
yuán jì
  • pass away;(monk or nun) pass away;Parinirvana
圆寂 [yuán jì]
  • [(monk or nun) pass away] 佛界语,指僧人死后升天

  • 我求圆寂,而除欲染。--《大宝积经》

  • 他师父极精演先天神数,于去冬圆寂了。--《红楼梦》

圆寂[yuán jì]
  1. 老和尚在寺院中圆寂。

    The old monk passed away in the Buddhist temple .

  2. 在杂阿含经中有一个非常简短的佛经谈到圆寂。

    There is a very brief sutra dealing with the Great Decease in the Samyutta Nikaya .

  3. 大觉者圆寂之后,依之作任何胜妙的发愿与誓言都会很快成就。

    Right after the parinirvana of great enlightened beings , whatever virtuous aspirations and commitments you make will swiftly be fulfilled .

  4. 永明寿大师于公元975年圆寂,时年72岁,阿弥陀佛亲自接他往生极乐净土。

    When he passed away in 975 AD at the age of 72 , Amitabha came to take him to the Pure Land .

  5. 一座来自中唐时期(781-847)的51英尺高的佛像侧卧着等待圆寂,那一刻他安详地进入涅磐。

    A51-foot Buddha from the Middle Tang period ( 781-847 ) reclines to await death , when he will pass serenely into nirvana .

  6. 然而,也许,这个简短的经文与伟大的圆寂已经发展成为大般若涅盘经。

    But , presumably , the brief sutra dealing with the Great Decease has been developed into the Mahaparinibbana Sutra in the course of time .

  7. 他先于释迦牟尼佛圆寂,上生兜率天(那儿一昼夜,相当于人间四百年)内院,为补处菩萨。

    He died before Sakyamuni and ascended to the adytum of Tusita heaven as the following Bodhisattva , where a day equals four hundred years of the our world .

  8. 中国的专家没有太大的激动,他们默默地离开了会场,走过王道士的圆寂塔前。

    The Chinese Dunhuang experts were not much touched by these words . They left the meeting hall silently , and in silence they passed by the stupa dedicated to Taoist Wang .

  9. 也许还有另一本论述佛圆寂的中文著作,我曾经提到过他的存在,通过马克斯。

    There is perhaps another Chinese work on the death of Buddha , of the existence of which I have been informed , through the kind intervention of Professor Max Muller , by Mr.

  10. 1942年秋,日本佛教界著名人士常盘大定博士、管原惠庆长老等专程前来玄中寺举行了纪念云鸾大师圆寂一千四百年奉赞会。

    In the fall of 1942 , Dr. Daitei Tokiwa and Master Keikyo Sugehara made a special trip to the Mystery Monastery and held a ceremony there in commemoration of the 1400th anniversary of the death of Master Tanluan .