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  • 网络the tusi system
  1. 土司制度是元明清封建王朝在西南少数民族地区实行的一种统治制度。

    In the Han dynasty , Tusi system was established in the minority areas of Yunnan and the nobles as the upper class possessed great power .

  2. 中国土司制度,源远流长,长期存在有其合理性,是中国社会发展一定历史阶段少数民族地区行政建制的合理选择。

    The Tusi System of China had a long history , whose existence has its rationality because it was the possible best ethnic policy in ancient China .

  3. 元明时期广西土司制度研究

    A Study on Yuan and Ming 's Native Chieftain System in Kuang-hsi

  4. 并以此为典型反映土司制度在羌族地区的施行状况。

    The implementation of the system of the Dala chieftain is also typically discussed .

  5. 青海土司制度研究

    Study on the Chieftain System of Qinghai

  6. 青海土族地区的土司制度及其影响

    The Chieftain System of the Region Inhabited by the Tus in Qinghai and its Influence

  7. 明清时期青海地区的土族、撒拉族中也实行了土司制度。

    In Ming and Qing dynasties , Tu and Salar also carried out this system .

  8. 土司制度是我国在少数民族地区实行的一种特殊地方行政体制。

    The Chieftain system is a special local administrative system carried out in minority areas in our country .

  9. 土司制度形成于元代,明代是土司制度发展完备时期。

    Chieftain system taking form on Yuan Dynasty , Ming Dynasty is that chieftain system develops the complete period .

  10. 元明清三代是土司制度确立、发展及衰落的重要时期。

    Yuan . Ming and Qing Dynasty is very important for the establishment , development and downcome of chieftain system .

  11. 随着傣族社会经济的发展,土司制度必然走向消亡。

    With the development of society and economy of the Dai nationality , the system of headmen inevitably withered away .

  12. 土司制度在西北与西南地区的推行、发展、演变诸方面不但展示了土司制度的整体性特征,而且也体现了各自的区域性特征。

    Its pursuance , development and evolvements in these areas not only shows its entirety but also reflects their owe regional character .

  13. 这种情况在1956年发生了改变。当时土司制度走向终结,摩梭人纳入了确立不久的共产主义制度。

    That changed in 1956 , when the chieftain system came to an end and the Mosuo were incorporated into the recently established Communist system .

  14. 在唐代羁縻政策基础上演化而来的土司制度,经过元、明两代的发展,到清代已日臻完善。

    Stemmed from pacifying policy of Tang Dynasty , and further developed in Yuan and Qing Dynasties , China chieftain system gradually matured in Qing Dynasty .

  15. 摩梭人从元朝(1271年至1368年)开始实行土司制度,遵从严格的社会等级。

    Starting in the Yuan dynasty , which ruled China from 1271 to 1368 , the Mosuo were governed by a native chieftain system with a rigid social hierarchy .

  16. 土司制度是元、明、清初封建王朝在南方少数民族地区实行的一种特殊的政治制度。

    Tusi system is a special political system that implemented by the feudal dynasties , such as Yuan , Ming and early Qing , in the south national minority areas .

  17. 明清时期汉文化在云南边疆地区的迅速渗入,对哈尼族社会文化产生了重大影响。一方面土司制度的长期推行和大量中原汉族的移民入滇,加强了汉族与哈尼族的政治联系;

    With the rapid infiltration over the border areas of Yunnan by Han culture during Ming and Qing Dynasties , a significant influence had been made on Hani society and culture .

  18. 这个人人都认定的傻子与理想生活格格不入,却有着超时期的预见和举止,成为土司制度兴衰的见证人。

    This everyone recognition of the fool and real life antipathetic , have super era and manner , become a presentiment that chieftain system the rise and fall of the witness .

  19. 随着社会的发展,土司制度的腐朽性和落后性逐渐暴露,影响了社会的稳定、经济的发展,甚至威胁到中央的统治。

    With the development of the society , the decadence and the backwardness of Hereditary Local Chieftain System gradually exposed , influencing the social stability , economy development , and even threatening the control of the central government .

  20. 经过明、清两代,土司制度逐渐发展强大;在封建割据下,朝廷政令不畅,严重威胁着中央政府对西南边疆的统治。

    After the Ming and Qing dynasties , the Tusi ( Headman ) system and feudal system developed so powerfully that the governmental orders could not be performed , which is a serious threat to the administration over southwest frontier .

  21. 土司制度在八番地区的推行、发展、演变,不但反映了少数民族管理制度的一般特征,而且明显具有区域性的特殊特征。

    The development and evolution of Ba-fan Chieftain system reflects the ordinary characteristics of the administration in minority regions . At the same time , we could find the regional features of the chieftain system of Ba-fan obviously from its development .

  22. 土司制度是我国封建社会晚期中央王朝对境内的一些特殊区域,主要是南方少数民族地区采取的一种带有一定程度自治性质的管理制度。

    The toast system is the central imperial court , to some domestic special areas of later period of feudal society of our country , it is mainly a kind of management system with autonomy nature of a certain degree adopted in southern minority area .

  23. 但是,土司制度本身的缺陷及统治阶级维持全国统一的需要,使改土归流随着社会条件的不断成熟,具备了施行的可能性与可行性。

    However , due to the drawbacks of chieftain system and the rulers ' need to maintain national union , gradually matured the social conditions to turn chieftain system into that of temporary bureaucrats appointed by central government , and the possibility and feasibility for the reform came into being .

  24. 土司土官制度既是皇权统治下二元结构的职官制度,也是最终将少数民族纳入统一职官制度管理的一种过渡和准备。

    This system was both an official system of dualistic structure under the imperial power and transition and preparation before the minorities were brought into uniform official system of administration .