
  • 网络LDC;land development corporation
  1. 二零零一年五月一日,土地发展公司由市区重建局取代。

    The LDC was replaced by the Urban Renewal Authority on May 1 , 2001 .

  2. 行政长官在一九九八年的《施政报告》中承诺,政府会尽早成立市区重建局,以代替土地发展公司。

    As set out in the Chief Executive 's 1998 Policy Address , the government will seek to establish as soon as possible an Urban Renewal Authority ( URA ) to replace the LDC .

  3. 土地发展公司拟备的发展计划图,也必须经城市规划委员会核准。

    Development scheme plans ( DSPs ) prepared by the Land Development Corporation ( LDC ) also require approval by the board .

  4. 土地发展公司需要土地进行市区重建计划,地政处也积极参与这方面的收地工作。

    The Lands Administration Office was also involved in the resumption of land for the implementation of urban renewal schemes carried out by the Land Development Corporation .

  5. 当时艺术家应香港土地发展公司的邀请,到香港为即将拆卸的旧街写生。

    At the time the artist was responding to an invitation from the Hong Kong Land Development Corporation to paint scenes from some soon-to-be-demolished sections of the city .

  6. 年内,城市规划委员会公布了四份新订分区计划大纲图和两份新订土地发展公司发展计划图、修订了37份现有图则和两份土地发展公司发展计划图。

    In1998 , four new OZPs and two new Land Development Corporation ( LDC ) Development Scheme Plans were published and37 existing OZPs and two LDC Development Scheme Plans were amended by the TPB .

  7. 行政长官在一九九九年发表的《施政报告》中,宣布成立市区重建局取代土地发展公司,以加快市区重建步伐。

    The Chief Executive announced in his1999 Policy Address the setting up of the Urban Renewal Authority ( URA ) to replace the Land Development Corporation ( LDC ) and to expedite urban renewal .

  8. 最多人投诉的机构是房屋署、惩教署、土地发展公司、地政总署、香港房屋协会、市政总署、入境事务处、医院管理局、政府总部和民政事务总署。

    The organisations receiving the most complaints were : housing department , correctional services department , land development corporation , lands department , Hong Kong Housing society , urban services department , immigration department , hospital authority , Government Secretariat and home affairs department .

  9. 不同土地利用类型水土保持特征研究土地发展公司计划土地征用组〔地政总署〕

    Effects of different land-use on characteristics of soil and water conservation LDC Section [ Lands Department ]