- 网络Bible Belt

He became a model of clean living and Bible Belt virtues .
Peter lived in the Bible Belt for5 years .
A Spiritual Writer of the Grotesque in the " Bible Belt " of the American South : Flannery O'Connor and her Novels
The American Midwest is commonly referred to as the Bible belt of America because of the high population of Christians living in the area .
As a devout Catholic author and a southerner , Flannery O ' Connor had a strong sense of duty and most of her works are set in the southern small towns and areas of the Bible belt . Religious crisis is the recurring motif in her stories .
She also taught that evolution was impossible , calling it a " stupid theory made up by stupid people who don 't want to believe in God . " C.C. 's parents ' complaints fell on deaf ears , with Sabine Parish Superintendent Sara Ebarb telling them they were in the Bible belt .
There was no starker moment than President Barack Obama urging the Christian doctrine of grace on the bible belt in the town where the first shot of the civil war was fired .