
  • 网络geography education;Geographical education;geographic education
  1. 中国高等地理教育改革发展的趋势与问题

    The Tendencies and problems of reforming and developing Chinese higher geographical education

  2. 穗港高等地理教育的比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis on the Higher Geographical Education between Guangzhou and Hong Kong

  3. 基础地理教育GIS教学软件平台开发与应用研究

    A Study on GIS Software Platform Development and Application of Basic Geographic Education

  4. GIS能够应用于地理教育是基于其对地图处理和操作的强大功能。

    It is because of its strong functions of map processing and operating that the GIS can be applied to the geography education .

  5. 文章通过对GIS在中学地理教育中应用现状的分析,对目前存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了GIS在中学地理教育中的应用途径以及在信息化水平不同地区应采取的策略。

    Based on the analysis of GIS 's application status of geography education in middle schools , this paper explores the existing problem and provides the application approach and development strategies in different regions .

  6. 第一章绪论,介绍了论文研究的背景与意义,分析了国内外GIS和网络应用于基础地理教育的现状,提出了基础地理教育面临的问题,引出了本文研究的主要内容。

    Chapter one is introduction , which introduces the background and important significance , relative research and application status both at home and abroad , brings forward problems exists in basic geographic education using Internet and GIS and the main contents of the thesis .

  7. 第6章地理教育中的德育渗透。

    Chapter Six : Infiltration of moral education into geography teaching .

  8. 高师地理教育改革与现代化的思考

    Reform and modernization of geography education in normal universities and colleges

  9. 21世纪地理教育改革的基本对策

    Reform the Basic Countermeasure of the Geographic Education in the 21-century

  10. 第二章美国地理教育评价。

    In the second chapter , the paper introduces American GES .

  11. 国家生态安全与中学地理教育

    The Safe of Country Biochore and Geography Education in Middle School

  12. 师专地理教育改革途径探讨

    Study on the Reform in Geography Teaching in Teacher 's College

  13. 大学地理教育改进的系统分析

    A Systematic Analysis of the Improvement of University Geography Education

  14. 课外地理教育内容的选择和指导方法研究

    A Study of Out-of-class Geography Education & Choice and Methods

  15. 我国中学人文&经济地理教育的演变

    The Evolution of Human-Economic Geography Education in China 's Middle School 's

  16. 处于两个结合点上的地理教育学

    On Geography Pedagogy Situated at a Link between Two Subjects

  17. 农村乡土地理教育的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice in Countryside 's Local Geography Education

  18. 强化地理教育内容改革;

    Strengthen the reform of contents in the geographic education ;

  19. 县域可持续发展研究与地理学和地理教育

    County Sustainable Development Research and Geography and Geography Education

  20. 可持续发展观下的高师地理教育

    The Higher-Normal Geography Education Based on the Sustainable Development

  21. 本国的地理教育机构培养的教师,继承了中国传统地理学的史学传统,但也对西方地理学有一定程度的吸收。

    Native teachers inherited Chinese traditional geography , meanwhile absorbed the western geography .

  22. 地理教育思想是地理教育科研比较薄弱的环节;

    The researches on geography education ideology are weak ;

  23. 推进地理教育方法和手段现代化的进程;

    Advance the mordent progress of ways and means in the geographic education ;

  24. 以科学发展观指导地理教育

    Guiding geographical education with the viewpoint of scientific development

  25. 乡镇中学地理教育现状调查与探讨

    A study on the present situation of geographic education in rural middle school

  26. 从地理教育看提高教师素质

    Discussion on improving teacher 's quality in geography education

  27. 中国地理教育:继承与创新

    Education of Geography in China : Inheriting and Innovation

  28. 通过本文的论述,得出了生活与地理教育必须互动相融的结论。

    It is concluded that the geography education and daily life must been merged .

  29. 转变教育思想,更新地理教育观念;

    Change the old thought of education , renew the ideas of geographic education ;

  30. 地理教育现代化的理论探讨

    Theoretical Probe into the Modernization of Geography Education