
  • 网络Throne of St. Peter;Cattedra di San Pietro
  1. 在登上圣彼得宝座的两年里,这位阿根廷籍教皇为自己绘制了一条激进路线,他在性别与婚姻等关键议题上采取了与前几任教皇不同的态度,同时推动教会管理改革。

    In the two years that he has occupied the throne of St Peter , the Argentine pontiff has charted a radical course , departing from his predecessors on key topics such as sexuality and marriage while pursuing reforms to the administration of the Church itself .

  2. 教皇本笃十六世在圣彼得广场为教皇宝座送上了最后的祝福。

    Pope Benedict XVI bestowed the final Sunday blessing of his pontificate in St. Peter 's Square .