
tú jǐng
  • Picture;view;prospect
图景 [tú jǐng]
  • [view;prospect] 画面上的景物。比喻理想中的景况

  • 农民革命的图景

图景[tú jǐng]
  1. 语言世界图景理论及其研究

    The Study of the Theory of Linguistic World View

  2. 现代性问题图景中的康德先验伦理学

    Kant 's Ethics of Transcendentalism in the View of the Problem of Modernity

  3. 皮亚杰认为,一旦青少年踏入了工作的世界,他们新获得的做假设的能力会使他们描绘出过于理想化的图景。

    Piaget argued that once adolescents enter the world of work , their newly acquired ability to form hypotheses allows them to create representations that are too ideal .

  4. 没有经过实际工作或职业的磨练,这种理想图景的存在会使青少年们很快对并不理想的世界感到难以忍受并开始以一种明显有青少年特点的方式寻求变革。

    The existence of such ideals , without the tempering of the reality of a job or profession , rapidly leads adolescents to become intolerant of the non-idealistic world and to press for reform in a characteristically adolescent way .

  5. 尽管如此,医生们表示,他们关注的是集体数据,并且现在出现了清哳的图景:美国人饮食中的盐、糖、脂肪和加工食品导致了本国肥胖、糖尿病和心脏病的高发病率。

    Nonetheless , physicians say that they look at the collective data and a clear picture emerges : that the salt , sugar , fat and processed foods in the American diet contribute to the nation 's high rates of obesity , diabetes and heart disease .

  6. 基于以人为核心的SNS理念,社会化搜索将迎来崭新的图景。

    SNS-based human-centered philosophy , social search will usher in a new picture .

  7. 思科副总裁兼首席安全官约翰•斯图尔特(JohnStewart)说,这份报告描绘了网络安全现状的一幅悲观图景。

    John Stewart , senior vice-president and chief security officer , said the report painted a grim picture of the state of cyber security .

  8. 像RubyonRails这样的大型开源项目为我们勾勒出了这样一个美妙图景:程序员们超越时间、国家和语言的障碍,通过远程协同的方式一起工作。

    Large-scale open source projects like Ruby on Rails highlights the best of remote collaboration and programmers working together across time , country , and language barriers .

  9. 由于一个HMD一次只能由一个人使用,因此对图景的讨论就更加困难。

    Because only one person at a time can use an HMD , discussion of images is much more difficult .

  10. 目前的乐观形势与短短几个月前的惨淡图景大相径庭。当时,包括金沙及吕志和旗下银河娱乐(GalaxyEntertainment)在内的多家运营商不得不暂停建筑项目。

    The rosy situation is a far cry from the grim picture just a few months ago , when operators including Sands and Mr Lui 's Galaxy Entertainment were forced to halt construction .

  11. 至于最重要的,恐怕要数社交图景能让Spotify等音乐服务以及Netflix这类流媒体网站更加紧密地将其业务嵌入到Facebook中。

    Perhaps most significant , the social graph lets businesses like music service spotify or streaming site Netflix ( NFlx ) more deeply integrate their services into Facebook .

  12. 如果想研究营销领域的未来图景,再也找不到比俄勒冈州比弗顿耐克公司(Nike)总部的杰里莱丝大厦更合适的地方了。

    If you want to see into the future of marketing and you do there is no better place to look than Beaverton , Ore. , specifically the Jerry rice building at Nike headquarters .

  13. 在伦敦卫生学和热带医学院研究结核病的RuthMcNerney说,这项研究很有趣,但只是“一个大的图景的一小部分”。

    Ruth McNerney who studies TB at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine says the study is interesting but is " a small part of a big picture " .

  14. 用相对论性密度依赖的Hartree方法研究晕核的基本性质,在晕核的唯象图景中,作为剩余相互作用的对关联效应对核晕的描述有关键作用。

    The basic properties of halo nuclei are investigated in the relativistic density dependent Hartree approach , where the correlation effects among halo particles are crucial for the description of the halo property .

  15. Mojang首席运营官乌•布伊(VuBui)表示,如今,大多数乐高场景会提供“你想建的某种东西的完美图景,然后你就把它建成了”。

    Vu Bui , Mojang 's chief operating officer , says most Lego sets these days offer " a perfect picture of something that you want to build , and then it 's done . "

  16. eTOM业务流程框架提供了一种国际通行的企业内部整体活动图景的全方位描述,全面直观、逐级深入地定义和勾画出了企业内部全部的作业活动和业务流程。

    ETOM framework gives us an international and all-sided description of the whole prospect of the activities inside the telecom operators , defines and describes roundly all the work activities and business flows inside the enterprise step by step .

  17. 根据Barro(1991)和Skott(1999)的分析框架,通过构建制度的动态演进方程,文章对在一定约束条件下的制度演进长期均衡路径进行了考察,勾勒出一幅全新的制度演进图景。

    With the analyzing frame of Barro ( 1991 ) and Skott ( 1999 ), the paper insights into the long-term equilibrium path of institutional evolution under some constraints and draw a brand-new outline of institutional evolution in the way of evolutionary equation .

  18. 语言世界图景和概念世界图景:投射与映现

    Linguistic World Vision and Conceptual World Vision : Projecting and Mapping

  19. 中国经济法与行政法的混同:现实图景及原因背景分析

    On the Mix-Up of China 's Economic Law and Administrative Law

  20. 俄汉谚语语言世界图景中的文化差异

    The Cultural Differences of Visions in Proverbs between Russian and Chinese

  21. 深层本体论与辩证唯物主义的世界新图景

    Ontology of Hidden Order and the New Picture of the World

  22. 他把那个地方描绘了一遍,我尝试在心中想象那幅图景。

    He described the place and I tried to visualize it .

  23. 管理新图景:人-境关系理论的崛起

    A New Vista in Management-the Rising of Theory of Man-Environment Relation

  24. 理解更大的图景和理解一切正进展顺利。

    Understand the bigger picture and understand that all is going well .

  25. 多重权力制约下的文化与文学图景

    The Culture and Literature Images under the Restriction of Multiple-Powers

  26. 你想感受到一种当代东西的一流前沿图景吗?

    Do you desire to sense the contemporary first-class and vanguard prospect ?

  27. 中国与欧盟关系的未来空间是一幅什么样的图景?

    And what the blueprint of the future Sino-EU relationship will be ?

  28. 你必须要能读懂这图景。

    You just gotta be able to interpret that picture .

  29. 但是,它的众多写手却描绘了一幅迥然不同的图景。

    Its freelancers paint a very different picture , though .

  30. 这正是我们身置其中的世界图景。

    This is just the very picture in which we are part .