
  • 网络Lake Turkana
  1. 这种极易混淆的情况一直困扰着那些想要解读图尔卡纳湖附近人类化石的研究者们。

    Such confusion has bedevilled the interpretation of the human fossils found near Lake Turkana .

  2. 该研究小组的领导人米芙•利基来自一个著名的古生物学研究家族,1967年,她的丈夫理查德发现图尔卡纳湖附近区域是一块寻找人类化石的好地方,并在那里取得了许多重要发现。

    Dr Leakey is a member of an illustrious palaeontological clan . Her husband , Richard , discovered in 1967 that the area around Lake Turkana is a good place to look for human fossils and made many important finds there ;

  3. 图尔卡纳湖国家公园群

    Lake Turkana National Parks

  4. 图尔卡纳湖是非洲含盐量最高的大湖,它为研究动植物种群提供了良好的环境。

    The most saline of Africa 's large lakes , Turkana is an outstanding laboratory for the study of plant and animal communities .