
  • 网络seat depth
  1. 但就在我乘坐这趟美国列车时,满脑子想的却是童年时代坐在深绿色的绿皮车里听到的隆隆声。

    Yet even as I sat there , all my nostalgic mind could think about was the rumbling of the dark green trains of my childhood .

  2. 目击证人指出,这名妇女随后在托马斯之前离开麦当劳,并前往停车场坐在她的深蓝色切诺基吉普车里。

    The woman then left the restaurant before the Thomases and stayed in the parking lot , sitting in her dark blue Jeep Cherokee , witnesses told police .

  3. 如果我正看在电影里看到这一幕,我将会受到影响以至于需要坐直然后深吸几口气。

    If I am watching such a scene in a movie , I am affected so much that I need to sit up and take a few deep breaths .

  4. 她只是僵硬坐在套着深蓝色罩子的沙发的边缘,凝望着天空,一动不动。

    She just sat stiffly on the edge of the dark blue velvet-covered sofa , staring into space , unmovable .