
tǔ dì pī zū
  • Land leasing;lease of land by lot;lease of land by plot
  1. 本文论述了我国的土地批租制度及其改革。

    This paper discusses the land leasehold institution of China in four parts .

  2. 第三部分,地方政府和土地批租。

    The third part , local government and land lease .

  3. 城市土地批租制度问题研究

    Studies on the Grant of Urban Land System

  4. 事实上,土地批租黑幕很早就是世人都知道的秘密。

    Indeed , land leasing Shady Deal Case is the world know very secret .

  5. 旧城改造中城市规划与土地批租之探讨

    The Research of City Plan and Land Rent-ratifying in the Reconstruction of the Old City

  6. 香港土地批租制度及其对大陆土地储备制度的启示

    HongKong 's Land Leasehold System and Its Inspiration for Land Reserve System on the Mainland

  7. 在我们的系统中的土地批租,土地转让支付的一次性费用。

    In our system of land leased , the land transfer payment is a one-time charge .

  8. 土地批租对我国社会经济发展,尤其是城市建设起到了很大的积极作用,促进了我国城镇化和工业化进程。

    Land lease played a very big positive role to our country socio-economic development , particularly urban construction .

  9. 要在规划的指导下,开展土地批租,规范政府行为,提倡公平竞争。

    We must carry out land rent-ratifying , regulate government conduct , advocate fair competition according to the plan .

  10. 文章就目前苏州农村地区土地批租开发的现状作了实地调查。

    This paper makes an on-the-spot investigation about the present situation of the wholesale lease and development of rural land in Suzhou area .

  11. 土地批租是城市土地制度的重要组成部分,它对城市经济的发展极具影响。

    Grant of land is the important section of urban land system , and it is crucial to the development of urban economy .

  12. 通过对乡村土地批租开发的现状和存在问题的分析,提出相应的解决对策,以期合理利用土地资源,正确处理好一要建设、二要吃饭的问题。

    Through the analysis of the present situation and existing problems , the author suggests some corresponding countermeasures , in hope of people making rational use of land resources and successfully coping with the problem of " both construction and food " .

  13. 土地使用批租制改为年租制的争议。

    It is suggests that batch lease system should be changed into annual lease system .

  14. 然后根据二级市场流量情况,来规范一级市场,控制一级市场土地的批租量、出让量。

    And then according to the situation of secondary market , standardize the primary market and decide the amount of land for selling and renting in the primary market .

  15. 1978年深圳经济特区决定土地使用权批租价格的改革标志着我国的宗地地价评估的开始。

    In 1978 , the reform of wholesale rental price of land use right was decided in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone . It was a starting point of the land price evaluation in China .

  16. 本文探讨了土地所有权买卖、土地批租、土地转租三种最常见的城市土地交易形式和这三种地价的构成因素。

    The three kinds of the most common forms of uran land trading in buying and selling of land ownership , land wholesale rental and sublet and the constituent factors of the three land prices are discussed in the paper .

  17. 从此,不少专家、学者对物业税进行广泛深入的研究,建议通过以物业税代替土地出让金的方式来改革土地批租制和房地产税制,并同时提出了初步的物业税税收方案。

    Then , some experts and scholar advised that land leasehold system and real estate tax system both can be reformed though replacing land remise fund by property tax on real estate , and have designed some primary schemes .

  18. 其次,土地所有权与使用权分离,实行一次性的土地批租制。

    Secondly , separation of land ownership and right to use , one-off leasehold of land .

  19. 二是政府对经营性土地使用权的让渡实行土地行政划拨制和土地批租制并存,致使企业处于不公平竞争环境中;

    Then , the co existence of administrative appropriation and land ratification and renting in the transference of managerial rights of land use , brings in unfair competition among enterprises .

  20. 在此基础上,选择了我国物业税的税制模式,分析明确了物业税和土地出让金的关系,并且建设性的提出了土地批租制完善与改进的方案;

    After having clear cognition on it , we choose taxation pattern , clarify its relationship with land remise fund and improve land leasehold system with land annual rent system .