
  • 网络Mobile Location;LBS
  1. J2ME平台下基于手机定位实现的移动GIS导航系统

    Mobile GIS Based on LBS in J2ME Platform for Navigation System

  2. 利用GIS和手机定位技术进行企业人员管理

    Corporation Personnel Management Based on GIS and Mobile Location Technology

  3. 基于手机定位的高速公路自动事件检测(AID)方法研究

    Study on Freeway Automatic Incident Detection ( AID ) Based on Mobile Phone Positioning

  4. 其中,手机定位技术和电子地图匹配技术是实现高速公路AID系统的基础和前提,AID算法是该系统实现与应用的核心。

    Mobile phone positioning and map matching is the basic and premise of freeway AID system , and the AID algorithm is the key factor to implement it .

  5. 针对手机定位的检测概率和定位精度等难题,提出了一种基于手持中继的多步CDMA移动终端跟踪定位方法。

    This paper proposes a multiple phase palm relay station ( PRS ) based on positioning and tracking mechanism for CDMA mobile station ( MS ) .

  6. FourSquare是手机定位数据领域的领导者。

    Foursquare is the leader in mobile location data .

  7. 最终,在基本不增加运营商成本的前提下,以手机定位的方式,实现了对于GPS模式的较高精度的辅助性定位。

    End of the day , not to increase the delivery of basic cost of doing business under the premise of the way mobile phone positioning , for the GPS mode to achieve higher positioning accuracy of the auxiliary .

  8. gap则发起了另一项推广活动,向用智能手机定位服务foursquare在其一家店铺“报到”的人,给予25%的折扣。

    In another promotion , gap gave a 25 per cent discount to people who " checked in " to one of its stores using the smartphone location app foursquare .

  9. 实验中以浙江大学校园地图为例,结合WAPPush技术和手机定位功能,成功地实现了手机导航的功能。

    In the experiments , the mobile map service is implemented with map database of Zhejiang University area as an example . Through WAP Push technology the user can get the map and campus navigation can be offered successfully .

  10. 接下来,对三种手机定位技术进行了比较,因为GPS定位方式精度高,速度较快,而且GPS的使用是免费的,所以本论文所设计的定位手机是采用GPS技术进行定位。

    After that this paper compares three kinds of mobile phone positioning techniques . During these techniques , GPS is of high positioning accuracy , high speed , and free to use , so that the design of the mobile positioning phone is based on GPS technology localization .

  11. 基于手机定位的动态行程时间探测

    Realization of dynamic travel time collection technology based on mobile phone

  12. 基于手机定位及聚类分析的实时交通参数估计

    Real-time Traffic Parameter Estimating Based on Mobile Phone Locating and Clustering

  13. 手机定位技术在电力巡检管理中的应用

    Application of mobile location technology in electric power inspection management

  14. 基于手机定位的实时交通数据采集技术

    Mobile Phone Location Based Real Time Traffic Data Collection-Research

  15. 随着第三代无线通讯技术的发展,手机定位已经成为一种时尚。

    The positioning by mobile is becoming the hotspot with the developing the third generation of wireless communication technology .

  16. 在分析现有检测方法的基础上,提出基于手机定位的高速公路事件检测方法并给出一种检测算法。

    Based on the analysis of expressway automatic incident detection methods , an expressway incident detection method using mobile phone positioning is presented .

  17. 三星将这两款新手机定位为中端手机,并表示也会在其他特定市场发售,但是并未透露价格。

    Samsung classified the new phones as mid-tier , and said they will be launched in other select markets , without disclosing the pricing .

  18. 结合某城市的实际情况,文中探讨并实践了一种全新的基于手机定位的动态行程时间探测方法,并对其技术路线、关键问题以及难点问题进行一一论述。

    According to actuality of a certain city , a kind of brand new dynamic travel time collection technology based on mobile phone is introduced in the article .

  19. 通过与新加坡电信公司合作,麻省理工学院的研究人员成功获取了2011年起4个月的匿名手机定位数据。

    Through a deal with Singapore telecom Singtel , MIT researchers were able to get access to four months ' worth of anonymized cell-phone location data from 2011 .

  20. 这使得利用完善的蜂窝网络经营一些要求比较高的增值业务变得可行,手机定位即是有待开发的增值业务之一。

    This makes us to use consummate network to manage some high value-added services become viable , while wireless positioning is becoming one of value-added services , which requires us to develop .

  21. 最后,本文简要介绍了一个基于手机定位的智能交通分析系统的结构,并针对其中的公共交通管理子系统和交通出行咨询和服务子系统的结构进行了简要的设计与说明。

    We investigate when we compile the codes . Lastly , the text introduce a configuration of the ITS which base on the wireless location technique . And design and illuminate the configuration of common traffic manage sub-system and traffic come out consultation and service sub-system .

  22. 另外,更复杂的个性化定价策略可以利用你的智能手机的定位功能,追踪到你在商店中的位置。

    Other , more sophisticated personal pricing programs can keep track of where you are in the store , using your smart phone 's GPS feature .

  23. 文章介绍了基于PDA的移动应用服务,如:手机网络定位或GPS定位,周边信息查询以及数据统计分析等。

    This paper introduces the mobile application service based on PDA , such as orientation of mobile telephone network or orientation of GPS , ambient communication query , analysis of data statistic and so on .

  24. 通过分析TDOA定位误差模型,讨论了同一辆公交车上同一时刻的多部手机的定位误差分布特征。

    Then , we analyze the error statistic model when using TDOA to locate , discuss the statistic character of error distribution when using multi-phones location .

  25. 霍尼韦尔最近还推出了一款新产品Lyric(279美元),它模仿了Nest的设计,能够利用你手机的定位功能,在你离家和回家时即刻调节温度。

    Honeywell just introduced a new product , the Lyric ( $ 279 ) , which piggybacks off of Nest 's design , with the additional ability use your smartphone 's location to adjust the temperature as you come and go in real-time .

  26. 室内无线通讯手机卫星定位的可能性研究

    Research of Possibility for Mobile Radio Indoor - GPS

  27. 基于手机切换定位的交通路网标定方法

    Method of Handover Road Network Calibration Based on Mobile Phone Handover Location Technology

  28. 演示中,这款手机能够定位餐馆、玩赛车游戏,还可以订购唇膏。

    The device was shown locating a restaurant , playing a racing game and ordering lipstick .

  29. 我国手机市场定位应该遵循受众导向原则、差别化原则、个性化原则和动态调整原则。

    Market positioning of Chinese MT market should follow difference principle , individuation principle and dynamic adjustment principle .

  30. 当然,这些初步定位信息还远不能满足手机位置定位的需要。

    Of course , this preliminarily positioning information can not satisfy the requirement of mobile phone location positioning .