  7. 基于GIS的城市公交路网最优路线算法研究

    Research on optimal path finding algorithm of urban transit network based on geographic information system

  8. 基于MDA的城市公交地理信息系统设计

    Design of Urban Public Traffic Geographic Information System Based on MDA

  9. 基于GIS技术的中小城市公交线路优化设计&以梅州市为例

    Optimization Design of Bus Routes in One City Based on GIS Technology & A Case Study on Meizhou

  10. LPG发动机的特点及其在城市公交中的使用性能分析

    Characteristics of LPG Engine and Analysis to Its Application Performance in Urban Public Transport

  11. 基于WAP的城市公交查询系统研究与实现

    Research and Realization of Public Transportation Query system based on WAP

  12. 建立城市公交最短路径有利于城市交通建设有序和稳定的发展,目前采用GIS技术可以有效地管理公交车辆。

    Building the shortest path of urban traffic net is benefit to the stable development of urban communications . Nowadays , bus rapid transit vehicles are managed efficiently by using GIS .

  13. 城市公交数据仓库构建与数据挖掘技术、城市公交居民出行OD矩阵推导是本文的核心与关键。

    Urban public transportation data warehouse and data mining technology and urban public transportation trip OD matrix inference are core and key .

  14. 其次,实现了系统功能模块,主要包括GPS定位模块、地图匹配模块、信息查询模块以及城市公交换乘模块和路径规划模块。

    Second , the author establish a prototype of the system , including GPS positioning module , map-matching module , information module , transfer analysis of urban public transport and analysis of path planning .

  15. “3G”城市公交车辆调度管理具有车辆动态信息查询、车辆动态跟踪、车辆调度、车辆分级管理4大功能。

    The operation management system of urban public traffic vehicles with 3G technology has 4 functions : vehicle information dynamic inquiry , vehicle dynamic control , vehicle operation and vehicle grade management .

  16. 伴随智能卡技术迅速发展及其应用领域不断延伸,POS不再仅仅局限于金融支付,而开始在城市公交领域广泛采用。

    With the fast development of intelligent card , POS are not only used in financial payment , but also are widely used in public traffic .

  17. 介绍了昆明公交系统的特点,进一步提出要实现城市公交BRT系统所需改进的内容。

    The paper tries to outline the main characteristics of Kunming 's bus transportation system and proposes how to realize a BRT system in Kunming .

  18. 就当前国情发展单燃料气汽车(LPG、LNG、CNG)是城市公交巴士和的士的最现实和最佳选择。

    Under the current situation , our country to develop single - fuel LPG buses & taxies ( LPG , LNG and CNG ) is most practical and the best choice .

  19. 最后,使用MATLAB/Simulink仿真工具建立了整个系统的燃油消耗评估模型,并利用建立的模型对该款混合动力车在中国典型城市公交循环工况下的燃油经济性进行仿真分析和比较。

    At the end , a fuel consumption evaluated module is built with MATLAB / Simulink . According the Chinese type city bus circle , the fuel economy performance is analysed and compared using the module .

  20. 从城市公交查询系统建立的必要性出发,研究了基于组件式GIS的公交查询系统的设计,探讨了以换乘次数最少为目标的公交查询系统的实现方案。

    Based on the necessity of urban public traffic inquiry system , this article studies the design of the system based on component GIS , discusses the realization project of the public traffic inquiry system aiming at the least times of bus transfer .

  21. 本文所述的济南公交线路自助查询系统,依托Powerbuilder作为开发语言并结合SqlServer数据库,用于提供快速、简洁的城市公交站点、线路查询。

    To meet the needs , I develop the Jinan self-service bus lines enquiry system which uses Powerbuilder as the develop language , combining with SQL SERVER database for providing fast , and simple enquiry with urban public transport sites , lines .

  22. 针对城市公交柴油客车一直难以解决的碳烟排放问题进行了大量的试验研究,开发出一种柴油/LPG双燃料发动机用的燃料供给和控制系统。

    A fuel / gas supply and control system is developed for dual-fuel engine base on a large of experimental study on fuel / gas dual-fuel engine , aiming at solving the heavy soot emission problem brought by the inter-city bus using diesel engine .

  23. 本文对城市公交循环工况的试验和开发方法进行研究,并根据循环工况对汽车的动力传动系统参数进行优化设计。提出了基于PV(特征值)的城市公交循环工况开发方法。

    The tests and methods on driving cycle are studied in this paper . The parameters of power train for urban bus are optimized based on driving cycles . A method of driving cycle construction based on performance value ( PV ) is developed for urban bus .

  24. 大型客车市场中豪华型客车增速将放缓,普通型城市公交客车将成为大型客车主导产品;中型客车市场中车长为7m~9m的中高档中型客车将热销。

    The luxurious buses in large bus market shall slow their growth speed , the popular city public buses shall become a main product in large bus market , the medium buses with 7m-9m length in medium and high grades in medium bus market shall be in better sales .

  25. 城市公交动线与城市公共空间的关联性研究

    Research on Relationship between City Public Transportation and City Public Space

  26. 城市公交专用车道系统规划与设置研究

    Studies on the Systematic Planning and Set-Up of Urban Bus Lane

  27. 基于可靠性的城市公交乘客满意度评价模型

    Evaluation Model of Satisfaction Degree towards Public Transit Based on Reliability

  28. 大城市公交专用道网络优化技术研究

    Study on the optimization method of bus lane network of metropolis

  29. 成都市城市公交线网分级规划思考

    Consideration of the Urban Public Traffic Network Hierarchy Planning of Chengdu

  30. 地方政府在城市公交体制改革中的角色探讨

    Government 's Role in the System Reform of Urban Public Transportation