
  1. 去年成都地票交易场突然关闭。

    Late last year Chengdu 's market was suddenly closed down .

  2. 应当说,地票交易模式在全国的城镇化、工业化推进中具有极其显著的借鉴意义。

    The ticket-trading system makes great significance to the development of urbanization .

  3. 地票交易的主体还不够明确。

    The main body of vote transaction is not clear .

  4. 头脑风暴法以专家对地票交易制度风险的主观分析为依据,进行预测和分析。

    Brainstormings predict and analyze the land ticket transaction system risk by subjective analysis .

  5. 地票交易的实质是土地发展权的转让。

    The Trading of the Land Voucher is the essence of transfer of development rights .

  6. 尽管得到官方批准,地票市场仍然受到中央首长的谨慎关注。

    Though officially sanctioned , the dipiao markets are viewed warily by the central leadership .

  7. 其次,逐步完善地票交易制度,规避交易中暗箱操作的可能。

    Secondly , improve the trading system , avoid the possibility of trading in the black-box operation .

  8. 地票交易制度是一新生事物,制度的构建被实践检验是一个长期的过程。

    The land ticket transaction system is a new thing ; system construction is a long process in practice .

  9. 同年重庆市农村土地交易所挂牌成立,标志着地票交易制度正式启动。

    In the same year Chongqing rural land exchange was established , marked the beginning of the land ticket transaction system .

  10. 正是基于此,本论文开展了对地票交易制度的风险及防范研究。

    Based on this , this thesis researched how to prevent the problem and risk in the land ticket transaction system .

  11. 在重庆,政府的按年度出售的尚待开发的农村土体中仅有10%的进入到地票系统。

    In Chongqing only 10 % of the government 's annual sales of undeveloped rural land are subject to the dipiao system .

  12. 但是,地票交易制度还处于发展的初级阶段,还有许多地方需要完善。

    However , the ticket-trading system is still in the early stages of development , there are many areas that need to improve .

  13. 对重庆的地票交易进行深入的剖析,以及现行模式进行了解,并详细阐述地票交易的具体流程。

    Specific-depth analysis , as well as the current mode of the Chongqing ticket transaction is understood , and elaborated way ticket transaction process .

  14. 这些地票将被卖给企图动用农地的城市开发商,这些农地通常远离市区。

    These can then be sold to urban developers who want to build on other patches of farmland , usually far away on the city periphery .

  15. 同时,地票交易也有利于破解城乡二元体制、促进城乡统筹协调发展,找到征地新出路。

    At the same time , the land ticket transaction is able to promote the coordinated development of urban and rural and to solve the urban-rural dual system effectively .

  16. 尽管地票交易制度取得了一定的成效,但同任何一项制度创新一样,在运行过程仍存在一定的不足,需要在改革实践中逐步完善。

    Although the ticket system has obtained certain result , but with any institutional innovation , there are still some deficiencies in the practice , needed to gradually improve .

  17. 重庆市政府设计的优先划地权是两个市场的对接点,开发商可以藉此在土地市场获得事实上的优先地位,从而创造出对地票的旺盛需求。

    Priority planning land that designed by Chongqing government for creating strong demand is junction between the two markets . By this , developer can get priority in fact in land market .

  18. 以地票市场-土地市场相分离为特征的土地双层市场结构形成的根源是地票落地与土地出让制度的衔接。

    The root cause of land double market structures which characterized by separation of tickets market and land market is the cohesion between land ticket fall to the ground and land grant system .

  19. 地票以票据的形式,将农民的死资产盘活,实现实物交易虚拟化,有效挖掘农民的财产性收入。

    The Land Ticket Transactions as the form of notes , makes an inventory of the farmers '" dead assets ", achieves the physical trading virtualization , excavates farmers ' property income effectively .

  20. 重庆市和成都市地票市场只不过是给几乎全国性的农民的悲惨生活趋势加了一层复杂性而已。

    The dipiao markets in Chongqing and Chengdu have done little more than add a layer of complexity to a widespread trend in many parts of China that has often added to peasants ' grievances .

  21. 研究表明地票指标有利于打破国家计划指标完全垄断土地市场造成失灵的状况,但形成的地票指标与国家计划用地指标替代效应配比关系需要更深入研究。

    Research shows that land trading indicators help break the monopoly of national planning indicators which always cause failure situation , but we need to study further on proportion of substitution effect between land trading indicators and national planning indicators .

  22. 去年末,成都的市场被突然关闭,却一直未有明确的解释。一位华人学者说,政府高层担心地票在土地还没有转化为农业用途之前就被交易掉了。

    Late last year Chengdu 's market was suddenly closed down . No clear explanation was given , but a Chinese scholar says higher-level officials worried that dipiao were being traded without land having first been converted to agricultural use .

  23. 另在地票制度之外为其考察、设计了相关社会化配套制度,即健全社会保障制度的和完善户籍改革制度,力图建立土地流转、社会保障和户籍改革三项制度的联动机制。

    With consistent theory of this paper , it explores problems of setting up a sound social security regime and perfecting the household registration reform regime , and tries to set up land circulation , social security and household registration reform mechanism .

  24. 一是地票制度前期探索中缺乏一些上位法的依据;二是价格形成机制的理论依据有待探索;三是收益机制仍需进一步完善。

    A preliminary exploration of the land ticket system is lack of some of the upper law basis ; two is that the price formation mechanism theories need to be explored ; three is that the accrual mechanism still needs further improvement .

  25. 地票价格受到政府设立交易基准价格、控制交易总量、打包零散指标、决定交易时间和方式、设定具体用途等方式调节,同时也受到市场供需规律支配。

    Ticket price not only regulated by government through setting benchmark price , appointing specific purpose , controlling trading volume , packaging retail quotas , deciding trade time and ways , but also at the mercy of market law of supply and demand .

  26. 本文综合运用重庆市发改委统筹城乡调查数据,重庆市农村土地交易所数据和自身走访调查结果,发现了地票交易中实际存在的问题。

    In this paper , the integrated use of urban and rural survey data of the Chongqing Municipal Development and Reform Commission , Chongqing Rural Land Exchange data and the own visits of survey results , finding that actually problem exist in the Land Ticket Transactions .

  27. 将地票交易制度风险的识别、评估以及防范等方面作为一个整体来考虑,整个研究的结构性、系统性较强。

    It is the first time this kind of the land ticket transaction system risk research has been studied . So the research has creative value . The risk appraisal , risk identification and risk prevention as a whole , the study is very systematic and structural .

  28. 但地票实际成交均价接近生产价格,由此推断其定价策略侧重于复垦成本填补,为土地综合整治大规模展开后的社会资本找到退出机制。

    From the fact that actual average deal price close to the production price , we can be inferred that ticket pricing strategy is focused on making up for reclamation cost and finding an exit mechanism for social capital when land comprehensive improvement activities carried out at a large scale .

  29. 他大获全胜的几个州要么是伊利诺斯州和马萨诸塞州这样忠诚地把票投给民主党的地区,要么就是关岛和波多黎各这样干脆不投票的地区(在3月18号,这些地区把90%的票都投给了罗姆尼)。

    His biggest wins have tended to be in places that either vote reliably Democratic in presidential elections , such as Illinois and Massachusetts , or don 't vote at all , such as Guam and Puerto Rico ( which gave him almost 90 % of the vote on March 18th ) .

  30. 她需要一款能让她更方便地购买火车票或飞机票的app。

    She needs an app that can make it easier for her to buy train or airline tickets .