
jūn yún zhǎn kuān
  • homogeneous broadening
  1. 其原理是利用放大器的均匀展宽特性和级连放大器自动增益补偿的特性。

    The principle of this algorithm is taking the advantages of homogeneous broadening and gain compensation between two stages .

  2. 由于均匀展宽效应,多波长掺铒光纤激光器无法在室温下稳定。

    Because of the homogeneous broadening effect , the multi-wavelength erbium doped fiber laser can hardly be stable at room temperature .

  3. 在外加磁场的情况下,对单模均匀展宽CO2激光器进行了实验研究。

    We have experimentally studied the instabilities of a homogeneously broadened single-longitudinal mode CO2 laser with transverse magnetic field .

  4. 均匀展宽介质中激光超短脉冲面积的演化规律

    Evolution Rule of Ultra-short Laser Pulse Area in Homogeneously Broadened Medium

  5. 分析了量子点非均匀展宽对光开关对比度的影响。

    The optical switching dependence on the quantum dot inhomogeneous broadening is studied .

  6. 此外,研究了非均匀展宽对光开关的影响。

    In addition , effect of inhomogeneous broadening on the switching is studied in detail .

  7. 对于均匀展宽激光器的非线性镜锁模,提出了一种解析分析方法。

    This paper presents a closed form analysis method of nonlinear mirror mode lo-cking of a homogeneously broadened Laser .

  8. 与此同时,线形谐振腔引起的空间烧孔效应也有利于抑制均匀展宽效应。

    What ′ s more , the spatial hole burning in linear cavity is propitious to suppress the homogeneous broaden line .

  9. 特别是对于均匀展宽、单向环形激光器的情形,分析了这种激光器的特性。

    Especially for the case of unidirectional ring laser witha homogeneously broadened line , the features of the laser are analysed .

  10. 通过改变色散介质的相关参数,详细研究了简正耦合模频率的移动、均匀展宽效应和失谐效应。

    It implies that we can modulate the frequency shift of the dispersive defect by adjusting the parameter of the dispersive medium .

  11. 结果表明,相位调制和偏振烧孔的共同作用,可以有效的抑制由于掺铒光纤的均匀展宽效应引起的模式竞争。

    It indicated that the phase modulation and polarization hole burning is propitious to suppress the mode competition owing to the homogeneous broaden line .

  12. 采用掺铒光纤的均匀展宽三能级系统理论模型,分析了该激光器的工作原理,并对其输出特性进行了数值模拟。

    Considering the EDF as a homogeneously broadened three-level system , the operation principle of this laser is discussed , and the output characteristics is simulated .

  13. 中厚板轧制生产过程是最重要的金属塑性加工过程之一,轧件的非均匀展宽导致轧制生产出非矩形形状的中厚板,造成大量的切头、切尾及切边损失。

    Plate rolling is one of the most important metal forming processes . In rolling , non-uniform spread results in non-rectangular plates , causing yield loss .

  14. 以原子均匀展宽的单模环形双光子激光器为模型,用半经典方法讨论有注入信号的双光子激光器的双稳性质。

    By means of the semiclassical method , we discuss the bistability in a two-photon laser with injected signal for the homogeneously broadened single mode ring cavity .

  15. 结合实验事实,澄清了关于使增益介质均匀展宽占优势的概念,并且详细推导了均匀展宽激光器自发产生单纵模运转的条件。

    Combining with the experimental facts , the concept of making the gain medium predominantly homogeneously broadened is clarified and the conditions of single - longitudinal - mode operation without special optical mode-selection for homogeneously broadened lasers are deduced in details .

  16. 就可以精确求解的均匀展宽、单向环形激光器的情形,分析了频率位移关系,反转度的临界值和阈值,相变行为,以及带有外加讯号的双光子激光的特性。

    For the exactly soluble case of unidirectional ring laser with a homogeneous broadened line , the frequency shift relation , the critical and threshold value of inversion , the phase transition behavior and the features of the two-photon lasers with injected signal are analysed .

  17. 考虑了锗中轻、重空穴价带的能带结构并利用轻、重空穴价带的复合态密度,由电极化率的虚部推得类似于非均匀展宽两能级系统模型的饱和吸收具有的形式。

    By taking into account the light hole and heavy hole valence band structures and their combined density of states , the expression of saturation absorption is deduced from the imaginary part of the susceptibility , which is similar to the mode of inhomogeneous broadening of two-level system .

  18. 光纤光栅反射谱对非均匀应变的展宽响应

    Response of Fiber Bragg Grating Reflective Spectrum Expanding to Uneven Distribution Strain