
bà zhǐ
  • damsite
坝址[bà zhǐ]
  1. 如果坝址须上移,则新的龙头水库的调蓄库容不能少于130~150亿m3。

    If the damsite should be move upstream , the storage reservoir of new ' Leading Reservoir ' should not be less than ( 13 ~ 15 )× 10 9m 3 .

  2. 三峡工程三斗坪坝址的岩石力学问题

    Rock Mechanics Tasks for Sandouping Damsite of the Three Gorge Project

  3. 3D激光扫描仪在河口村坝址地形图测绘中的应用

    3D Laser Scanning for Topographic Mapping in HeKou Dam

  4. 白马航电枢纽坝址区F1断层地质特征及对工程的影响分析

    Geological Characteristics of Fault F_1 in Baima Navigation-power Junction Dam Area and Analysis of Its Influence to the Project

  5. 水库年净调节水量4.47亿m3,主要满足坝址下游的阜新市和锦州市的工业、城市生活及灌溉用水。

    Its annual net regulation water is 4.47 × 10 8 m 3 to meet the needs of the industrial , municipal , domestic and irrigation water .

  6. 锦屏双曲拱坝设计坝高305m,其坝址河谷呈V形,有良好的建坝条件。

    Jinping arch dam is designed for 305m height . The V shaped river valley is favorable for arch dam building .

  7. 水文站滑坡位于某拟建的水电站坝址下游约300m的左岸。

    Hydrologic station landslide lies at the left bank of a preparing hydropower station dam site 's downstream with a distance of about 300m to the hydroelectric station .

  8. 由于下水库溢流坝坝址处河谷狭窄,河床底宽约8~12m。

    At the dam site of the moutain spillway dam of the lower reservoir , the width of the riverbed is about 8 ~ 12m .

  9. 在三峡大坝附近,模拟结果比观测结果大8~15mm,说明坝址附近的花岗岩具有较强的刚性;

    Near the dam the vertical deformation value is 15 mm larger than GPS results , which shows that the granite structure has strong rigidity in this area .

  10. 能量法是计算基岩冲刷深度的较新方法,根据参证坝址(原型已建工程)和待建坝址的平均水股剩余能量与冲刷深度的关系用冲刷能量指标ESI来估算大坝下游岩基冲深。

    Energy Approach is a new method to estimate scour by using ESI ( Estimating Scour Index ), which represents the relationship of scour depth and mean remain energy between the dams built and to be built .

  11. 有22条断裂构造影像特征比较清晰,规模相对较大,而其中有8条NW向区域或主干断裂对工程区输水线路和相关坝址的稳定性影响更加突出一些。

    There are 22 faults whose linear features in remote sensing images are more obvious and scales are larger in all faults . Among them , 8 regional or main faults have relatively larger effects on the stability of water transfer project .

  12. 根据锦屏水电站坝址区揭示的地质、水文地质情况,基于Monte-Carlo法,建立了三维随机裂隙网络模型。

    According to the geological and hydrogeological conditions exposed in the dam region of Jinping Hydroplant , the physical and mathematical model for the groundwater movement through the 3D fractured network media of rock mass is established in this thesis on the basis of Monte-Carlo method .

  13. 各坝址孔中最大水平主应力值最高约为17MPa,最大水平主应力方向受局部地形地势影响变化较大,但大多数孔方向仍为NNE或NEE;

    The largest amplitude of maximum horizontal principal stress is about 17 MPa in all the boreholes in the dams areas , and the orientations are mainly NNE or NEE though influenced by local topography ;

  14. 在定量划分方面,综合应用了RQD、回弹值、氡气及声波波速测试成果。(5)归纳和提取影响坝址区岩体质量级别的主要因素。

    In aspect of quantitative division , synthetically apply the test achievement of RQD and rebounding test , radon survey , acoustic wave test results etc. ( 5 ) By summarizing the main factors which impact the rock mass quality .

  15. 犍为水电站正常蓄水水位为335m,坝址处水位比蓄水前抬升约16m,库区水位的抬升给水库渗漏提供了良好的水动力条件。

    Normal water level of Qianwei hydropower station is 335m , the water level lifting approximately 16m before water storing at the dam site . The water rise provides good hydrodynamic conditions to the seepage of the reservoir .

  16. 采用PMP条件下的产汇流计算方法,计算了坝址的PMF过程,结果表明:由时面深概化法估算的PMP,用69.7和71.6时雨型推算的PMF洪峰洪量均较大;

    Adopting the output-conflux count method on the PMP condition , calculated the PMF process of the dam . The result shows : estimated by the time-area-depth summarization , the PMF flood-peak flows ' reckoned by " 69.7 " and " 71.6 " rain type are both big .

  17. 逆冲带内的主干活动断裂F201的规模及活动强度是影响坝址稳定的主要因素。

    In the thrust nappe zone , the size of the trunk fault F 201 and its active intensity both mainly affect the stability of the dam being built .

  18. 采用HDS-1型快速数字闪烁测氡仪,对温泉水库坝址区活动断裂(带)或破碎带以及地震鼓包等进行了氡气测试。

    Using HDS-1 fast data flashing Rn measure instrument , the gas radon was measured in the active fault ( zone ) or broken zone and earthquake swell of the Wequan reservoir dam location .

  19. 坝址区右岸岩体,总体上为片理化变质火山角砾岩夹变质凝灰岩(T3xd)和板岩(J2h)构成的薄层(板)状大角度横向倾向坡内地质结构。

    The rock mass of the right bank slope in dam area generally are metamorphosed volcanic breccia with metamorphic tuff ( T3xd ) and slate ( J2h ) which consisted the geological structure of transverse wide-angle inclined slope .

  20. 坝址区河床狭窄,存在河谷深槽。

    The dam site has a narrow riverbed and deep trench .

  21. 贵州某水库坝址岩溶洞穴预测研究

    Karst Cave Prediction for a Reservoir Dam-site in Guizhou Karst Area

  22. 坝址区岩体松动破碎,质量差。

    The rock mass is loose and fractured with poor quality .

  23. 大坝坝址地下水析出物检测方法

    Methods for Monitoring of Elute from Groundwater Around Dam - site

  24. 伊朗卡尔赫水电站坝址松散砾岩钻探工艺

    Drilling Techniques used in Loose Conglomerate at Hydro-electric Station in Iran

  25. 碛口水利枢纽坝址泥化夹层结构研究夹层阻尼结构抑振特性研究

    Research of the vibration restraint characteristics of the interlayer damped structure

  26. 腊寨水电站坝址区右岸边坡稳定分析

    Stability Analysis of Right Bank Slope of La-Zhai Hydroelectric Power Station

  27. 龙滩水电站坝址区平洞结垢量的估算

    Estimation of Adit Dirt Volume in Longtan Hydropower Station Dam Area

  28. 大柳树坝址的基本烈度应以Ⅶ度为宜。

    So the basic seismic intensity of the site should be ⅶ .

  29. 江口水电站坝址区三维渗流计算分析

    Analysis on three-dimensional FEM seepage of Jiangkou Hydroelectric Station 's dam area

  30. 大坝坝址环境水特征及工程地质问题

    Dam site environmental water characteristics and some engineering geological issues