
  • 网络cavity mold;cavity mould
  1. 型腔模具的粘接加工

    Bond Processing of Cavity Mold

  2. 精密型腔模具成型尺寸的多目标优化

    The Multi-Object Optimal Design for Cavity Dimensions of Precise Mould

  3. 型腔模具报价系统开发研究

    Development and Study of the Quotation System for Cavity Moulds

  4. 金属型腔模具粉浆浇注成型工艺的实验研究

    Experimental Study on Slurry-casting Molding Process of Metal-cavity Mould

  5. 型腔模具主要加工方法浅析

    Brief Analysis of Manufacture Methods for Moulds

  6. 曲面型腔模具的锌基合金铸模工艺及电算预测

    The Casting Process of the Zinc-Based Alloy Die with Curve-Surface Cavity and the Forecast by Computer Calculation

  7. 复杂型腔模具的一个显著特点是型腔中有很多呈现多样化和不规则性的拐角。

    A striking feature of complicated pocket mould is that many diversified and irregularity corner exists in cavity .

  8. 斜导柱是型腔模具中典型的结构零件,对其实现自动化设计很有必要。

    Since the angle pin is a typical structural part of the mold , it is necessary to design automatically .

  9. 本文以塑料型腔模具为研究对象,建立一套塑料模具价格估算系统,向模具企业提供快速且较为准确的模具报价工具,来应对客户的询价和市场的竞争。

    The system offer mold enterprises more accurate and rapid molds quotation tools to respond to customer requests and marketable competition .

  10. 在大型深型腔模具曲面高速铣削加工中,采用本章所提出的离线误差补偿方法,在不牺牲加工效率的情况下能够获得较高的表面加工尺寸精度。

    When machining large-scale and deep cavity injection die , high dimensional accuracy of surface finish can be obtained using this compensation method .

  11. 精铸作为一种面向复杂型腔模具及模具小批量制造的新方法,在一些模具企业得到了很好的应用。

    Precision casting is a new method for mold manufacturing , and is applied in some mold enterprises with demands for small batch manufacturing and more complex mold cavities .

  12. 然而,只用平衡式浇注系统特别是用到多型腔模具中不是一直可行的。

    It is not always practicable , however , to have a balanced runner system and this particularly applies to moulds which incorporate a large number of differently shaped impressions .

  13. 在模具行业的发展中,复杂型腔模具高速加工已经成为汽车、航天航空及医疗器械等高精密行业不可或缺的。

    During the development of the die & mould industry , high-speed machining complicated cavity had been an indispensable part of high precision industry presented by Aerospace , automobile , medical devices .

  14. 室内用分类塑料垃圾桶盖注塑模具为单型腔模具结构,采用一个点浇口且设在塑料件背面的中心部位;

    The injection mould for cover of the classifying garbage bin is a kind of mould with single cavity structure , a single injection orifice is set in the center of the part .

  15. 针对凹模安装在定模上、凸模安装在动模上的注塑模结构,对矩形型腔模具进行了受力分析和型腔壁厚计算。

    Aiming at the injection mold structures of female mold on stationary mold , the force on the famale mold and male mold are analysed , and the cavity wall thickness are calculated .

  16. 简述了电火花加工精密型腔模具的要点,并分析了影响加工精度的因素,对相关企业和技术人员具有一定的参考价值。

    The critical points of precise die cavity are briefly introduced by EDM , and the factors which affect processing precise are analyzed , which provide reference value to related enterprises and technical staff .

  17. 本文研究的型腔模具报价系统以型腔模具为研究对象,针对原有模具报价系统在信息输入、报价方法、网络化等方面存在缺陷的前提下而进行研究、改进的。

    The research object of the quotation system of moulds and dies in the dissertation is cavity moulds , and the system is brought forward and improved against the deficiency of present quotation system of moulds and dies in the aspect of information distilling , quotation method , network , etc.

  18. 多型腔注射模具的设计与制造

    The Design and Manufacture of Injection Mould for Multiple Cavities

  19. 分析衣夹结构,设计了一模十二腔的多型腔的模具。

    Peg structure was analyzed for mold design .

  20. 多层次、多型腔注塑模具的设计

    Design of Multi Cavity Stack Mould

  21. 模具型腔作为模具成型的最关键部分,是模具数控加工中难度最大、最耗时的部分。

    Mould cavity , which is the crucial component of the mould , is the most difficult and time-consuming part in the NC machining .

  22. 通过一个三型腔家族式模具验证了该算法。

    A three-cavity family mold is used to illustrate this methodology .

  23. 挤压速度、挤压毛坯的温度、型腔温度、模具的表面粗糙度以及挤压毛坯的化学成分是影响热挤压件表面质量的主要因素。

    Extruding velocity , temperature of billet and container , die roughness and the chemical composition of the billet are the major factors which affect the surface quality of the extruded product .

  24. 传统超声加工虽然也可以加工以上硬脆材料,但其加工效率则明显不及旋转超声加工,而且加工复杂的图形或型腔需要借助模具的作用,所以其应用受到很大的限制。

    Although the traditional ultrasonic machining also can machine these hard and brittle materials , its efficiency is inferior to RUM apparently , and machining the complex figure or the die space needs to use shaped tools , therefore its application is limited extremely .

  25. 模具数控加工作为数字化制造的一种重要手段,是影响模具生产工期长短和质量的主要因素,而模具型腔数控加工是模具数控加工中难度最大、最耗时的部分。

    As a significant machining means of mould , NC machining is one of the most important factors which influences the mould manufacturing cycle and quality . Further more , NC machining of mould cavity is the most difficult and time-consuming part .

  26. 叠层注射模是具有2层或2层以上型腔的特殊注射模具,在制件生产批量大等条件下代替传统注射模成型,可以获得不变更设备而使产量翻倍,经济效益明显提高的效果。

    The stacked injection mould is a special injection mould with two or more layers of cavities , taking the place of the conventional injection mould under the condition of big batch production to multiple the production output with the same equipment .