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  • uniform plane wave
  1. 对均匀平面波、高斯光束和超高斯光束入射下菲涅耳透镜的衍射场在轴上和焦平面上的光强特性进行了研究,比较了它们之间的不同之处;

    Diffractive field of Fresnel lens with uniform plane wave , Gauss beam and Super-Gauss beam incidence was analyzed and compared . Simultaneously .

  2. 最后,文中给出了采用上述方案分析微波炉加热胶体材料和均匀平面波垂直入射空气&媒质交界面热模型的实例。

    Final , Application examples using the model above to analyze the heating of Gel material in microwave oven and uniform plane wave normally incident on air-medium interface were showed .

  3. 非均匀平面波与Snell定律

    Inhomogeneous plane wave and Snell ′ s laws

  4. 基于Richardson外推(Extrapolation)技术和有限元法(FEM)相结合快速计算均匀平面波入射到一非理想导体上的散射场。

    The Richardson extrapolation technique in conjunction with the finite element method ( FEM ) is applied to calculate the scattered field of two-dimensional imperfectly conducting geometries illuminated by a plane waves .

  5. 从电磁波方程出发,讨论了它的非均匀平面波解及此情形下Snell定律的推广。

    Starting with an electromagnetic wave equation , its inhomogeneous plane wave solution and the extension of the Snell ′ s laws in the situation are dealt with .

  6. 非均匀平面波声场中质点运动的椭圆度

    Ellipticity of Motion for Particle in Field of Inhomogeneous Plane Wave

  7. 垂直入射均匀平面波的多层平板屏蔽效能分析

    Analysis on Shielding Effectiveness of Multi Layer Planar Shields to Normally Incident

  8. 饱和多孔介质中的非均匀平面波

    Inhomogeneous Plane Waves in a Saturated Porous Medium

  9. 传播于理想液体内的非均匀平面波

    Heterogeneous plane wave propagating in ideal liquids

  10. 以均匀平面波的衍射图样为参照,求出了不同光斑尺寸、横向偏移高斯光场衍射图样与参照图样之间的相关系数。

    The correlation coefficients of these pattern curves and that one of uniformly planar waves are calculated .

  11. 基于快速非均匀平面波算法和混合粒子群算法的目标外形反演

    The Targets Shape Reconstruction Based on the Fast Inhomogeneous Plane Wave Algorithm and Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization

  12. 把一非均匀平面波引进折射率较高的介质层时,它会在上下界面间来回地弹射。

    When an inhomogeneous plane wave is introduced into a dense dielectric layer , it can bounce between the two boundaries .

  13. 为改善其迭代特性和有效避免内谐振,本文进而研究了基于混合场积分方程的快速非均匀平面波算法。

    In order to improve the iteration property and avoid inner resonance , the combined field integral equation ( CFIE ) FIPWA is then constructed successfully .

  14. 制取高质量全息光栅的关键是要用均匀平面波作光源。

    Therefore , in order to make a high quality holographic gratings , it is necessary to use the uniform plane light wave as their sources .

  15. 以单色标量波衍射理论为基础,研究了均匀平面波从不同角度入射小孔阵列的衍射特性。

    Based on the diffraction theory of monochromatic scalar wave , the characteristics of plane wave with uniform intensity diffracted by aperture-array from different angles were investigated .

  16. 其三,推导了均匀平面波激励时求解不含频变参数的均匀多导体传输线模型的时域有限差分法迭代公式,并将其推广到含频变参数和传输线不均匀时的情况;

    The iterative formulas of the FDTD method to solve the uniform MTLs model without frequency-dependent parameters are given and extended to solve more complicated model when the incident wave is uniform plane wave .

  17. 为了确定相控函数也导出了当多极化均匀平面波投射到圆顶上时,平面馈电阵上接收场的计算公式。

    In order to determine phased function the computational formula of field received by a planar feed array when a uniform plane wave of multipolarization is incident upon a dome phased array is also derived .

  18. 基于标量衍射理论,对均匀平面波通过两个非对称双矩孔的衍射作了解析研究和数值计算,给出了夫琅和费和菲涅耳衍射的横向、轴上和轴外光强分布。

    Based on the theory of scalar diffraction , the diffraction of a uniform plane wave at two asymmetrical rectangular apertures is studied analytically and numerically . The transversal , on-axis and off-axis intensity distributions of the Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction are given and analyzed .

  19. 导电媒质中均匀平面电磁波的E、H相位关系

    Phase relationship between E and H of uniform plane electromagnetic wave in conductive medium

  20. 使用均匀平面简谐波分析方法研究其频散关系,得到Christoffel方程,进而获得均匀平面波的复速度、相速度、衰减系数和品质因子的表达式。

    Probing the medium with a time harmonic homogeneous plane wave gives the Christoffel equation . Then the complex velocities for homogeneous viscoelastic waves are calculated from it , while the attenuation factor and phase velocity and quality factor are obtained from the complex velocity .

  21. 应用基于电场积分方程的矩量法解决任意形状金属体在均匀平面电磁波照射下表面电流的计算及其电磁散射问题,得到了一些数据结果;

    Then based on EFIE-MoM , the current computation and scattering problems of arbitrary-shaped complex PEC platform with uniform plane wave incidence are solved .

  22. 无限长非均匀圆柱对平面波散射的彩虹特性研究

    Characteristics of Plane Waves ′ Rainbow Scattered by Infinite Inhomogeneous Cylinder

  23. 均匀圆球对平面波的散射

    The Scattering of a Plane Wave by Homogeneous Sphere

  24. 从Maxwell方程组出发,推导出均匀晶体中平面单色波的法向速度公式,并导出了在这种电各向异性的晶体中波法线矢量和法向速度必须满足的关系。

    From the equation group of Maxwell , it is possible to derive the formula of the normal velocity of the monochromatic plane wave in the even crystal , the wave vector in this electric anisotropic crystal , and the relation necessary for the normal velocity .

  25. 均匀晶体中平面单色波的法向速度

    The Normal Velocity of the Monochromatic Plane Wave in the Even Crystal

  26. 结合非均匀球粒子对平面波散射的散射场计算的改进算法,提出了平面波垂直入射无限长分层圆柱散射场快速稳定而有效的改进电磁散射算法。

    On the basis of the improved algorithm for electromagnetic scattering of plane waves by multilayered spheres , a stable , efficient numerical algorithm to compute the scattering coefficients of a multilayered cylinder of infinite length is proposed .

  27. 当均匀平面声波入射在液&固介质分界面上产生非均匀平面波时,场中质点将在其平衡位置附近作椭圆振动。

    Locus of mation for particle in the field of inhomogeneous plane wave will be elliptic when the homogeneous plane wave incidents upon the interface of liquid thermoviscoelastic and generates the inhomogeneous plane waves .