
  1. What'sOffensive禁忌:许多文化依然推崇传统的进食方式——用手吃。

    Where It 's Offensive : India , Morocco , Africa , the Middle East . Many cultures still prefer to eat using traditional methods -- their hands .

  2. 用手吃东西这已经是被社会所接受的了。

    It was quite the done thine to eat with your hands .

  3. 有些食物可以用你的手吃。

    There is some food which with your fingers .

  4. 或许我们可以试试用非惯用手吃爆米花?

    Maybe we can try to eat the popcorn with our non-dominant hand ?

  5. :许多文化依然推崇传统的进食方式——用手吃。

    Many cultures still prefer to eat using traditional methods -- their hands .

  6. 许多文化依然推崇传统的进食方式&用手吃。

    Many cultures still prefer to eat using traditional methods & their hands .

  7. 先从手吃起,就当开胃菜

    You can start with my hand . It 'll be an appetizer .

  8. 就用你的手吃。-你能关小点声么?

    We 'll eat with our fingers . - could you turn that down ?

  9. 但请帖上说的是可以用手吃的食物!

    But the invitation says finger food !

  10. 用手吃。

    You eat with your hands .

  11. 除了面包,你不可以用手吃任何东西,即使是水果也不行。

    You 're not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread , not even fruit !

  12. 而在许多国家,比如印度,用手吃食物是唯一的方法。

    In many countries , like India , eating food by hand is the only way to go .

  13. 因为智利人从来不直接用手吃东西,即使是小小的薯条,也必须用叉子叉着吃。

    Chileans never eat anything by hand . Even the smallest French fry must be stabbed with a fork .

  14. 好,在我那边有一些披萨,我们能用一只手吃,对吧?

    All right , there 's some pizza at my place , we can all eat with one hand right ?

  15. 其他注意事项:将餐巾铺在大腿上,不要用手吃东西。

    What else to watch : Place your napkin on your lap , and don 't eat with your fingers .

  16. 我开始用手吃豌豆,但我想没有人注意到我的小错误。

    I started to eat the peas with my hands , but I don 't think anyone noticed my little lapse .

  17. 这种弧线可以让你一只手握着盘子,另一只手吃东西。

    The way they are curved allows you to keep the plate in one hand while eating the food with the other one .

  18. 在美国有很多种食物你可以用手吃,不用叉子和筷子。

    Also , there are many kinds of food in America that you can eat with your hands , so you do not need a fork or chopsticks .

  19. 我当时正一手吃早餐,一手爱抚着我的猫牛牛,同时在看燕麦片盒子背面的信息。

    I was eating breakfast with one hand , petting my cat , Cow , with the other , and reading the back of the cereal box , whenYOUCH !

  20. 最后一点不同的是,法国人用刀和叉吃水果,而美国人通常用手吃。

    Americans , in cont rast , pick up the whole piece . Finally , Frenchmen eat fruit with a knife and a fork . Americans , on the other hand , usually use their fingers .

  21. 我当时正一手吃早餐,一手爱抚着我的猫“牛牛”,同时在看燕麦片盒子背面的信息。就在这时——“哎呦”,我尖叫起来,“你干嘛捏我?”

    I was eating breakfast with one hand , petting my cat , Cow , with the other , and reading the back of the cereal box , when - " YOUCH ! " I screamed . " Why 'd you pinch me ? "

  22. 你不应该用手来吃面包以外的任何东西,包括水果。

    You shouldn 't eat anything with your hands except bread , not even fruit .

  23. 出黑桃可让明手将吃。

    A spade lead will allow a ruff in dummy .

  24. 这只鸟说到我的手,吃它。

    The bird comes to my hand and eats it .

  25. 人类史上大部分时期是用手抓饭吃的。

    People have eaten with their fingers for most of human existence .

  26. 我们还能做什么?用手来吃么?

    What are we supposed to do ? Eat this with our hands ?

  27. 泰国人用手抓饭吃与众不同。

    There is a special way of doing it .

  28. 印度人为什么用手抓饭吃?

    Why do Indians eat with their hand ?

  29. 我吃得比从前少得多.叉子出现前,用手抓饭吃。

    I eat lots less than I used to . Finger is made before fork .

  30. 泰国人一直是用手抓饭吃,现在还有一些人保存着这种习俗。

    The Thais used to eat with their hands and now there are still some people who eat this way .