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Evidence from geochemistry and petro chemistry indicates that the contents of Na , K , Al , Ca and Fe in ore bearing intrusions are apparently higher than those of the corresponding components in pyrolite averaged .
Fluid and melt inclusion researches of pyrolite xenoliths from the shore of southeastern China
Ni / Fe and ( Fe + Ni ) / S are gradually increased from early grains , sulfide inclusions to sulfides in fractures .
Tungsten content of mantle-derived rocks from eastern China and its implications
Content of Mantle-derived Xenoliths in Eastern China and Its Metallogenic Significance
Plastic deformation of olivine from mantle peridotite xenoliths , Leizhou peninsula , Guangdong
Correlation of mantle xenolith occurrences with earth 's internal zoning and tectonic in eastern China
REE in Mantle Xenolith and Mantle Fluids
A Study of Sulfide Inclusions of the Mantle Xenoliths from Xinchang , Zhejiang , China
Tungsten contents in 56 samples of mantle derived xenoliths and their host rocks from eastern China are analyzed .
Mantle xenoliths captured in alkali basalt occurs widely in the Liuhe district , Jiangsu province , China , dominantly by spinel lherzolite .
Major and trace element compositions for whole rocks and clinopyroxene separates in peridotite xenoliths from Cenozoic basalts in eastern China have been analysed .
The studies of the authors indicate that the Al rich chromites are products formed by varying degrees of melting and reformation of primary pyrolites .
In addition , there are also some pyrolites and lower crust magmatic mixture in-trusions which resulted in the formation of diorite and so on .
The gold content of 91 samples of mantle-derived xenoliths and their host basalts from eastern China were analyzed , and some significant phenomena were discovered .
Fluid melt inclusions in mantle xenoliths bear the direct evidence of mantle fluids . We can obtain some information about mantle fluids by studying these inclusions .
On the basis of reviewing the research simple history and present situation , the present paper will approach the countermeasure for the research of the Chinese mantle xenoliths .
The corsite appears generally in back-arc basins or on active continental margins as the mixtures derived from the consumed oceanic crust and overlying wedge-shaped ( mantle ) - derived rocks .
This paper presents the tentative knowledge on the basis of the studies of U Au ore deposits and mantle xenoliths . ( 1 ) the magma differentiated hydrothermal solutions are unreasonable ;
The water content of the upper mantle as inferred from the water content of basalt is 0.02 % . This is consistent with the value estimated from olivine in mantle 's xenoliths .
The Pl-lherzolite differs from the cumulates in having blastic texture and high-temperature deformed fabric of Ng [ 100 ] characteristic of the mantle peridotite and yielding orthopyroxene .
The mantle peridotite is composed mainly of harzburgite , which shows a narrow range in the major elements , enriched light rare earth elements ( LREE ), U-type REE patterns with negative Eu anomaly , and strongly depleted incompatibility elements .
The Os isotopic data from the mantle xenoliths in the Cenozoic basalts suggested that the lithospheric mantle in the Cenozoic is juvenile , much different from that in the Paleozoic , which indicated that the present lithospheric mantle is not the residue after the thinning .
Heterogeneity in PGE content of the mantle peridotites on scales of ~ 100 kilometers might be caused by inhomogeneity during the earth accretion , but a more possible explanation is a result of the mantle processes , core mantle or / and crust mantle interaction .
Microstructures of some peridotites from upper mantle in low Yangtze area
Age and composition of continental mantle peridotites and implications for the lithospheric thinning , eastern North China
The mantle peridotite at the bottom of ophiolitic section in the orogenic zone is direct sample of enriched upper mantle .
Spinel as a chemical indicator during partial melting and subsolidus equilibration of mantle peridotite : experimental study and application in natural rocks
Integrated study indicates that the two protolith suites of mantle peridotites represent remnants after polyphase melting of differently depleted mantle in different tectonic environments .
The trace elements analysis shows that limburgite is the product of partially melting of mantle peridotite and diagenesis did not undergo the crustal contamination .