
  • 网络hold;GRIP
  1. 25例PA显影完整,受肿块推挤并从周围包绕肿块,形成手握球征;

    In 25 PLC patients , the PA being essentially intact , was pushed around and surrounded the mass , giving the hold ball sign ;

  2. 教师手握全人类通向更美好未来的钥匙。

    Teachers hold the keys to a better future for all .

  3. 他手握钢笔,停下来望着我。

    He stopped writing and looked at me , pen poised .

  4. 她的手握得越来越紧,指节都变白了。

    Her knuckles whiten as she clenches her hands harder .

  5. 很多病人更喜欢手握式的淋浴喷头而不是固定在墙上的那种。

    Many patients prefer hand-held shower heads rather than those fixed to the wall

  6. 尼科利尼喋喋不休讲个不停,一只手比划着以示强调,另一只手握着方向盘,而他则安静地听着。

    He listened in silence as Niccolini rattled on , emphasizing his remarks with one hand and steering with the other .

  7. 这位身居高职的人物手握对众多人口的生杀予夺大权。

    The man in high position has power of life and death over many people .

  8. 他手握数百万重兵,指挥若定迫使敌人按他的步子走。

    He had everything under perfect control in commanding millions of troops and compelled the enemy to move according to his will .

  9. 她一只手握着方向盘,另一只手挥舞着。

    She was holding the wheel with one hand and waving with the other one .

  10. 学会正确握笔。当你用正确的方式手握铅笔时,你的书写就会更好。

    Hold your pencil right.When you hold your pencil in the correct way , writing is much better .

  11. 政治上,他宣布自己就是这个国家的皇帝,手握重权。

    In politics , he declared himself the emperor of the state in possession of all major powers .

  12. “男性沙文主义猪”是20世纪60年代一些女权主义者使用的一个术语,用来指一些手握大权的男人(如雇主或教授),他们认为男人优于女人,并在言语和行动中丝毫不掩饰这种观点。

    A male chauvinist1 pig ( MCP ) was a term used in the 1960s among some feminists2 for some men , usually men with some power ( such as an employer or professor ) , who believed that men were superior and expressed that opinion freely in word and action .

  13. 中国银联垄断了银行卡领域,其手握Applepay进入中国的钥匙,而且几乎肯定会提出苛刻条件。

    UnionPay , the card processing monopoly in China , holds the keys for Apple Pay and will almost surely play tough .

  14. PD设备的新模式具有八大特点:①无手握的把柄。

    There are eight characteristics on new mould of dental PD equipments : 1 . No handles ;

  15. 谷歌却恰好跟Facebook相反:管理型人才手握权柄,梦想家却郁郁不得志。

    Google had things upside-down : a manager at the top and a visionary stuck underneath .

  16. 虽然超大屏利于看电影和玩3D游戏,但手握感欠佳且不便于携带。

    Whereas a big screen is useful for watching movies and playing 3D games , it is less convenient to hold and carry around .

  17. 当然,在蒂姆·库克手握新款iPhone站在发布会舞台上之前,没有什么是百分之百确定的。

    Of course until Tim Cook is stood on stage with the new iPhones in his hand , nothing is 100 % guaranteed .

  18. 从积极的一面来看,手握可靠策略的CEO们将有机会大放异彩,因为对于经济衰退,他们大部分人已经做好了充足的准备。

    On the bright side , CEOs with solid strategies will have an opportunity to shine , since most of them will be adequately prepared for a downturn .

  19. 法拉利车队宣布将于今年9月与他再续签一年合约,因此在2010年F1赛季期间这位冰人仍可以手握方向盘为法拉利车队效力。

    Ferrari announced a one-year extension in September , so the Iceman will remain behind the wheel for the Ferrari team through the 2010 F1 season .

  20. 最明显的解决方案就是谷歌(市值3700亿美元,手握600亿美元现金)直接收购Uber。

    The obvious solution would be for Google ( $ 370b market cap , $ 60b in cash ) to simply buy Uber .

  21. 不知何故,我无法想象切丽(cherie)手握剪枝夹的情景,她真的会用吗?

    Somehow I cannot picture Cherie with a pair of secateurs that she really knew how to use .

  22. 我也自豪过,因为我曾经手握全市LPG的审批大权,可以说,东边一踩西边乱颤;

    I am also proud too , because I have power in their hands the city 's approval of LPG can be said that the east west side of a foot disorder fibrillation ;

  23. 这样,如果成群结队的球迷今夏手握百事饮品杯或头戴有google标识的帽子去观看比赛,他们可能就得交出这些东西,或者被禁止入场,以保护真正的赞助商可口可乐和雅虎公司。

    Thus if hordes of fans turn up at one of the games this summer carrying Pepsi drink-tumblers or wearing Google caps , they may have to hand them over or be barred entry to protect the real sponsors-coke and Yahoo !

  24. 因此,2011年的特征是投资者手握大量现金,并重点投资于公认的避险品种,比如四国集团(g4)国家的国债。

    Consequently , 2011 was characterised by investors running high cash levels and focusing on perceived havens , such as G4 government bonds .

  25. 虽然这款塑料外壳手机缺少宏达国际电子股份有限公司(HTCCo.,2498.TW,简称:宏达国际)全金属外壳手机One(M8)时髦和奢华的感觉,不过GalaxyS5背面使用了点状纹理材质,易于手握。

    Though the plastic phone lacks the stylishness and luxury feel of the new all-metal HTC One ( M8 ) , the back of the phone now features a dotted Band-Aid-like texture , which helps with grip .

  26. 他开着一辆edsel开始了蜜月之旅,然后一手握着方向盘,另一手搂他的新娘子。

    He went on his honeymoon in an Edsel , with one arm on the wheel and the other around his new wife .

  27. 总监ThierryMuret可没有机会享用,他手握两支刮刀不停的转动丝滑的可可团,以保持巧克力的最佳温度(30°C),由此可可脂才能以最顺滑的方式凝结。

    Head chef Thierry Muret will have none of it , however , as he deftly moves the silky mass around with two spatulas , keeping the chocolate at the optimum 30 ° C so the cocoa butter crystallizes in its smoothest form .

  28. 这和手握菲亚特控股权的阿涅利家族34岁继承人约翰·埃尔康,即将取代卢卡·迪蒙泰泽莫洛(LucadiMontezemolo)成为菲亚特集团董事长的消息一起,鼓励了广大投资者。

    This , along with the news that John Elkann , a34-year-old scion of the Agnelli family which holds a controlling interest in Fiat , would replace Luca di Montezemolo as chairman , cheered investors .

  29. 这类小公司人手不多,但个个是精兵强将,手握类似于Pinterest或Tumblr这样的明星产品。

    The most-discussed companies have either been giants like Google ( GOOG ) or Facebook ( FB ) or red-hot startups with lean staff and viral offerings such as pinterest or Tumblr .

  30. Q.如果你在自由下坠的过程中降落伞突然失效了,但你有一个质量、张力等都恰到好处的“机灵鬼”螺旋弹簧,如果你把弹簧抛向空中,手握其中一端,通过这种方法能让你活下来吗?

    Q. If you are in free fall and yourparachute fails , but you have a Slinky with extremely convenient mass , tension , etc. , would it be possible to save yourself by throwing the Slinky upward whileholding on to one end of it ?