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  • 网络mounded tombs
  1. 苏南土墩墓的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Mounded Tombs in Southern Jiangsu

  2. 高密度电阻率法探测土墩墓&以江苏省无锡市战国土墩墓为例

    Experiment of Probing Mound Tombs by Method of High Density Resistivity

  3. 宁镇地区大型土墩墓的等级问题

    The Grade Problem of Large Grave Mound in the Ning-Zhen Area

  4. 这批土墩墓的发掘具有重要的学术意义。

    The excavation of the necropolis has prominent academic meanings .

  5. 与周边其他地区的土墩墓相比存在有较为明显的差异。

    Other areas surrounding the mound tomb are more obviously than their differences .

  6. 浙北湖州地区土墩墓分布广,数量多。

    Mound tombs in Huzhou area of Zhejiang Province are widely distributed with large quantities .

  7. 土墩墓与商周时期皖南古代文明研究

    The Research of the Tumulus Tombs in Southern Anhui and the Civilization in Dynasties of Shang and Zhou

  8. 这是福建地区首次发现土墩墓,填补了中国南方地区土墩墓分布区域的空白。

    This is the first known CMT within the Fujian region , which solves the question of CMT distribution in Southern China .

  9. 第二、多分布于山岭朝阳的一侧,背阴的位置很少有土墩墓的分布。

    Secondly , much more mound tombs distributed in the sunrise side of the mountain , distributed rarely in the location of the shade .

  10. 在山坡山脚处,土墩墓的分布也呈现出由高处向低处逐渐向下排列的规律性。

    The distribution of the mound tombs on the foot of the hillside have also shown by the height gradually down to the lower order regularity .

  11. 建立符合浙北实际的土墩墓影像解译标志是调查、发现和研究土墩墓的技术关键。

    Establishing interpretation sign of the mound tomb 's image which matches the real situation of the north of Zhejiang Province is the key technology to investigate , discover and study mound tombs .

  12. 对作为吴越文化主要遗存的土墩墓的研究成果累累,对其埋葬特点、文化内涵、文化性质、时代等,学术界已墓本达成共识,但对是否存在一墩多墓的问题,意见不一。

    Scholars has generally come to an agreement on the burial nature , cultural meaning , cultural quality and age of mound tombs , which are regarded as the main remains of Wu-Yue culture .

  13. 不仅仅是墓葬单位和形制的不同,龙头山土墩墓中的墓向也略有不同,具有一定的特殊性。

    Not only the different of tombs ' units and shapes , but also slightly different with a certain degree of particularity . The tomb mound in the mountain is leading to the tomb .

  14. 土墩墓是一种江南地区特有的,以封土成堆为特征的商周时期的古墓遗存,主要分布于长江中下游地区的江苏、浙江及安徽南部。

    Burial mound is a unique burial , which characterized mound of Shang and Zhou dynasties to the middle and south region of Yangtze River , in Jiangsu , Zhejiang and south of Anhui province .

  15. 在山脊或者岗落上分布的土墩墓基本呈现出一字排开的串珠状,个别较为宽阔的高低上存在有沿山脉走向并列的分布关系。

    Ridge or hillock falls in the mound tombs of distribution are which present basically set up in an array beaded and an individual broader height . The existence has a long sierra moves toward the compound distribution .

  16. 另外,根据发掘过程中,在土墩内发现的墓葬的数量的不同,可以将土墩墓分为一墩一墓、一墩多墓及空墩这三种。

    In addition , according to the excavation , the mound tombs are found in the number of differences can be divided into a tomb of a pier , a pier with more tomb and empty tomb .