
lā jī fén huà
  • Waste incineration;refuse incineration;incineration of garbage
  1. 有三种方法计算垃圾焚化余热锅炉的出力。

    There are three methods to calculate the boiler capacity .

  2. 垃圾焚化余热锅炉受热面设计特点内循环流化床垃圾焚烧技术

    Design Characteristic for Heating Surface of Heat Recovery Boiler Matched with a MSW Incinerator

  3. 台湾垃圾焚化处理-瞥

    RUBBISH Incineration of Solid Wastes in Taiwan

  4. 废物处理及处置:城市垃圾焚化装置,污水污泥焚化装置,化学及有毒废物焚化装置;

    Waste Treatment and Disposal : municipal refuse incinerators , sewage sludge incinerators , chemical and toxic waste incinerators .

  5. 同样地,氧在许多工业中促进燃烧过程,这些工业包括玻璃、铝、铜、金、铅和水泥或者同垃圾焚化或回收相关的工业。

    Similarly , oxygen enhances the combustion process in industries that manufacture glass , aluminum , copper , gold , lead , and cement or that are involved in waste incineration or remediation .

  6. 在我们城里把垃圾予以焚化,还是倒进废弃的采石坑,哪一种方法好?

    Which is better , to incinerate the rubbish from our towns or to tip it into disused quarries ?