
  • 网络relic;holy;holy things;deathly hallows
  1. BENZIMMER:“大家在会议室里,Hall拿出了第五册,房间里静得能听见喘气声,就好像是有天使合唱团在伴奏,大家都想来摸摸这本词典,好像它是间圣物似的。”

    BEN ZIMMER : " We all gathered together in the conference room and Joan showed off volume five . And there were audible in the room . I mean , it might as well have been accompanied by an angelic chorus . People just wanted to touch it like it was the holy relic or something . "

  2. 愿大家都一看到此圣物即领到加持!

    May all receive the blessing upon sight of this holy relic !

  3. 对于很多加利福尼亚的印第安人而言,猫头鹰是圣物。

    The owl is sacred for many Californian Indian people .

  4. 他人相信圣物的神奇力量。

    They believe in the miraculous power of holy / sacred relics .

  5. 非洲许多部落仍把蛇尊为圣物。

    In Africa the snake is still sacred with many tribes .

  6. 根据系列改编的第一部电影《凡人圣物:白骨之城》(CityofBones)正在多伦多拍摄,明年夏天将由索尼影视公司(SonyPictures)推出。

    The first Mortal Instruments movie , city of bones , is shooting in Toronto and will be out next summer from Sony Pictures ( SNE ) .

  7. DeathlyHallows会是放在帷幔另一面的“另一世界”,必须像传说中的英伦圣物那样取回来吗?

    Are the Deathly Hallows objects that have remained beyond the veil in the Otherworld and must be retrieved such as in the legend of the Hallows of Britain ?

  8. 人们之所以会视新秀球星卡若念珠圣物般神圣,关键是这物件被赋予了无法衡量的意义,所以变得备受尊崇、珍爱和呵护——实际上,这种情况解释了“taboo(禁忌)”这个词鲜为人知的一面。

    The critical quality that leads people to treat rookie cards like rosaries is that of the sacred , whereby an object becomes worthy of boundless reverence , commitment , and protection . Actually , it explains one side of the word " taboo " which few people realize .

  9. 我不能把我家的圣物交出去。

    I cannot surrender what is most sacred to my family .

  10. 你藐视了我的圣物,干犯了我的安息日。

    You have despised my holy things and desecrated my sabbaths .

  11. 这是献与耶和华为圣物归给祭司的。

    They are a sacred offering to the Lord for the priest .

  12. 圣物增加施法等级。

    Relic ra + ri + ty increases enchantment level .

  13. 路德曾抨击腓特烈保存在维藤贝格的圣物。

    Luther had already criticized the relics which Frederick kept at Wittenberg .

  14. 犹太人的圣物-烛台为作品赋予了代表性的意义。

    Sacral Jewish object Menorah lends some symbolic meaning to the picture .

  15. 这个唐卡不只是当地的圣物,而且价值连城。

    Not only this Tang Ka local halidom , moreover is priceless .

  16. 每一个库里亚都有自己的宗教仪式、圣物和祭司;

    Every curia had its own religious rites , shrines and priests ;

  17. 就像中世纪的朝圣者收集圣物一样。

    Pilgrims looking for relics during the middle ages .

  18. 只是外人不可吃,因为这是圣物。

    But no one else may eat them , because they are sacred .

  19. 印度人将牛视为“圣物”不吃牛肉,

    I Hindus see cows as sacred and keep themselves from eating beef ,

  20. 但现在圣物是个赝品。

    And now the relic is a fake .

  21. 桃金娘,鸽子,麻雀和天鹅是她的圣物。

    The myrtle , dove , sparrow , and swan are sacred to her .

  22. 他亵渎了圣物,但人们说上帝想必一定已经原谅他了。

    People say that God must have forgiven him for desecrating the holy objects .

  23. 亵渎(圣物);玷污;侮辱(国旗等);

    They have profaned the country 's flag .

  24. 顺便提一下,约柜(译者注:古代以色列民族的圣物)是在耶路撒冷。

    The Ark of the covenant , by the by , is in Jerusalem .

  25. 渎神语妄用或亵渎上帝或圣物之名的用法。

    An irreverent or blasphemous use of the name of God or something held sacred .

  26. 每个牧师都赞扬自己的圣物。

    Each priest praises his own relics .

  27. 印度教徒把牛奉为圣物。

    Cows are sacred to hindus .

  28. 这件玲珑精致的银盒应是藏传佛教噶举派的圣物。

    The silver box is most likely to be a holy item of the Karmah Buddhism .

  29. 阿尔忒弥斯常被描绘成手持弓和箭的女子,鹿是她的圣物。

    Artemis was often depicted carrying a bow and arrows and the deer was sacred to her .

  30. 在中世纪,圣物匣或祈祷用的悬饰以及十字架被装上珠宝。

    In the Middle Ages reliquaries , or devotional pendants , and crosses were created with jewels .