
  • 网络st andrew;st. andrew;Saint Andrew
  1. 这些罂粟生长于萨克福马附近拉什米尔圣安德鲁的一块田地里。

    These poppies are in a field in Rushmere St Andrew , near Suffolk .

  2. 2004年,威廉王子在苏格兰的圣安德鲁大学的最后一年。

    In the last year of university at St Andrew 's , Scotland , in2004 .

  3. 圣安德鲁学院的毕业生超过了75万人,其中许多人在工程、航空、教育、医药等各个行业工作。

    More than 750,000 have graduated from SAC , with many seeking employment in engineering , aviation , education , medicine and a wide variety of other professions .

  4. 起初,人们与他人交叉手指来形成一个十字(做出X的形状,就像苏格兰圣安德鲁教堂的十字架)并希望获得好运。

    Originally , the person locked fingers with another to form a cross ( an X , like the Scottish cross of St. Andrew ) and wish good luck .

  5. 圣安德鲁大学的心理学家CarmenLefevre认为大眼睛和饱满嘴唇都会让女人看起来特别年轻。

    Psychologist Carmen Lefevre , of the University of St Andrews , said large eyes and full lips may make a woman appear particularly young .

  6. 苏格兰圣安德鲁大学天文学家MoiraJardine说,该研究“可以用于考察其他有生命存活的星球”。

    The study " can be used to guide our searches for other life-bearing planets " as well , says astronomer Moira Jardine of the University of St.

  7. 凯特是三个女儿中最大的,她和威廉王子2001年相识于苏格兰法夫郡(Fife)的圣安德鲁大学的艺术历史课堂上。

    The eldest of three daughters , Kate Middleton and Prince William while pursuing History of Art , met at Scotland 's , University of St Andrews , in Fife , in the year 2001 .

  8. 但英国圣安德鲁大学的VolkerDeecke在《动物认知》上刚发表的研究指出了第五种会用工具的动物,而且是令人相当意外的一种。

    But a study just published in Animal Cognition , by Volker Deecke of the University of St Andrews , in Britain , has added a fifth and rather surprising one .

  9. 2011年,威廉王子和凯特米德尔顿在去圣安德鲁大学访问的路上微笑相对。

    Prince William and Kate Middleton smile during a visit to the University of St Andrews in2011 .

  10. 比如圣安德鲁大教堂,新加坡市政厅,新加坡最高法院以及市政快运中心等等。

    Andrew 's Cathedral , Singapore City Hall , the Singapore Supreme Court and the City Hall MRT Station .

  11. 2005年,威廉王子在圣安德鲁大学的毕业典礼上对公众交谈。

    William talks to the public after attending his university graduation ceremony at St Andrews University , Scotland , in2005 .

  12. 圣安德鲁大学海洋哺乳动物研究中心的文森特?雅尼克博士说,他们的研究对象是野生海豚。

    Dr Vincent janik , of the sea mammal unit at St Andrews university , said they conducted the research on wild dolphins .

  13. 凯特和威廉2017年的分手是在他们在圣安德鲁大学开始约会五年之后发生的。

    Kate and William 's split came in 2007 after they had been dating for five years since meeting at St Andrew 's University .

  14. 比如苏格兰有圣安德鲁日,北爱尔兰地区有圣帕特里克节,威尔士有圣大卫日。

    St Andrew 's Day in Scotland , St Patrick 's Day in Northern Ireland and St David 's Day in Wales , for instance .

  15. 在苏格兰圣安德鲁大学求学的时候,他叫“史蒂夫“来掩盖自己的真实身份。

    While studying at the University of St Andrew 's in Scotland , he picked out ' Steve " as a name to disguise his real identity .

  16. 在旗杆内侧,圣安德鲁旗之所以在圣帕特里克十字之上,原因是圣安德鲁十字是在圣帕特里克十字之前添加到国旗上的。

    The cross of St Andrew is above that of St Patrick at the hoist because the cross was added to the flag before St Patrick 's cross .

  17. 英国爱德华王子的电视制作公司,因播放其侄儿威廉王子在圣安德鲁大学首周生活的片段,而引起其皇兄查尔斯皇储的不满。

    Prince Edward 's TV production company , Ardent , has come under fire for filming Prince William ( above ) in his first week at St Andrews University .

  18. 一群摄影师在福克兰群岛附近的圣安德鲁湾准备拍摄帝企鹅的时候,发现了这只活泼外向的海象正在那搔首弄姿,着实把观众们吓得不轻。

    The extrovert elephant seal shocked onlookers by springing into action while photographers tried to capture a group of royal penguins at Saint Andrew 's Bay near The Falklands .

  19. 公元597年,教皇格里高一世把罗马圣安德鲁修道院的副院长圣奥古斯丁派遣到英格兰,其使命是使异教徒的英国人皈依基督教。

    In 597 , Pope Gregory I sent St. Augustine , the Prior of St. Andrew 's Monastery in Rome , to England to convert the heathen English to Christianity .

  20. 自从得知这位腼腆的王子要在法夫镇学习艺术史,圣安德鲁大学的入学率上升了44%,其中多半是年轻女学生。

    Since it became known that the shy prince was to study art history in the Fife town , admissions have risen by44 percent , with a high proportion coming from young women .

  21. 圣安德鲁大学的首席作者克里斯汀娜卡萨尔及其同事宣称,这是第一次证明有人类以外的动物发出有顺序且能同时告知捕食者位置和危险类型的指令系统。

    Lead author Cristiane Casar of the University of St. Andrews and her colleagues report it 's the first demonstration of a sequence-based alarm call system in a non-human animal that has the capacity to encode both location and type of predatory threat .