
  1. 有一种理论认为,一颗巨大的小行星撞击地球的力量很大,导致岩石和碎片像进入土星环一样的环绕地球的轨道。

    One theory is that a huge asteroid struck earth with such force that rock and debris were shot into orbit around the planet like the rings of Saturn .

  2. 虚假道正要被道吸收,这样正让来自更高维度已经控制了地球的力量得以驱散。

    The false tao is being reabsorbed by the Tao ; and as such this is causing the forces from upper dimensions that have been controlling Earth to dissipate .

  3. 这颗小行星直径约15公里,据认为它撞击地球的力量比轰炸日本广岛的原子弹力量要大10亿倍。

    The asteroid , which was around 15 kilometres wide , is believed to have hit Earth with a force one billion times more powerful than the atomic bomb at Hiroshima .

  4. 发,使海风不能将分量过多的水汽带走,不然的话,水汽重化为水,简直就要把温带地方完全淹没了。这真是巨大得了不得的作用,是调节全地球的力量,使其保持平衡的伟大作用!”

    No. They make ocean water less open to evaporation and prevent winds from carrying off excessive amounts of steam , which , when condensing , would submerge the temperate zones . Salts play a leading role , the role of stabilizer for the general ecology of the globe ! "

  5. 统治地球的邪恶力量。

    The evil powers that rule the earth .

  6. 有些人甚至认为,也许有某些地球以外的力量参与。

    Some people even go as far as to think that certain forms of extraterrestrial force might have been involved .

  7. 地球内部隐藏的力量已使得地层受压变形。

    The hidden forces within the earth have buckled the strata .

  8. 地球内部的巨大力量断裂了岩层。

    Powerful forces inside the earth break the rocks .

  9. 地球联盟的剩余力量大多在开罗的一处堡垒内负隅顽抗,非常危险。

    Earth Alliance in Cairo most of the remaining forces of a fortress within a last , very dangerous .

  10. 更新的密码子将会启动并且加速那些希望为新地球的重生贡献力量的人们。

    The " Codes of Renewal " will activate and accelerate those whose work is to be part of the Renewal and Birth of the New Earth Reality .

  11. 只要他们在一起,拥有地球上最强大的力量——真爱的力量,他们就能克服任何困难。

    There ’ s nothing they can ’ t overcome as long as they ’ re together and possess the greatest power on earth — the power of true love .

  12. 到时间给地球人看看神的力量了。

    It 's time to show the earthlings the power of the spirits .

  13. 我相信,长官,在这个地球上最伟大的力量是爱。

    I believe , sir , that the greatest power on earth is love .

  14. 它是不是就是吸引月亮,并让它一直靠近地球的那个同样的力量呢?

    Could it be the same force that pulls on the moon and keeps it close to the earth ?

  15. 让我们一起为了我们的子孙拥有一个更干净、更明亮、更美好的地球贡献自己最大的力量。

    Let 's , together , contribute our best share to make this planet a cleaner , brighter and better place for later generation .