
shènɡ xiónɡ
  • mahatma;guru;hero;giant
圣雄 [shèng xióng]
  • [mahatma]由于品格高尚、富有智慧和无私而受人尊敬的人

  1. 我知道,很明显,但是我必须以一个最最有力的改变的代表来结束,他就是圣雄Gandhiji(甘地)。

    I know it 's obvious , but I have to end with the most powerful symbol of change , Gandhiji .

  2. 甘地您为什么要这样做圣雄说为什么

    Gandhi why did you do that ? And the great Mahatma said , why ? .

  3. 然而,忧心忡忡的人们因孟买骚乱而愈发恐惧。他们担忧,没有了这位圣雄来控制人们的强烈情绪,整个印度就可能卷入纷争之中。

    But there were grave fears , heightened by the savage outbreaks in bombay , that without her saint to hold passions Inn check , All India might be whirled into strife .

  4. 我们都知道“以眼还眼(即以牙还牙),世界只会更盲目”的名言出自甘地,但我们还是能肯定,如果这位圣雄也遭遇过坐上放屁垫子这样的恶作剧,他也会回敬这位始作俑者的——在其运动内裤里撒上痒粉。

    While the phrase " an eye for an eye , makes the world blind " is often attributed to Gandhi , we 're pretty sure that even Mahatma would return the favor of a whoopee cushion slipped onto his seat by sprinkling itching powder into the perpetrator 's jockstrap .