
  • 网络homogeneous catalytic systems
  1. 均相催化体系中混合C8烯烃氢甲酰化反应条件的研究

    Effect of reaction conditions on hydroformylation of mixed octenes ( 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene and 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene ) in homogeneous catalytic system

  2. SBS进行催化加氢反应,采用双乙酰丙酮钴-三异丁基铝均相催化体系;

    SBS carried out catalytic hydrogenation reaction , using acetone-tri-isobutyl aluminum as homogeneous catalyst .

  3. 对SBS及相关聚合物加氢的各种均相催化体系作了全面的介绍与评述。

    This paper gives an overall introduction and review of homogeneous catalytic hydrogenation of SBS and other polymers concerned .

  4. 近年来,无论是均相催化体系还是非均相催化体系的Heck偶联反应都取得了巨大的发展。

    In recent years , there is a great development with the Heck coupling reaction , both in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic systems .

  5. 同时,针对NY均相催化体系设计的环氧乙烷吸收反应流程,将环氧乙烷的吸收和反应有机的结合在一起,这将大大缩短催化水合法的工艺流程。

    Meanwhile , process of reactive absorption designed according to NY homogeneous catalytic system organically combined absorption with reaction , which may obviously shorten the process flow .

  6. 使用CpTi(OPh)3/MAO均相催化体系,研究了工艺条件对苯乙烯间规聚合的影响。

    The effects of process conditions on the syndiotactic polymerization of styrene was studied in the case of using CpTi ( OPh ) 3 as homogeneous catalytic system .

  7. 乙烯二聚共聚双功能均相催化体系的研究

    Studies on homogeneous bifunctional catalytic systems for ethylene dimerization and copolymerization

  8. 丁二烯在乙酰基丙酮镍和一氯二烷基铝均相催化体系中的定向聚合

    Stereospecific polymerization of butadiene with homogeneous systems composed of nickel acetylacetonate and dialkyl - aluminium chloride

  9. 对部分添加了无机盐的均相催化体系寿命进行了考察,结果表明,添加无机盐后,提高了铑催化剂的循环使用次数。

    The number of recycle of rhodium catalyst in homogeneous catalytic system with inorganic salt can be increased .

  10. 多种磺酰胺类化合物与烯烃的加成反应,在该非均相催化体系中都获得了80%以上的产率。

    These processes gave more than 80 % yields for the addition reaction of various sulfonamides with alkenes .

  11. 评述了顺酐催化选择加氢制备下游产品的多相催化体系(包括气-固两相或气-固-液三相反应体系)和均相催化体系的研究进展。

    Research progress in heterogeneous catalyst systems ( including gas solid two phase and gas liquid solid three phase reaction ) and homogeneous catalyst systems for hydrogenation of maleic anhydride ( MA ) are reviewed .

  12. 归纳出胶体催化剂的制备特点为外观类似于均相催化体系,但是制备方法(各组分配比、加入顺序、陈化等)对催化活性有明显的影响。

    This paper summarizes that the characteristic of colloid catalysts is similar to that of homogeneous catalytic system , but the catalytic activity was apparently affected by preparing methods such as component ratios , adding order and aging .

  13. 指出今后的研究应集中在寻找高效、价廉及可重复使用的催化体系或对高效的均相催化体系进行负载化以及研究多相催化体系的催化机理。

    It is pointed out that the further development is to search for effective , cheap and reusable catalytic system or load active component on homogenous catalytic system , and to research into the mechanism of multiphase system .

  14. 基于此,我们设计制备以树枝状聚合物为载体,通过离子交换将小分子催化剂负载到树枝状聚合物上形成均相催化体系的树枝状负载催化剂。

    Based on this , we designed and fabricated to the dendrimer as a carrier , catalyst loading of small molecules to the dendrimers on the formation of homogeneous catalytic system , dendritic supported catalysts by ion exchange .

  15. 此外,还研究了不同均相光催化体系的降解效率进行了研究,包括单独的UV辐射、UV/H2O2和UV/Fe3+三个体系。

    Degradation efficiencies with different homogeneous photocatalyst systems were investigated , including UV only , UV / H2O2 and UV / Fe3 + degradation systems .

  16. 但是,在均相催化氧化体系中金属卟啉无法回收再利用,造成昂贵金属卟啉的浪费。

    However , it is pity that expensive metalloporphyrins in homogeneous catalysis system can not be reused further , resulting in high cost in practical industry .

  17. 金属卟啉在液相均相催化氧化体系的研究中近年取得较大进展。

    In recent years , our predecessors have already made a breakthrough in catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons , and metallo porphyrins are used as catalyst in the liquid phase system .

  18. 本文构建了非均相催化臭氧氧化体系,并采用该工艺对煤化工废水深度处理进行了研究。

    In this paper , heterogeneous phase catalytic ozonation process was established , and this advanced technology was further used for the treatment of coal chemical industry wastewater .

  19. 研究表明,采用UV/Fenton均相光催化氧化体系降解印制电路板脱膜废液效果好。

    The study shows that there will be a good effect to degrade printed circuit board ( PCB ) waste stripping liquid using UV / Fenton homogeneous photochemical catalysis system .

  20. 目前的均相铜催化反应体系、固载型铜催化体系以及铜基纳米颗粒催化体系存在反应成本高或催化剂回收困难等问题。

    However , the present homogeneous copper catalytic system , immobilized copper catalytic system and nano-copper catalytic system are problematic in terms of high cost or difficulty in recycling of catalyst .

  21. 碳酸酯的直接合成可在均相及多相催化体系中进行,负载金属、金属甲氧基化合物及碱均可作为催化剂。

    The direct synthesis of carbonates can be carried out both in homogeneous and heterogeneous catalytic systems . Supported metals , metal methoxides and bases can all be used as catalysts .

  22. 钯的均相催化剂对偶联反应的催化效果非常理想,但是许多贵金属应用于均相催化体系中代价很大,并且从反应体系中不易分离。

    High activity for coupling reaction can be achieved using homogeneous palladium catalysts . However , many noble metals used in homogeneous system are quite expensive and it is difficult to separate the soluble catalyst from the reaction system .